The HyperDrive configuration includes information about hyperparameter space sampling, termination policy, primary metric, estimator, and the compute target to execute the experiment runs on.

To submit the HyperDrive experiment, pass the HyperDriveConfig object returned from this method to submit_experiment().

  max_concurrent_runs = NULL,
  max_duration_minutes = 10080L,
  policy = NULL,
  estimator = NULL



The hyperparameter sampling space. Can be a RandomParameterSampling, GridParameterSampling, or BayesianParameterSampling object.


A string of the name of the primary metric reported by the experiment runs.


The PrimaryMetricGoal object. This parameter determines if the primary metric is to be minimized or maximized when evaluating runs.


An integer of the maximum total number of runs to create. This is the upper bound; there may be fewer runs when the sample space is smaller than this value. If both max_total_runs and max_duration_minutes are specified, the hyperparameter tuning experiment terminates when the first of these two thresholds is reached.


An integer of the maximum number of runs to execute concurrently. If NULL, all runs are launched in parallel. The number of concurrent runs is gated on the resources available in the specified compute target. Hence, you need to ensure that the compute target has the available resources for the desired concurrency.


An integer of the maximum duration of the HyperDrive run. Once this time is exceeded, any runs still executing are cancelled. If both max_total_runs and max_duration_minutes are specified, the hyperparameter tuning experiment terminates when the first of these two thresholds is reached.


The early termination policy to use. Can be either a BanditPolicy, MedianStoppingPolicy, or TruncationSelectionPolicy object. If NULL (the default), no early termination policy will be used.

The MedianStoppingPolicy with delay_evaluation of = 5 is a good termination policy to start with. These are conservative settings that can provide 25%-35% savings with no loss on primary metric (based on our evaluation data).


The Estimator object.


The HyperDriveConfig object.

See also



if (FALSE) { # Load the workspace ws <- load_workspace_from_config() # Get the compute target compute_target <- get_compute(ws, cluster_name = 'mycluster') # Define the primary metric goal goal = primary_metric_goal("MAXIMIZE") # Define the early termination policy early_termination_policy = median_stopping_policy(evaluation_interval = 1L, delay_evaluation = 5L) # Create the estimator est <- estimator(source_directory = '.', entry_script = 'train.R', compute_target = compute_target) # Create the HyperDrive configuration hyperdrive_run_config = hyperdrive_config( hyperparameter_sampling = param_sampling, primary_metric_name = 'accuracy', primary_metric_goal = goal, max_total_runs = 100, max_concurrent_runs = 4, policy = early_termination_policy, estimator = est) # Submit the HyperDrive experiment exp <- experiment(ws, name = 'myexperiment') run = submit_experiment(exp, hyperdrive_run_config) }