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LoRa Device Provisioning

This is a Command Line Interface Provisioning Tool to list, query, verify add, update, and remove LoRaWAN leaf devices and LoRaWAN Basic Station devices configured in Azure IoT Hub for the Azure IoT Edge LoRaWAN Gateway project located at:


You can create an platform specific executable by running

dotnet publish -c Release -r win10-x64
dotnet publish -c Release -r linux-x64
dotnet publish -c Release -r osx-x64

See the .NET Core RID Catalog for a list of valid runtime identifiers.


You can run the tool from the command line using .NET Core by executing the dotnet run command from the project folder

dotnet run -- (add verbs and parameters here)

or dotnet loradeviceprovisioning.dll from the bin folder.

dotnet .\bin\Release\net6.0\loradeviceprovisioning.dll -- (add verbs and parameters here)

Setting up

The tool can be configured through command line arguments and an appsettings.json file.

Required command line arguments are specific to the command the user wants to run and are described later in this document. iothub-connection-string argument is required for all commands and needs to contain a connection string for the Azure IoT Hub you want to work with. The connection string needs to belong to a shared access policy with registry read, registry write and service connect permissions enabled. You can use the default policy named iothubowner.

appsettings.json file only contains the Network Id (NetId) value which can be optionally overridden, in case your solution does not use the default Network Id 000001. To set your custom Network Id, create a local appsettings.local.json file with your own NetId value. Since just the last byte from this 3 hex string byte array (6 characters) are used to create a valid DevAddr for ABP LoRa devices, the setting can be either the full 3 bytes (000000 to FFFFFF) or just the shortened, last byte (0 to FF). Both appsettings files need to be in the same directory as the cli-lora-device-provisioning binary (loradeviceprovisioning.dll or loradeviceprovisioning.exe).

  "NetId": "000001"

The NetId value can also be overridden with a command line argument (using --netid option).

To learn more about what each of the settings in the LoRa device twin does, refer to the Quick Start Guide.

Supported commands

The following verbs/commands are supported:

verb description
list List devices in IoT Hub.
query Query a device twin.
verify Verify a single device in IoT Hub.
bulkverify Bulk verify all devices in IoT Hub.
add Add a new device to IoT Hub.
update Update an existing device in IoT Hub.
remove Remove an existing device from IoT Hub.
rotate-certificate Update a client certificate for a Basics Station.
revoke Revoke a client certificate installed on a Basics Station.
upgrade-firmware Trigger a firmware upgrade of a Basics Station.
help Display more information on a specific command.
version Display version information.


List the devices in IoT Hub and show their device twin.


dotnet run -- list --iothub-connection-string <connection_string>

The list verb supports the following parameters:

parameter required description
--iothub-connection-string yes Connection string of the IoT Hub.
--page no Devices per page. Default is 10.
--total no Maximum number of devices to list. Default is all.
--help no Display this help screen.
--version no Display version information.


Show the device twin for an existing device in IoT Hub by it's DevEUI / Device Id.


dotnet run -- query --deveui 33CCC86800430010 --iothub-connection-string <connection_string>

The query verb supports the following parameters:

parameter required description
--deveui yes DevEUI / Device Id.
--iothub-connection-string yes Connection string of the IoT Hub.
--help no Display this help screen.
--version no Display version information.


Verify an existing device in IoT Hub by it's DevEUI / Device Id.


dotnet run -- verify --deveui 33CCC86800430010 --iothub-connection-string <connection_string>

The verify verb supports the following parameters:

parameter required description
--deveui yes DevEUI / Device Id.
--iothub-connection-string yes Connection string of the IoT Hub.
--netid no Network ID (Only for ABP devices): A 3 bit hex string. Will default to 000001 or NetId set in settings file if left blank.
--help no Display this help screen.
--version no Display version information.


Bulk verify all devices in IoT Hub. Only shows the devices that have configuration errors and displays a summary in the end how many devcies are properly configured and how many contain errors.


dotnet run -- bulkverify --page 10 --iothub-connection-string <connection_string>

The bulkverify verb supports the following parameters:

parameter required description
--iothub-connection-string yes Connection string of the IoT Hub.
--page no Errors per page. Default is all.
--help no Display this help screen.
--version no Display version information.


Add a new device to IoT Hub. The data entered will be verified and only created in IoT Hub if it's valid. All required fields that are not provided will be automatically populated with valid, randomly generated by the tool. The only mandatory field is type which has to be set to either ABP or OTAA or concentrator.

