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There are five hpcadvisor commands:

  • deploy: operations related to a deployment
  • collect: operation(s) related to data collection (i.e. execution of tasks)
  • dataset: operation(s) related to manipulation of the dataset (e.g. filter, add)
  • plot: operation(s) related to generation of plots
  • advice: operations(s) related to generation of advice
  • gui: trigger of the graphical user interface (gui) via browser

These commands can use the debug mode via -d flag and show help using -h.

A deployment is a resource group that contains all computing resources.

So in general the usage of the hpcadvisor is gonna be:

./hpcadvisor [-d] <command> [ <command parameters> ]


Create a new deployment using user input from file (mandatory) and name of the deployment (optional):

./hpcadvisor deploy create [-h] [-n NAME] [-u USERINPUT] operation

  -n NAME, --name NAME  Deployment name
  -u USERINPUT, --userinput USERINPUT
                        User input

List deployments:

./hpcadvisor deploy list

Shutdown a deployment, which means deleting all resources and resource group.

./hpcadvisor deploy shutdown -n <name>


Collect data (i.e. run jobs). The option cleardeployment is to delete all resources and resource group once the collection is completed and option cleartasks is to run all new tasks that are created, as some tasks may have already been completed for another data collection operation on the same deployment.

./hpcadvisor collect [-h] -n NAME -u USERINPUT [-cd CLEARDEPLOYMENT] [-ct CLEARTASKS]

  -n NAME, --name NAME  Deployment name
  -u USERINPUT, --userinput USERINPUT
                        User input
                        Clear deployment
  -ct CLEARTASKS, --cleartasks CLEARTASKS
                        Clear tasks


Manipulate dataset, file containing data generated by job executions. For now, one can (i) filter out data, based on a filter and output file; and (ii) add a new data point to the dataset file. The dataset file is located at $HOME/.hpcadvisor/dataset.json

usage: hpcadvisor dataset [-h] [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT] operation

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Data filter | New datapoints
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Filtered file


Generate plots.

./hpcadvisor plot [-h] -df DATAFILTER

  -df DATAFILTER, --datafilter DATAFILTER
                        Data filter


Generate advice (pareto-front).

hpcadvisor advice [-h] [-n NAME] [-df DATAFILTER]

  -n NAME, --name NAME  Deployment name
  -df DATAFILTER, --datafilter DATAFILTER
                        Data filter


Run the hpcadvisor using browser (GUI).

./hpcadvisor gui [-h] [-u USERINPUT]

  -u USERINPUT, --userinput USERINPUT
                        User input