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Scripts References

Script Build-PolicyDocumentation

Builds documentation from instructions in policyDocumentations folder reading the deployed Policy Resources from the EPAC environment.

Build-PolicyDocumentation [[-DefinitionsRootFolder] <String>] [[-OutputFolder] <String>] [-WindowsNewLineCells] [-Interactive <Boolean>] [-SuppressConfirmation] [-IncludeManualPolicies] [<CommonParameters>]


-DefinitionsRootFolder <String>

Definitions folder path. Defaults to environment variable `$env:PAC_DEFINITIONS_FOLDER or './Definitions'.

-OutputFolder <String>

Output Folder. Defaults to environment variable `$env:PAC_OUTPUT_FOLDER or './Outputs'.

-WindowsNewLineCells [<SwitchParameter>]

Formats CSV multi-object cells to use new lines and saves it as UTF-8 with BOM - works only for Excel in Windows. Default uses commas to separate array elements within a cell

-Interactive <Boolean>

Set to false if used non-interactive

-SuppressConfirmation [<SwitchParameter>]

Suppresses prompt for confirmation to delete an existing file in interactive mode

-IncludeManualPolicies [<SwitchParameter>]

Include Policies with effect Manual. Default: do not include Policies with effect Manual.

Script New-AzRemediationTasks

The New-AzRemediationTasks PowerShell creates remediation tasks for all non-compliant resources in the current AAD tenant. If one or multiple remediation tasks fail, their respective objects are added to a PowerShell variable that is outputted for later use in the Azure DevOps Pipeline.

New-AzRemediationTasks [[-PacEnvironmentSelector] <String>] [-DefinitionsRootFolder <String>] [-Interactive <Boolean>] [-OnlyCheckManagedAssignments] [-PolicyDefinitionFilter <String[]>] [-PolicySetDefinitionFilter <String[]>] [-PolicyAssignmentFilter <String[]>] [-PolicyEffectFilter <String[]>] [-NoWait] [-TestRun] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


-PacEnvironmentSelector <String>

Defines which Policy as Code (PAC) environment we are using, if omitted, the script prompts for a value. The values are read from `$DefinitionsRootFolder/global-settings.jsonc.

-DefinitionsRootFolder <String>

Definitions folder path. Defaults to environment variable `$env:PAC_DEFINITIONS_FOLDER or './Definitions'.

-Interactive <Boolean>

Set to false if used non-interactive

-OnlyCheckManagedAssignments [<SwitchParameter>]

Include non-compliance data only for Policy assignments owned by this Policy as Code repo

-PolicyDefinitionFilter <String[]>

Filter by Policy definition names (array) or ids (array).

-PolicySetDefinitionFilter <String[]>

Filter by Policy Set definition names (array) or ids (array).

-PolicyAssignmentFilter <String[]>

Filter by Policy Assignment names (array) or ids (array).

-PolicyEffectFilter <String[]>

Filter by Policy effect (array).

-NoWait [<SwitchParameter>]

Indicates that the script should not wait for the remediation tasks to complete.

-TestRun [<SwitchParameter>]

Simulates the actions of the command without actually performing them. Useful for testing.

-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]

Prompts for confirmation before executing the command.

Script New-AzureDevOpsBug

Creates a Bug on the current Iteration of a team when one or multiple Remediation Tasks fail. The Bug is formatted as an HTML table and contains information on the name and URL properties. As a result, the team can easily locate and resolve the Remediation Tasks that failed.

New-AzureDevOpsBug [-FailedPolicyRemediationTasksJsonString] <String> [-ModuleName] <String> [-OrganizationName] <String> [-ProjectName] <String> [-PersonalAccessToken] <String> [-TeamName] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


-FailedPolicyRemediationTasksJsonString <String>

Specifies the JSON string that contains the objects of one or multiple failed Remediation Tasks.

-ModuleName <String>

Specifies the name of the PowerShell module installed at the beginning of the PowerShell script. By default, this is the VSTeam PowerShell Module.

-OrganizationName <String>

Specifies the name of the Azure DevOps Organization.

-ProjectName <String>

Specifies the name of the Azure DevOps Project.

-PersonalAccessToken <String>

Specifies the Personal Access Token that is used for authentication purposes. Make sure that you use the AzureKeyVault@2 task (link below) for this purpose.

-TeamName <String>

Specifies the name of the Azure DevOps team.

Script New-GitHubIssue

Creates an Issue in a GitHub Repository that is located under a GitHub Organization when one or multiple Remediation Tasks fail. The Bug is formatted as an HTML table and contains information on the name and URL properties. As a result, the team can easily locate and resolve the Remediation Tasks that failed.

New-GitHubIssue [-FailedPolicyRemediationTasksJsonString] <String> [-OrganizationName] <String> [-RepositoryName] <String> [-PersonalAccessToken] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


-FailedPolicyRemediationTasksJsonString <String>

Specifies the JSON string that contains the objects of one or multiple failed Remediation Tasks.

-OrganizationName <String>

Specifies the name of the GitHub Organization.

-RepositoryName <String>

Specifies the name of the GitHub Repository.

-PersonalAccessToken <String>

Script Export-AzPolicyResources

Exports Azure Policy resources in EPAC format or raw format. It also generates documentation for the exported resources (can be suppressed with -SuppressDocumentation).

Export-AzPolicyResources [[-DefinitionsRootFolder] <String>] [[-OutputFolder] <String>] [[-Interactive] <Boolean>] [-IncludeChildScopes] [-IncludeAutoAssigned] [[-ExemptionFiles] <String>] [[-FileExtension] <String>] [[-Mode] <String>] [[-InputPacSelector] <String>] [-SuppressDocumentation] [-SuppressEpacOutput] [-PSRuleIgnoreFullScope] [<CommonParameters>]


-DefinitionsRootFolder <String>

    Definitions folder path. Defaults to environment variable $env:PAC_DEFINITIONS_FOLDER or './Definitions'.

-OutputFolder <String>

Output Folder. Defaults to environment variable $env:PAC_OUTPUT_FOLDER or './Outputs'.

-Interactive <Boolean>

Set to false if used non-interactive. Defaults to $true.

-IncludeChildScopes [<SwitchParameter>]

Switch parameter to include Policies and Policy Sets definitions in child scopes

-IncludeAutoAssigned [<SwitchParameter>]

Switch parameter to include Assignments auto-assigned by Defender for Cloud

-ExemptionFiles <String>

Create Exemption files (none=suppress, csv=as a csv file, json=as a json or jsonc file). Defaults to 'csv'.

-FileExtension <String>

File extension type for the output files. Defaults to '.jsonc'.

-Mode <String>

Operating mode:

  • export exports EPAC environments in EPAC format, which should be used with -Interactive $true in a multi-tenant scenario, or used with an inputPacSelector to limit the scope to one EPAC environment.
  • collectRawFile exports the raw data only; Often used with 'inputPacSelector' when running non-interactive in a multi-tenant scenario to collect the raw data once per tenant into a file named after the EPAC environment
  • exportFromRawFiles reads the files generated with one or more runs of b) and outputs the files the same as normal 'export'.
  • exportRawToPipeline exports EPAC environments in EPAC format, which should be used with -Interactive $true in a multi-tenant scenario, or used with an inputPacSelector to limit the scope to one EPAC environment.
  • psrule exports EPAC environment into a file which can be used to create policy rules for PSRule for Azure

-InputPacSelector <String>

Limits the collection to one EPAC environment, useful for non-interactive use in a multi-tenant scenario, especially with -Mode 'collectRawFile'. The default is '*' which will execute all EPAC-Environments.

-SuppressDocumentation [<SwitchParameter>]

Suppress documentation generation.

-SuppressEpacOutput [<SwitchParameter>]

Suppress output generation in EPAC format.

-PSRuleIgnoreFullScope [<SwitchParameter>]

Ignore full scope for PsRule Extraction

Script Export-NonComplianceReports

Exports Non-Compliance Reports in CSV format

Export-NonComplianceReports [[-PacEnvironmentSelector] <String>] [-DefinitionsRootFolder <String>] [-OutputFolder <String>] [-WindowsNewLineCells] [-Interactive <Boolean>] [-OnlyCheckManagedAssignments] [-PolicyDefinitionFilter <String[]>] [-PolicySetDefinitionFilter <String[]>] [-PolicyAssignmentFilter <String[]>] [-PolicyEffectFilter <String[]>] [-ExcludeManualPolicyEffect] [-RemediationOnly] [<CommonParameters>]


-PacEnvironmentSelector <String>

Defines which Policy as Code (PAC) environment we are using, if omitted, the script prompts for a value. The values are read from `$DefinitionsRootFolder/global-settings.jsonc.

-DefinitionsRootFolder <String>

    Definitions folder path. Defaults to environment variable `$env:PAC_DEFINITIONS_FOLDER or './Definitions'.

-OutputFolder <String>

Output Folder. Defaults to environment variable `$env:PAC_OUTPUT_FOLDER or './Outputs'.

-WindowsNewLineCells [<SwitchParameter>]

Formats CSV multi-object cells to use new lines and saves it as UTF-8 with BOM - works only fro Excel in Windows. Default uses commas to separate array elements within a cell

-Interactive <Boolean>

Set to false if used non-interactive

-OnlyCheckManagedAssignments [<SwitchParameter>]

Include non-compliance data only for Policy assignments owned by this Policy as Code repo

-PolicyDefinitionFilter <String[]>

Filter by Policy definition names (array) or ids (array).

-PolicySetDefinitionFilter <String[]>

Filter by Policy Set definition names (array) or ids (array).

-PolicyAssignmentFilter <String[]>

Filter by Policy Assignment names (array) or ids (array).

-PolicyEffectFilter <String[]>

Filter by Policy Effect (array).

-ExcludeManualPolicyEffect [<SwitchParameter>]

Switch parameter to filter out Policy Effect Manual

-RemediationOnly [<SwitchParameter>]

Filter by Policy Effect "deployifnotexists" and "modify" and compliance status "NonCompliant"

Script Get-AzExemptions

Retrieves Policy Exemptions from an EPAC environment and saves them to files.

Get-AzExemptions [[-PacEnvironmentSelector] <String>] [-DefinitionsRootFolder <String>] [-OutputFolder <String>] [-Interactive <Boolean>] [-FileExtension <String>] [-ActiveExemptionsOnly] [<CommonParameters>]


-PacEnvironmentSelector <String>

Defines which Policy as Code (PAC) environment we are using, if omitted, the script prompts for a value. The values are read from `$DefinitionsRootFolder/global-settings.jsonc.

-DefinitionsRootFolder <String>

Definitions folder path. Defaults to environment variable `$env:PAC_DEFINITIONS_FOLDER or './Definitions'.

-OutputFolder <String>

Output Folder. Defaults to environment variable `$env:PAC_OUTPUT_FOLDER or './Outputs'.

-Interactive <Boolean>

Set to false if used non-interactive

-FileExtension <String>

File extension type for the output files. Valid values are json or jsonc. The default output file is json.

-ActiveExemptionsOnly [<SwitchParameter>]

Set to true to only generate files for active (not expired and not orphaned) exemptions. Defaults to false.

Script Get-AzMissingTags

Gets all resources that are missing tags in the current subscription.

Get-AzMissingTags [[-PacEnvironmentSelector] <String>] [-DefinitionsRootFolder <String>] [-OutputFileName <String>] [-Interactive <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]


-PacEnvironmentSelector <String>

Defines which Policy as Code (PAC) environment we are using, if omitted, the script prompts for a value. The values are read from `$DefinitionsRootFolder/global-settings.jsonc.

-DefinitionsRootFolder <String>

Definitions folder path. Defaults to environment variable `$env:PAC_DEFINITIONS_FOLDER or './Definitions'.

-OutputFileName <String>

Output file name. Defaults to environment variable `$env:PAC_OUTPUT_FOLDER/Tags/missing-tags-results.csv or './Outputs/Tags/missing-tags-results.csv'.

-Interactive <Boolean>

Set to false if used non-interactive

Script Get-AzPolicyAliasOutputCSV

Gets all aliases and outputs them to a CSV file.

Get-AzPolicyAliasOutputCSV [<CommonParameters>]

Script New-AzPolicyReaderRole

Creates a custom role 'Policy Reader' that provides read access to all Policy resources to plan the EPAC deployments.

New-AzPolicyReaderRole [[-PacEnvironmentSelector] <String>] [-DefinitionsRootFolder <String>] [-Interactive <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]


-PacEnvironmentSelector <String>

Defines which Policy as Code (PAC) environment we are using, if omitted, the script prompts for a value. The values are read from `$DefinitionsRootFolder/global-settings.jsonc.

-DefinitionsRootFolder <String>

Definitions folder path. Defaults to environment variable `$env:PAC_DEFINITIONS_FOLDER or './Definitions'.

-Interactive <Boolean>

Set to false if used non-interactive

Script New-HydrationDefinitionFolder

Creates a definitions folder with the correct folder structure and blank global settings file.

New-HydrationDefinitionFolder [[-DefinitionsRootFolder] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Creates a definitions folder with the correct folder structure and blank global settings file.


-DefinitionsRootFolder <String>

The folder path to create the definitions root folder (./Definitions)

Script New-EpacGlobalSettings

Creates a global-settings.jsonc file with a new GUID, managed identity location and tenant information

New-EpacGlobalSettings [-ManagedIdentityLocation] <String> [-TenantId] <String> [-DefinitionsRootFolder] <String> [-DeploymentRootScope] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


-ManagedIdentityLocation <String>

The Azure location to store the managed identities (Get-AzLocation|Select Location)

-TenantId <String>

The Azure tenant id

-DefinitionsRootFolder <String>

The folder path to where the New-EpacDefinitionsFolder command created the definitions root folder (C:\definitions)

-DeploymentRootScope <String>

The root management group to export definitions and assignments (/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/)

Script New-EpacPolicyAssignmentDefinition

Exports a policy assignment from Azure to a local file in the EPAC format.

New-EpacPolicyAssignmentDefinition [-PolicyAssignmentId] <String> [[-OutputFolder] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


-PolicyAssignmentId <String>

The policy assignment id

-OutputFolder <String>

The folder path for the Policy Assignment.

Script New-EpacPolicyDefinition

Exports a Policy definition from Azure to a local file in the EPAC format

New-EpacPolicyDefinition [-PolicyDefinitionId] <String> [[-OutputFolder] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


-PolicyDefinitionId <String>

The Policy definition id.

-OutputFolder <String>

The folder path for the Policy Definition.

Script New-PipelineFromStarterKit

This script copies pipelines and templates from the starter kit to a new folder. The script assembles the pipelines/workflows based on the type of pipeline to create, the branching flow to implement, and the type of script to use.

New-PipelineFromStarterKit [[-StarterKitFolder] <String>] [[-PipelinesFolder] <String>] [[-PipelineType] <String>] [[-BranchingFlow] <String>] [[-ScriptType] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


-StarterKitFolder <String>

Starter kit folder

-PipelinesFolder <String>

New pipeline folder

-PipelineType <String>

Type of DevOps pipeline to create AzureDevOps or GitHubActions?

-BranchingFlow <String>

Implementing branching flow Release or GitHub

-ScriptType <String>

Using Powershell module or script?