To learn more about what each of the settings in the LoRa device twin does, refer to the Quick Start Guide.


dotnet run -- add --type abp --deveui 33CCC86800430010 --decoder http://decodermodule/api/customdecoder --iothub-connection-string <connection_string>

The add verb supports the following parameters:

parameter required description
--type yes Device type: Must be ABP, OTAA or Concentrator.
--region yes for 'Concentrator' type devices Must be the name of one of the regions in the DefaultRouterConfig folder.
--stationeui yes for 'Concentrator' type devices A 16 bit hex string ('AABBCCDDEEFFGGHH').
--iothub-connection-string yes Connection string of the IoT Hub.
--no-cups no No CUPS: Only applicable to 'Concentrator' type devices. If set to true indicates that the concentrator does not use CUPS.
--certificate-bundle-location no Certificate bundle location: Required if --no-cups set to false. Points to the location of the (UTF-8-encoded) certificate bundle file.
--client-certificate-thumbprint no Client certificate thumbprint: Required if --no-cups set to false. A list of client certificate thumbprints (separated by a space) that should be accepted by the CUPS/LNS endpoints.
--tc-uri no LoRaWAN Network Server URI: Required if --no-cups set to false. The URI of the LNS endpoint. Protocol must be set to wss://
--cups-uri no LoRaWAN Network Server URI: Required if --no-cups set to false. The URI of the CUPS endpoint. Protocol must be set to https://
--deveui no DevEUI / Device Id: A 16 bit hex string. Will be randomly generated if left blank.
--appskey no AppSKey (Only for ABP devices): A 16 bit hex string. Will be randomly generated if left blank.
--nwkskey no NwkSKey (Only for ABP devices): A 16 bit hex string. Will be randomly generated if left blank.
--devaddr no DevAddr (Only for ABP devices): A 4 bit hex string. Will be randomly generated if left blank.
--netid no Network ID (Only for ABP devices): A 3 bit hex string. Will default to 000001 or NetId set in settings file if left blank.
--abprelaxmode no ABPRelaxMode (ABP relaxed framecounter, only for ABP devices): True or false.
--appeui no AppEUI (only for OTAA devices): A 16 bit hex string. Will be randomly generated if left blank.
--appkey no AppKey (only for OTAA devices): A 16 bit hex string. Will be randomly generated if left blank.
--gatewayid no GatewayID: A hostname.
--decoder no SensorDecoder: The name of an integrated decoder function or the URI to a decoder in a custom decoder module in the format: http://modulename/api/decodername.
--classtype no ClassType: "A" (default) or "C".
--downlinkenabled no DownlinkEnabled: True or false.
--preferredwindow no PreferredWindow (Preferred receive window): 1 or 2.
--deduplication no Deduplication: None (default), Drop or Mark.
--rx2datarate no Rx2DataRate (Receive window 2 data rate, currently only supported for OTAA devices): Any of the allowed data rates. EU: SF12BW125, SF11BW125, SF10BW125, SF8BW125, SF7BW125, SF7BW250 or 50. US: SF10BW125, SF9BW125, SF8BW125, SF7BW125, SF8BW500, SF12BW500, SF11BW500, SF10BW500, SF9BW500, SF8BW500, SF8BW500.
--rx1droffset no Rx1DrOffset (Receive window 1 data rate offset, currently only supported for OTAA devices): 0 through 15.
--rxdelay no RxDelay (Delay in seconds for sending downstream messages, currently only supported for OTAA devices): 0 through 15.
--keepalivetimeout no KeepAliveTimeout (KeepAliveTimeout (Timeout in seconds before device client connection is closed): 0 or 60 and above.
--supports32bitfcnt no Supports32BitFCnt (Support for 32bit frame counter): True or false.
--fcntupstart no FCntUpStart (Frame counter up start value): 0 through 4294967295.
--fcntdownstart no FCntDownStart (Frame counter down start value): 0 through 4294967295.
--fcntresetcounter no FCntResetCounter (Frame counter reset counter value): 0 through 4294967295.
--help no Display this help screen.
--version no Display version information.


Update the twin information for an existing device.

To remove an existing value that is currently set on the twin, pass it the value null.

