
Validation the deployment of the EU Digital Green Certificate Reference Architecture

Issue a Certificate

Issuing a Vaccine, Test or Recovery Certificate will validate that most of the components are up and running successfully, so this shoud be the first validation performed.

Open the Issuance Web Portal in your web browser by opening the following URL, replacing the two placeholders with the matching values from your terraform.tfvars file:


For example, the complete URL would be if your terraform.tfvars had the following options:

prefix               = "tst"
parent_dns_zone_name = ""

Login to the Issuance Portal

Once you have determined the URL of the Issuance Web Portal and visted the URL in your browser, you will be presented with a login screen. Please login using your Azure Active Directory credentials.

Issuance Portal Login

Once logged in, the Issuance Web Portal homepage should be presented:

Issuance Portal Home

Issue a Vaccination Certificate

Choose the Record Vaccination Certification option, complete the required form fields, and choose Next to submit:

Issuance Portal Form

Once submitted, you will be presented with the Vaccine Certificate:

Issuance Portal Certificate

Import the Certificate into the Wallet Android App


Verify a Certificate using the Verifier Android App


Individual Component Validations

SSH to EU or IE Jumpboxes

During the creation of the eudgc-dev terraform stack, a Jumpbox is created for each of the EU and IE stacks, allowing secure access the Azure resources deployed. To SSH into these Jumpboxes, you can use the Azure CLI SSH extention which is preinsalled in the Codespace and DevContainer.

Stack Command
EU az ssh vm -g eudcc-eu -n eudcc-eu-dev-jumpbox-vm
IE az ssh vm -g eudcc-ie -n eudcc-ie-dev-jumpbox-vm

Access AKS

Begin by SSHing to the approperiate EU or IE Jumpbox, and the proceed with the steps below.

Login to Azure CLI

Start by logging into the Azure CLI, and selecting the correct subscription:

$ az login
$ az account set -s <subscription_id>

Login and Inspect the AKS Cluster

Next, login to the AKS Cluster:

$ az aks get-credentials -g eudcc-eu -n eudcc-eu-aks
$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

Calls to Action

Read about web authentication in the next section.