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addSubscriber(IAndroidCameraSubscriber) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation.VisionSourceHelper
public method to start android camera
addSubscriber(IAndroidCameraSubscriber) - Method in interface com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation.VisionSourceHelper.VisionSourceAccessor
AsyncThreadService - Class in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation
Internal AsyncThreadService class, which wraps Java ExecutorService as static and shared between all SDK instances who needs to do async operations.
AsyncThreadService() - Constructor for class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation.AsyncThreadService
autoFocus(Runnable) - Method in interface com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation.VisionSourceHelper.VisionSourceAccessor


BoundingBox - Class in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common
Represents a rectangular area inside an image.
BoundingBox(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.BoundingBox
Instantiates a new BoundingBox.


close() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.Frame
Explicitly frees any external resource attached to the object
close() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameFormat
Explicitly frees any external resource attached to the object
close() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameReader
Explicitly frees any external resource attached to the object
close() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameSource
Explicitly frees any external resource attached to the object.
close() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameWriter
Dispose of associated resources.
close() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.ImageSourceBuffer
Explicitly frees any external resource attached to the object
close() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.ImageWriter
Dispose of associated resources.
close() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.PropertyCollection
Dispose of the associated parameter value collection.
close() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceAdvancedOptions
Explicitly frees any external resource attached to the object
close() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceOptions
Dispose of associated resources.
close() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionSource
Explicitly frees any external resource attached to the object
closeWriter() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameSource
Closes the frame source for writing.
closeWriter() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.ImageSourceBuffer
Closes the frame source for writing.
com.azure.android.ai.vision.common - package com.azure.android.ai.vision.common
com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation - package com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation
createFourCCFormat(char, char, char, char, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameFormat
Creates FrameFormat instance from FourCCFormat
createRGBFormat(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameFormat
Creates FrameFormat instance from RGB format


Diagnostics - Class in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common
Native logging and other diagnostics
Diagnostics() - Constructor for class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.Diagnostics
dumpMemoryLog(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.Diagnostics
Dumps the contents of the memory logger
dumpMemoryLogOnExit(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.Diagnostics
Dumps the contents of the memory logger on exit


Frame - Class in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common
Frame class Note: close() must be called in order to release underlying resources held by the object.
Frame(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.Frame
Constructs an instance of Frame from given byte buffer.
Frame(ByteBuffer, FrameFormat) - Constructor for class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.Frame
Constructs an instance of Frame from given byte buffer.
FrameFormat - Class in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common
FrameFormat class Note: close() must be called in order to release underlying resources held by the object.
FrameReader - Class in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common
FrameReader class Represents the ability to read image frame data for input Vision AI scenarios.
FrameSource - Class in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common
FrameSource class Represents a source of image frame data, used as input to or output from Vision AI operations.
FrameSourceCallback - Interface in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common
The callback interface used in FrameSource class.
FrameWriter - Class in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common
FrameWriter class Represents the ability to write image frame data, for use as input w/ Vision AI scenario operations.
fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionSource
Create VisionSource from a byte buffer Using this factory method, the byte buffer is read without decoding.
fromDefaultCamera(VisionSourceOptions) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionSource
Create VisionSource from Android VisionSourceOptions
fromFile(String) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionSource
Create VisionSource from image file
fromFile(String, FrameFormat) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionSource
Create VisionSource from image file Using this factory method, the image is transferred directly from the file to SDK and configured as format given in parameter.
fromFormat(FrameFormat) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameSource
Initializes a new instance of the FrameSource class.
fromFormat(FrameFormat, FrameSourceCallback) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameSource
Initializes a new instance of the FrameSource class.
fromFrameSource(FrameSource) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionSource
Creates a new frame-oriented VisionSource
fromImageSourceBuffer(ImageSourceBuffer) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionSource
Create VisionSource from an ImageSourceBuffer, allowing the application to pass in an image from a memory buffer.
fromResult(SafeHandle) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameReader
Creates FrameReader from the result
fromVisionSource(VisionSource) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameReader
Creates FrameReader from vision source