To learn more about what each of the settings in the LoRa device twin does, refer to the Quick Start Guide.


dotnet run -- update --deveui 33CCC86800430010 --decoder null --iothub-connection-string <connection_string>

The update verb supports the following parameters:

parameter required description
--deveui yes DevEUI / Device Id: A 16 bit hex string.
--iothub-connection-string yes Connection string of the IoT Hub.
--appskey no AppSKey (Only for ABP devices): A 16 bit hex string.
--nwkskey no NwkSKey (Only for ABP devices): A 16 bit hex string.
--devaddr no DevAddr (Only for ABP devices): A 4 bit hex string.
--netid no Network ID (Only for ABP devices): A 3 bit hex string. Will default to 000001 or NetId set in settings file if left blank.
--abprelaxmode no ABPRelaxMode (ABP relaxed framecounter, only for ABP devices): True or false.
--appeui no AppEUI (only for OTAA devices): A 16 bit hex string.
--appkey no AppKey (only for OTAA devices): A 16 bit hex string.
--gatewayid no GatewayID: A hostname.
--decoder no SensorDecoder: The name of an integrated decoder function or the URI to a decoder in a custom decoder module in the format: http://modulename/api/decodername.
--classtype no ClassType: "A" (default) or "C".
--downlinkenabled no DownlinkEnabled: True or false.
--preferredwindow no PreferredWindow (Preferred receive window): 1 or 2.
--deduplication no Deduplication: None (default), Drop or Mark.
--rx2datarate no Rx2DataRate (Receive window 2 data rate, currently only supported for OTAA devices): Any of the allowed data rates. EU: SF12BW125, SF11BW125, SF10BW125, SF8BW125, SF7BW125, SF7BW250 or 50. US: SF10BW125, SF9BW125, SF8BW125, SF7BW125, SF8BW500, SF12BW500, SF11BW500, SF10BW500, SF9BW500, SF8BW500, SF8BW500.
--rx1droffset no Rx1DrOffset (Receive window 1 data rate offset, currently only supported for OTAA devices): 0 through 15.
--rxdelay no RxDelay (Delay in seconds for sending downstream messages, currently only supported for OTAA devices): 0 through 15.
--keepalivetimeout no KeepAliveTimeout (KeepAliveTimeout (Timeout in seconds before device client connection is closed): 0 or 60 and above.
--supports32bitfcnt no Supports32BitFCnt (Support for 32bit frame counter): True or false.
--fcntupstart no FCntUpStart (Frame counter up start value): 0 through 4294967295.
--fcntdownstart no FCntDownStart (Frame counter down start value): 0 through 4294967295.
--fcntresetcounter no FCntResetCounter (Frame counter reset counter value): 0 through 4294967295.
--help no Display this help screen.
--version no Display version information.


Remove an existing device from IoT Hub by it's DevEUI / Device Id.


dotnet run -- remove --deveui 33CCC86800430010 --iothub-connection-string <connection_string>

The query verb supports the following parameters:

parameter required description
--deveui yes DevEUI / Device Id.
--iothub-connection-string yes Connection string of the IoT Hub.
--help no Display this help screen.
--version no Display version information.


Triggers an update of a client certificate installed on the Basics Station.


dotnet run -- rotate-certificate 
  --stationeui 33CCC86800430010 
  --certificate-bundle-location <bundle_location>
  --client-certificate-thumbprint <thumbprint>
  --iothub-connection-string <iothub_connection_string> 
  --storage-connection-string <storage_connection_string>
parameter required description
--stationeui yes Station EUI
--certificate-bundle-location yes Location of the (UTF-8-encoded) certificate bundle file
--client-certificate-thumbprint yes Client certificate thumbprint that should be accepted by the CUPS/LNS endpoints
--iothub-connection-string yes Connection string of the IoT Hub
--storage-connection-string yes Connection string of the Storage account


Revokes a client certificate installed on the Basics Station.


dotnet run -- revoke 
  --stationeui 33CCC86800430010 
  --client-certificate-thumbprint <thumbprint> 
  --iothub-connection-string <iothub_connection_string>
parameter required description
--stationeui yes Station EUI
--client-certificate-thumbprint yes Client certificate thumbprint that should be revoked
--iothub-connection-string yes Connection string of the IoT Hub


Triggers a firmware upgrade of a Basics Station.

To learn more about executing firmware upgrades, please refer to the Firmware upgrade user guide.


powershell dotnet run -- upgrade-firmware --stationeui <station_eui> --package <package_version> --firmware-location <firmware_file_path> --digest-location <digest_file_path> --checksum-location <checksum_file_path> --iothub-connection-string <iothub_connection_string> --storage-connection-string <storage_connection_string>

The upgrade-firmware verb accepts the following parameters:

parameter required description
--stationeui yes Station EUI
--package yes New package version (e.g. 1.0.1)
--firmware-location yes Local file path of the firmware upgrade executable
--digest-location yes Local file path of the file containing a digest of the firmware upgrade
--checksum-location yes Local file path of the file containing a CRC32 checksum of the key used to generate the digest
--iothub-connection-string yes Connection string of the IoT Hub.
--storage-connection-string yes Connection string of the Storage account.
--help no Display this help screen
--version no Display version information

Last update: 2022-01-26
Created: 2021-11-10
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