
Azure Updates 09/2022 - Highlights

Microsoft DevBox :star:

:boom: Preview

Microsoft Dev Box is now in public preview. Microsoft Dev Box provides self-service access for developers to high-performance, cloud-based workstations preconfigured and ready-to-code for specific projects—all while maintaining security and corporate governance.

With Microsoft Dev Box, organizations can:



:flight_arrival: Updated/New Features

Now you can add a new condition, daysAfterLastTierChangeGreaterThan, in your rules, to skip the archiving action if the blobs are newly rehydrated.



:dizzy: GA :star:

As part of our commitment to continuously add new capabilities to our Azure Disk Storage portfolio, live resize for Premium SSD and Standard SSD Disk Storage is now generally available.



:boom: Preview

Today we are releasing the ability to encrypt storage account with customer-managed keys (CMK) using an Azure Key Vault hosted on a different Azure Active Directory tenant.



:flight_arrival: Updated/New Features

With resource instance rules, you can now configure your storage account to only allow access from specific resource instances of such Azure services. For example, Azure Synapse offers analytic capabilities that cannot be deployed into a virtual network. If your Synapse workspace uses such capabilities, you can configure a resource instance rule on a secured storage account to only allow traffic from that Synapse workspace.


Virtual Machines :star:

:boom: Preview

Ephemeral OS disk customers can choose encryption type between platform managed keys or customer managed keys for host-based encryption.



:dizzy: GA

All the VM series listed above are now generally available in multiple regions and feature the Ampere Altra Arm-based processor operating at up to 3.0GHz frequency. The Altra Arm-based processor was architected for scale-out cloud environments to deliver efficient performance and help reduce overall environmental impact of computing operations.



:dizzy: GA :star:

As part of our continued commitment to open source solutions, we are announcing the general availability of Azure Managed Grafana, a managed service that enables you to run Grafana natively within the Azure cloud platform. Additionally, we’re introducing new capabilities that include the latest Grafana v9.0 features with its improved alerting experience as well as zone redundancy (in preview) and API key support.



:dizzy: GA :star:

Several key change analysis capabilities and integrations have been released into general availability (GA).



:flight_arrival: Updated/New Features



:flight_arrival: Updated/New Features :star:

Azure Monitor container insights allow you to monitor your container and Kubernetes workloads. When enabling container insights, Azure Monitor deploys a containerized collection agent.

This agent is being renamed from OMSAgent to Azure Monitor agent. The current OMSAgent name is a legacy name from the OMS product and does not reflect the branding for Azure Monitor. The Azure Monitor agent is being standardized as the single collection agent for Azure Monitor. The name change brings the agent’s name in line with these updates.



:boom: Preview

Container insights now supports integration with Azure Monitor agent for AKS clusters and Arc-enabled clusters. This integration is now generally available for Linux nodes in AKS and Arc-enabled clusters.This specialized agent collects performance and event data from all nodes in the cluster, and the agent is automatically deployed and registered with the specified log analytics workspace during deployment.


Communications Services

:dizzy: GA

Azure Communication Services now supports communication experiences for Teams identities. Developers can build custom standalone applications that integrate audio, video, and telephony for Teams users.


API Management

:flight_arrival: Updated/New Features

Azure API Management support for custom widgets in the developer portal is now generally available.


App Services

:flight_arrival: Updated/New Features

Enterprise-grade edge for Azure Static Web Apps is now generally available.

Key features:


App Configuration

:boom: Preview

Azure Storage Explorer now offers an extension for Azure App Configuration–you can now work with Azure App Configuration resources under your Azure subscriptions directly in Storage Explorer.



:boom: Preview

App Service and Azure Functions now support referencing configuration key-values from the Azure App Configuration service.



:boom: Preview

Azure App Configuration now supports replicating your configuration data in the configuration store to replicas in other Azure regions. Available to standard tier subscribers, any updates or additions to key/values in the configuration store or in a replica will be automatically synchronized, using an eventual consistency model.

This delivers benefits including:



:dizzy: GA

The Event Grid blob trigger handles events raised by a storage account and is now generally available.