getAdvanced() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceOptions
Gets the advanced options of the vision service options.
getBitsPerPixel() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameFormat
Gets the image format's bits per pixel value.
getCameraPreviewFormat() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionSource
Get camera internal preview format
getContext() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionSourceOptions
getData() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.Frame
Get the byte buffer associated with the frame.
getFormat() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameSource
Get frame format from the FrameSource
getFourCCAsInt() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameFormat
Gets the image format's FOURCC as integer value
getFourCCAsString() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameFormat
Gets the image format's FOURCC as ASCII string
getFrameFormat() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameReader
Gets the frame format associated to frame reader
getH() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.BoundingBox
Get the height of the area, in pixels.
getHandle() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameFormat
Gets the internal native handle.
getHandle() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameSource
Gets the internal native handle.
getHandle() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.ImageSourceBuffer
Gets the internal native handle.
getHandle() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.PropertyCollection
Gets the property collection handle
getHandle() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.SessionEventArgs
Gets the internal events arg handle
getHandle() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionSource
Gets the internal native handle.
getHeight() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameFormat
Gets the image format's pixel height.
getHttpClient() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceAdvancedOptions
Gets an alternate HTTP client (if set) to be used for REST calls.
getHttpProxy() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceAdvancedOptions
Gets the http proxy.
getHttpProxyPassword() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceAdvancedOptions
Gets the http proxy password.
getHttpProxyPort() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceAdvancedOptions
Gets the http proxy port.
getHttpProxyUserName() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceAdvancedOptions
Gets the http proxy user name.
getId() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionSource
Gets the identification string of the vision source.
getLifecycleOwner() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionSourceOptions
getPreview() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionSourceOptions
getProperties() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.Frame
Get the collection of additional frame properties.
getProperties() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameFormat
Gets the collection of additional FrameFormat properties
getProperties() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceAdvancedOptions
Gets the property collection.
getProperties() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionSource
Gets the property collection associated to vision source object
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.PropertyCollection
Returns the property value.
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.PropertyCollection
Returns the property value.
getPropertyBinary(String) - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.PropertyCollection
Returns the binary property value.
getSessionId() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.SessionEventArgs
Gets the session Id.
getStoppedReason() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.SessionStoppedEventArgs
Gets the stopped reason.
getStride() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameFormat
Gets the image format's pixel stride.
getTokenCredential() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceOptions
Gets a token credential object
getVisionSourceAccessor() - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation.VisionSourceHelper
get the static vision source accessor
getW() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.BoundingBox
Get the width of the area, in pixels.
getWidth() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameFormat
Gets the image format's pixel width.
getWriter() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameSource
Gets a new instance of FrameWriter that can be used to write (submit) frame data to this FrameSource instance.
getWriter() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.ImageSourceBuffer
Gets a new instance of ImageWriter that can be used to write (submit) image data to this ImageSourceBuffer instance.
getX() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.BoundingBox
Get the X-coordinate of the top left point of the area, in pixels.
getY() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.BoundingBox
Get the Y-coordinate of the top left point of the area, in pixels.


HTTP_PROXY_HOST - Static variable in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceOption
HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceOption
HTTP_PROXY_PORT - Static variable in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceOption
HTTP_PROXY_USERNAME - Static variable in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceOption


IAndroidCameraSubscriber - Interface in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation
ImageSourceBuffer - Class in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common
ImageSourceBuffer class Represents a source of image data, used as input to or output from Vision AI operations.
ImageSourceBuffer() - Constructor for class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.ImageSourceBuffer
Constructs a new ImageSourceBuffer object
ImageWriter - Class in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common
ImageWriter class Represents the ability to write image data, for use as input to Vision AI operations.
initialize() - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation.AsyncThreadService


logMessage(String) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.Diagnostics
Log specific trace message


onCallback(FrameSource) - Method in interface com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameSourceCallback
Callback method used when frame source has been configured to require data via callback
onFrameArrived(Frame) - Method in interface com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation.IAndroidCameraSubscriber


PropertyCollection - Class in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common
Represents collection of properties and their values.
PropertyCollection(SafeHandle) - Constructor for class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.PropertyCollection
Internal constructor for PropertyCollection


readFrame(long) - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameReader
Reads a single frame of image data from the underlying frame.


SendHttpRequest(SafeHandle, HttpClient) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation.SessionUtils
SessionEventArgs - Class in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common
SessionEventArgs class
SessionEventArgs(SafeHandle) - Constructor for class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.SessionEventArgs
Internal constructor for session events args instance
SessionStoppedEventArgs - Class in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common
SessionStoppedEventArgs class
SessionStoppedEventArgs(SafeHandle) - Constructor for class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.SessionStoppedEventArgs
Internal constructor for session stopped events args instance
SessionUtils - Class in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation
This class contains internal helper methods for the HTTP request and response handling.
SessionUtils() - Constructor for class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation.SessionUtils
setAutoExposureAndWhiteBalanceLock(boolean, Runnable) - Method in interface com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation.VisionSourceHelper.VisionSourceAccessor
setBitsPerPixel(int) - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameFormat
Sets the image format's bits per pixel value.
setFocusLock(boolean, Runnable) - Method in interface com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation.VisionSourceHelper.VisionSourceAccessor
setHttpClient(HttpClient) - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceAdvancedOptions
Sets an alternate HTTP client to be used for REST calls.
setHttpProxy(String) - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceAdvancedOptions
Sets the http proxy.
setHttpProxyPassword(String) - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceAdvancedOptions
Sets the http proxy password.
setHttpProxyPort(int) - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceAdvancedOptions
Sets the http proxy port.
setHttpProxyUserName(String) - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceAdvancedOptions
Sets the http proxy user name.
setPreview(SurfaceView) - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionSourceOptions
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.PropertyCollection
Sets the property value by name
setTokenCredential(TokenCredential) - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceOptions
Sets a token credential object to refresh auth tokens
setVisionSourceAccessor(VisionSourceHelper.VisionSourceAccessor) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation.VisionSourceHelper
set the static vision source accessor
shutdown() - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation.AsyncThreadService
startAndroidCamera(Runnable) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation.VisionSourceHelper
public method to start android camera
startAndroidCamera(Runnable) - Method in interface com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation.VisionSourceHelper.VisionSourceAccessor
start Android Camera
startConsoleLogging() - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.Diagnostics
Starts console (for Android, logcat) logging
startConsoleLogging(boolean) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.Diagnostics
Starts console logging
startFileLogging(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.Diagnostics
Enables the native file logger
startMemoryLogging() - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.Diagnostics
Enables the native memory logger
stopAndroidCamera(Runnable) - Method in interface com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation.VisionSourceHelper.VisionSourceAccessor
stopConsoleLogging() - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.Diagnostics
Stops console logging
stopFileLogging() - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.Diagnostics
Stops the native file logger
stopMemoryLogging() - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.Diagnostics
Stops the native memory logger
submit(Callable<T>) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation.AsyncThreadService
submitCompletable(Callable<T>) - Static method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation.AsyncThreadService


toString() - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.BoundingBox
String representation of the object


VisionServiceAdvancedOptions - Class in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common
VisionServiceAdvancedOptions class Note: close() must be called in order to release underlying resources held by the object.
VisionServiceOption - Class in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common
Defines vision service options.
VisionServiceOptions - Class in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common
VisionServiceOptions class represents the Vision service options.
VisionServiceOptions(TokenCredential) - Constructor for class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceOptions
Initializes a new instance of Vision service options.
VisionServiceOptions(URL) - Constructor for class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceOptions
Initializes a new instance of Vision service options
VisionServiceOptions(URL, VisionServiceAdvancedOptions) - Constructor for class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceOptions
Initializes a new instance of Vision service options.
VisionServiceOptions(URL, TokenCredential) - Constructor for class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceOptions
Initializes a new instance of Vision service options.
VisionServiceOptions(URL, TokenCredential, VisionServiceAdvancedOptions) - Constructor for class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceOptions
Initializes a new instance of Vision service options.
VisionServiceOptions(URL, String) - Constructor for class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceOptions
Initializes a new instance of Vision service options.
VisionServiceOptions(URL, String, VisionServiceAdvancedOptions) - Constructor for class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionServiceOptions
Initializes a new instance of Vision service options.
VisionSource - Class in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common
VisionSource class represents a source for vision-related operations.
VisionSourceHelper - Class in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation
VisionSourceHelper.VisionSourceAccessor - Interface in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.implementation
Interface defined to use accessor
VisionSourceOptions - Class in com.azure.android.ai.vision.common
Defines vision source options.
VisionSourceOptions(Context, LifecycleOwner) - Constructor for class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.VisionSourceOptions


write(Frame) - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameWriter
Writes a single frame of image data to the underlying FrameSource.
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.FrameWriter
Writes a single frame of image data to the underlying FrameSource.
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.azure.android.ai.vision.common.ImageWriter
Writes a single image to the internal buffer.
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