Certificate Generation

Generate Required Certificates


This method of certificate generation is intended only for demonstration purposes with this reference architecture, and it is highly recommended this not be used in a production environment.

Background and Further Reading

The EU Digital Covid Certificate project uses and generates many different certificates and certificate authorities (CAs). A summary of the most important certificates and CAs has been included in the table below. For a full list of these, please refer to the upstream documentation for complete documentation of these certificates and CAs.

Owner Name Signed By CA Description
EU Trustanchor Self-Signed Root Certificate Authority (CA)
Country Auth Trustanchor The Auth cert is used to authenticate against the EU Gateway for read operations
Country Upload Trustanchor The Upload cert is used to authenticate against the EU Gateway for upload (write) operations
Country CSCA Trustanchor The Country Signing Certificate Authority (CSCA) is used to sign Document Signer Certificates
Country DSC Country CSCA The Document Signer Certificates (DSC) are used to sign individual Digital Covid Certificates
Individual DCC Country DSC The Digital Covid Certificate (DCC) that is issued to members of the general public

Generating the required certificates for the Reference Architecture

Use the following command from the root folder of the Git clone to automatically generate the necessary certs for use in a test environment. For a production deployment, please refer to the upstream dgc-participating-countries project for guidance on generating certificates, safe handling of certificates, and onboarding those certificates to the EU gateway.

$ make certs

[ .. SNIP .. ]

Signing IE Auth Cert
Signing IE CSCA Cert
Signing IE Upload Cert

Calls to Action

Read about deployment in the next section.