:boom: Preview

Azure Functions support for Node.js 18 is now in public preview. This version of Node.js is supported by Functions runtime v4.x.


CosmosDB :star:

:flight_arrival: Updated/New Features



:boom: Preview


SQL Database

:boom: Preview :star:

In late August 2022, the following updates and enhancements were made to Azure SQL:



:dizzy: GA

In late August 2022, the following updates and enhancements were made to Azure SQL:


Event Hub

:boom: Preview :star:

Process your real time data streams in Azure Event Hubs using Azure Stream Analytics. The no code editor allows you to easily develop a Stream Analytics job without writing a single line of code. Within minutes, you can develop and run a job that tackles many scenarios.

There are four new features which will help you build and monitor your jobs:


Container Apps

:flight_arrival: Updated/New Features

Azure Container Apps (ACA) support for Dapr release 1.8.3 is now generally available.

Dapr v1.8 release notes


Data Explorer

:dizzy: GA

Azure Data Explorer (ADX) now supports ingesting data from S3 natively in a cost effective and scalable manner. Previously, you had to rely on complex ETL pipelines, or orchestrators to ingest data from S3.



:flight_arrival: Updated/New Features :star:


AKS / Kubernetes Service

:dizzy: GA :star:

AKS support for Kubernetes release 1.24 is now generally available.



:dizzy: GA

Using Azure Dedicated Hosts for nodes with your AKS cluster enables:



:flight_arrival: Updated/New Features

AKS now supports key management system (KMS) plugin integration enabling encryption at rest of your Kubernetes data in etcd using Azure Key Vault allowing you to store secrets in bring your own key (BYOK) encrypted etcd using KMS.

From the Kubernetes documentation on Encrypting Secret Data at Rest:

KMS plugin for Key Vault is the recommended choice for using a third-party tool for key management. KMS plugin simplifies key rotation, with a new data encryption key (DEK) generated for each encryption, and key encryption key (KEK) rotation controlled by the user.




:boom: Preview



:boom: Preview :star:

With this preview, you can use the Azure Blob CSI driver as a managed addon in AKS with built in storage classes for NFS and BlobFuse, reducing the operational overhead and maximizing time to value.



:boom: Preview :star:

The AKS DevX extension for Visual Studio Code is in public preview. This extension enhances your day-to-day life as a developer on Azure Kubernetes Service and is focused on non-cluster developer experiences.


Virtual Network

:flight_arrival: Updated/New Features :star:

Network security groups (NSGs) support for private endpoints is now generally available.

At this time, Private Link network security group support is available in most public regions.


Load Testing

:boom: Preview

Azure Load Testing now supports load testing for private endpoints.

This functionality enables the following usage scenarios:


Machine Learning

:flight_arrival: Updated/New Features

Hierarchical forecasting eliminates the need for you to manually create individual models to produce forecasts for your hierarchy data, aiming to generate hierarchy-aware and consistent forecasts at all levels of your hierarchy.



:boom: Preview :star:

AutoML Code Generation is now available for all 10 AutoML tasks across tabular, images & text data.


Database for MySQL

:flight_arrival: Updated/New Features


Redis Cache :star:

:moneybag: Pricing Updates

Save up to 55 percent on your usage of the Enterprise and Enterprise Flash tiers of Azure Cache for Redis by purchasing reserved instances.


Stream Analytics

:boom: Preview

Stream Analytics no-code editor was announced for public preview at Microsoft Build 2022. This month, it has been refreshed with several new capabilities including:



:flight_arrival: Updated/New Features



:dizzy: GA

You can easily configure an Azure Database for PostgreSQL instance as output to your Stream Analytics job with zero code. This functionality is now generally available.



:flight_arrival: Updated/New Features

You can now use Stream Analytics clusters to securely connect your jobs to write to dedicated synapse SQL pools using managed private endpoints.

Setting this up is a simple, two step operation,



:flight_arrival: Updated/New Features

Announcing an up to 45% performance boost for CPU intensive jobs by default. This improvement allows you to reduce the number of streaming units assigned to such jobs and save on costs without impacting performance.


Azure Regions :star:

:earth_africa: Region Updates


Azure Regions