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Updating to release 2024-09-02

In this page

Pre update actions

Updating to release 2024-09-02 from previous releases involves a breaking change. To proceed with the update, you must remove previously deployed policy definitions, policy set definitions, policy assignments, and role assignments. A script is provided to facilitate the removal of these items. It is highly recommended to thoroughly test the script in a non-production environment before executing it in production. Alert definitions do not need to be removed as they will continue to function.

Pre update actions

Before updating to release 2024-09-02, it is necessary to remove existing policy definitions, policy set definitions, policy assignments, and role assignments. This requirement is due to a breaking change introduced by the redefinition of certain parameters, which now provide greater flexibility in disabling policy remediation or, in some cases, alerts. Note that not all alerts can be disabled post-creation; only log-based alerts can be. While disabling the effect of policies was previously possible in AMBA-ALZ, this release ensures that all policies will respect both the PolicyEffect and MonitorDisable parameters.

The MonitorDisable feature has been redesigned to allow customers to specify their own existing tag and tag value instead of using a hard-coded one. Following the ALZ guidance and best practices for consistent tagging definitions, only one parameter name is allowed for the entire deployment. However, the parameter value can vary. You can specify an array of values assigned to the same parameter. For example, if you have the Environment tag name consistently applied to several environments such as Production, Test, Sandbox, etc., and you want to disable alerts for resources in both Test and Sandbox, you can now do so by configuring the parameters for the tag name and tag values as shown in the sample screenshot below (these are the default values):

MonitorDisable* parameters

For a detailed description of the new or redesigned feature, refer to the MonitorDisable parameter section on the Disabling Policies page.

After removing the policy definitions, policy set definitions, policy assignments, and role assignments, and completing the deployment, execute the Policy remediation to ensure the new alerts are created as expected.

To execute the script, follow these steps:

  1. Open PowerShell.
  2. Install the Az.ResourceGraph module if it is not already installed by running: Install-Module Az.ResourceGraph.
  3. Navigate to the patterns\alz\scripts directory where the Start-AMBAPolicyInitiativesAndAssignmentsCleanup.ps1 script is located.
  4. Set the $pseudoRootManagementGroup variable with the following command:
$pseudoRootManagementGroup = "The pseudo root management group ID parenting the identity, management and connectivity management groups"
  1. Sign in to Azure using the Connect-AzAccount command. Ensure the account has the necessary permissions to remove policy definitions, policy set definitions, policy assignments, and role assignments at the required Management Group scope.

  2. Run the script with one of the following options:

To execute the PowerShell scripts provided in the ALZ pattern, you may need to temporarily modify the execution policy if it is not set to Unrestricted. Check the current execution policy by running the following command:


If the execution policy is not Unrestricted, change it to Unrestricted by running:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

After executing your scripts, you can revert the execution policy to its original setting if needed.

Get full help on script usage help:

Get-help ./Start-AMBA-ALZ-Maintenance.ps1

Show output of what would happen if deletes executed:

./Start-AMBA-ALZ-Maintenance.ps1 -pseudoRootManagementGroup $pseudoRootManagementGroup -cleanItems PolicyAssignments -WhatIf

Execute the script asking for confirmation before deleting the resources deployed by AMBA-ALZ:

./Start-AMBA-ALZ-Maintenance.ps1 -pseudoRootManagementGroup $pseudoRootManagementGroup -cleanItems PolicyAssignments

Execute the script without asking for confirmation before deleting the resources deployed by AMBA-ALZ.

./Start-AMBA-ALZ-Maintenance.ps1 -pseudoRootManagementGroup $pseudoRootManagementGroup -cleanItems PolicyAssignments -Confirm:$false
  1. Repeat the command passing the PolicyDefinitions parameter to clean up policy definitions and policy initiatives.


Complete the activities documented in the Steps to update to the latest release page.