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Updating to release 2024-03-01

Post update actions

Updating to release 2024-03-01 will require running a post update script to remove the old Service Health action group(s) no longer in use.

To run the script, follow the following instructions:

  1. Open PowerShell
  2. Install the Az.ResourceGraph module: Install-Module Az.ResourceGraph
  3. Change directories to the location of the Start-AMBAOldArpCleanup.ps1 script
  4. Configure the $pseudoRootManagementGroup variable using the following command:
$pseudoRootManagementGroup = "The pseudo root management group id parenting the Platform and Landing Zones management groups"
  1. Sign in to the Azure with the Connect-AzAccount command. The account you sign in as needs to have permissions to remove Policy Assignments, Policy Definitions, and resources at the wanted Management Group scope.

  2. Execute the script using one of the following options:

Since PowerShell scripts released as part of the ALZ pattern are not digitally signed they might require you to temporarily change the execution policy if not already set to Unrestricted. Before running the script, check the execution policy settings using this command:


If the result is everything but Unrestricted, run the following command to change it to Unrestricted

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

At this point, you should be able to run your scripts with no issues. After you finished, you can set the execution policy back to what it was if you like to do so.

Show output of what would happen if deletes executed:

./Start-AMBAOldArpCleanup.ps1 -pseudoRootManagementGroup $pseudoRootManagementGroup -WhatIf

Execute the script asking for confirmation before deleting old Service Health action group(s) deployed by AMBA-ALZ:

./Start-AMBAOldArpCleanup.ps1 -pseudoRootManagementGroup $pseudoRootManagementGroup

Execute the script without asking for confirmation before deleting old Service Health action group(s) deployed by AMBA-ALZ.

./Start-AMBAOldArpCleanup.ps1 -pseudoRootManagementGroup $pseudoRootManagementGroup -Confirm:$false