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Start the Enterprise Policy as Code (EPAC) Implementation


EPAC is a true desired state deployment technology. It takes possession of all Policy Resources at the deploymentRootScope and its children. It will delete any Policy resources not defined in the EPAC repo. This behavior can be modified as documented in the desired state strategy page.

Getting Started

The following steps are required to implement Enterprise Policy as Code (EPAC) in your environment:

  1. Understand concepts and environments.
  2. Determine desired state strategy.
  3. How to handle Defender for Cloud Policy Assignments.
  4. Design your CI/CD process.
  5. Install Powershell and EPAC.
  6. Create your Definitions folder and subfolders.
  7. Populate global-settings.jsonc with your environment settings and desired state strategy.
  8. Populate your Definitions folder with Policy resources. (For a folder structure example, please see StarterKit/Definitions-Common)
  9. Implement your CI/CD pipelines.
  10. Operate your environment with the provided operational scripts.

EPAC Concepts and Environments


Understanding the concepts and environments is crucial. Do not proceed until you completely understand this section.

EPAC Concepts

Like any other code development project (including Infrastructure as Code - IaC), developing Policy requires a development area to test and validate the Policy resources before deploying them to production. EPAC is no different.

  • EPAC's nonprod environment is used to develop and test Policy resources. In most cases you will need one management group hierarchy to simulate EPAC production tenants and management groups for development and testing of Policy definitions and Policy Assignments.
  • EPAC's prod environment will govern all other IaC environments (e.g., sandbox, development, integration, test/qa, pre-prod, prod, ...) and tenants. This can be confusing. We will use EPAC environments and IaC environments to disambiguate the environments.

Defining EPAC Environments

EPAC defines environments identified by a string (unique per repository) called pacSelector. pacEnvironments in global-settings.jsonc environment map a pacSelector to the following settings:

  • cloud - to select commercial or sovereign cloud environments.
  • tenantId - enables multi-tenant scenarios.
  • rootDefinitionScope - scope for custom Policy and Policy Set definition deployment.
  • [Optional] Define the following items:
  • globalNotScopes - used to exclude scopes from Policy Assignments.
  • managedIdentityLocation - used for the location for created Managed Identities.
  • desiredState - desired state strategy and details for Policy resources.
  • managedTenant - used for environments that are in a lighthouse managed tenant.

These associations are stored in global-settings.jsonc in an element called pacEnvironments.

Multi-Tenant Support

EPAC supports single and multi-tenant deployments from a single source. In most cases you should have a fully or partially isolated area for Policy development and testing, such as a Management Group. An entire tenant can be used; however, it is not necessary since EPAC has sophisticated partitioning capabilities. EPAC also supports deployments to managed (Lighthouse) tenants and is able to deploy cross tenant role assignments to projected subscriptions in order to facilitate writing data back to the managing tenant (e.g. diagnostic settings).

Example Management Group Structure and EPAC Environments

Assuming that you have a single tenant with a management group hierarchy as follows (with additional levels of management groups not shown for brevity):

  • Root tenant (always present)
  • mg-Enterprise (pseudo root)
    • mg-Identity
    • mg-NonProd
    • mg-Dev
    • mg-Sandbox
    • ...
    • mg-Prod
    • mg-LandingZones
    • mg-PCI
    • mg-EpacDev (EPAC development)

You should create a development testing structure for EPAC in mg-EpacDev. We have found little need for a separate management group for EPAC testing, but you can create one mirroring the structure of mg-EpacDev.

  • Root tenant (always present)
  • mg-Enterprise (pseudo root) :arrow_right: EPAC environment "tenant"
    • mg-Identity
    • mg-NonProd
    • mg-Sandbox
    • mg-Prod
    • mg-PCI
    • mg-EpacDev (EPAC development) :arrow_right: EPAC environment "epac-dev"
    • mg-EpacDev-Identity
    • mg-EpacDev-NonProd
      • mg-EpacDev-Dev
      • mg-EpacDev-Sandbox
    • mg-EpacDev-Prod
      • mg-EpacDev-LandingZones
      • mg-EpacDev-PCI

The simplest global-settings.jsonc for the above structure is:

    "$schema": "",
    "pacOwnerId": "{{guid}}",
    "pacEnvironments": [
            "pacSelector": "epac-dev",
            "cloud": "AzureCloud",
            "tenantId": "{{tenant-id}}",
            "deploymentRootScope": "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/mg-Epac-Dev"
            "pacSelector": "tenant",
            "cloud": "AzureCloud",
            "tenantId": "{{tenant-id}}",
            "deploymentRootScope": "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/mg-Enterprise"

For assignment files, this is a top level property on the assignment's root node:

"nodeName": "/root",
"epacCloudEnvironments": [

Install Powershell and EPAC

EPAC can be installed in two ways:

Installation Steps

  1. Install PowerShell 7.4 or later.
  2. Install the Az PowerShell modules and Enterprise Policy as Code module.
    Install-Module Az -Scope CurrentUser
    Install-Module EnterprisePolicyAsCode -Scope CurrentUser


Experimental or features containing large breaking changes may be available as a prerelease version in GitHub and in PowerShell. To install one of these versions use the -AllowPrerelease parameter in Install-Module. Be aware that these version are not supported for production use and may introduce breaking changes. Where a feature is implemented in a prerelease it will be documented accordingly.

Many scripts use parameters for input and output folders. They default to the current directory. We recommend that you do one of the following approaches instead of accepting the default to prevent your files being created in the wrong location: - [Preferred] Set the environment variables PAC_DEFINITIONS_FOLDER, PAC_OUTPUT_FOLDER, and PAC_INPUT_FOLDER. - [Alternative] Use the script parameters -DefinitionsRootFolder, -OutputFolder, and -InputFolder.

Definitions Folder Structure

  • Define the Azure environment(s) in file global-settings.jsonc
  • Create custom Policies (optional) in folder policyDefinitions
  • Create custom Policy Sets (optional) in folder policySetDefinitions
  • Define the Policy Assignments in folder policyAssignments
  • Define the Policy Exemptions (optional) in folder policyExemptions
  • Define Documentation in folder policyDocumentations

Create the Definitions folder

Create a new EPAC Definitions folder with a number of subfolder and a global-settings.jsonc file.


For a folder structure example, please see StarterKit/Definitions-Common.

New-HydrationDefinitionsFolder -DefinitionsRootFolder Definitions

Cloud Environment with Unsupported/Missing Policy Definitions

In some multi-tenant implementations, not all policies, policy sets, and/or assignments will function in all tenants, usually due to either built-in policies that don't exist in some tenant types or unavailable resource providers. In order to facilitate multi-tenant deployments in these scenarios, utilize the epacCloudEnvironments property to specify which cloud type a specific file should be considered in. For example in order to have a policy definition deployed only to epacEnvironments that are China cloud tenants, add a metadata property like this to that definition (or definitionSet) file:

"metadata": {
  "epacCloudEnvironments": [

Debug EPAC issues

Should you encounter issues with the expected behavior of EPAC, try the following: