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Disable telemetry tracking

Telemetry Tracking Using Customer Usage Attribution (PID)

Microsoft can identify deployments of Azure Resource Manager and Bicep templates by correlating them with the deployed Azure resources. This telemetry data helps Microsoft enhance product experiences and manage their services effectively. The telemetry is collected via customer usage attribution and is governed by Microsoft’s privacy policies, which can be found at the Microsoft Trust Center.

To disable telemetry tracking, a parameter named telemetryOptOut has been added to the deployment template in this repository. This parameter uses a boolean flag, with the default value set to No, which means telemetry tracking is enabled. To disable telemetry tracking, change the value to Yes. This will exclude the module from deployments, effectively disabling telemetry tracking.

To keep telemetry tracking enabled, no modifications are necessary.

For instance, in the alzArm.json file, you will find the following configuration:

"telemetryOptOut": {
    "type": "string",
    "defaultValue": "No",
    "allowedValues": [
    "metadata": {
        "description": "The customer usage identifier used for telemetry purposes. The default value of False enables telemetry. The value of True disables telemetry."

To disable telemetry tracking, set the telemetryOptOut parameter to Yes in the parameter file. When this parameter is set to Yes, the deployment specified below will be skipped, and telemetry data will not be collected.

  "condition": "[equals(parameters('telemetryOptOut'), 'No')]",
  "apiVersion": "2020-06-01",
  "name": "[variables('deploymentNames').pidCuaDeploymentName]",
  "location": "[deployment().location]",
  "type": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments",
  "properties": {
    "mode": "Incremental",
    "template": {
      "$schema": "",
      "contentVersion": "",
      "resources": []

Module PID Value Mapping

The following are the unique IDs (also known as PIDs) used in the AMBA deployment

NamePIDTelemetry for
Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts - AMBA ARM Deploymentd6b3b08c-5825-4b89-a62b-e3168d3d8fb0Deplyments performed through PowerShell, Az CLI, Azure DevOps, GitHub pipelines
Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts - ALZ Portal Accelerator Deployments5f0e5693-3998-4ae2-8115-ee96e38dac62Deplyments performed through the ALZ Portal Accelerator
Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts - AMBA Portal Accelerator Deploymentsdddb1f42-f9d8-48e3-9e6b-f1ce3e9c2c76Deplyments performed through the AMBA Portal Accelerator
Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts - Bicep Deployments8fdd7c49-68f6-4e35-8ba3-ee0dd2979bc0Deplyments performed through Bicep
Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts - Terraform Deploymentsda02c554-db8c-4029-96dd-d4ab9abf4dc4Deplyments performed through Terraform
Connectivity Policy Initiative2d69aa07-8780-4697-a431-79882cb9f00eUsage of Connectivity Policy initiative
Identity Policy Initiative8d257c20-97bf-4d14-acb3-38dd1436d13aUsage of Identity Policy initiative
Management Policy Initiatived87415c4-01ef-4667-af89-0b5adc14af1bUsage of Management Policy initiative
LandingZone Policy Initiative (Initiative has been deprecated)7bcfc615-be78-43da-b81d-98959a9465a5Usage of LandingZone Policy initiative
Hybrid VM Policy Initiativeb5c25c0c-dfbf-4414-bedb-f48ab00d0f9eUsage of Hybrid VM Policy initiative
ServiceHealth Policy Initiative860d2afd-b71e-452f-9d3a-e56196cba570Usage of ServiceHealth Policy initiative
Notification Assets Policy Initiativeeabaaf0b-eed4-48a9-9f91-4f7e431ba807Usage of Notification Assets Policy initiative
Key Management Policy Initiative65cb78a2-0744-4785-9093-aeb772ecdd7bUsage of Key Management Policy initiative
Load Balancing Policy Initiative5156f7d1-8543-49c0-ac09-76db1170d42aUsage of Load Balancing Policy initiative
Network Changes Policy Initiativee61a27ea-ed9e-496e-8fd2-489bfa3b6e4fUsage of Network Changes Policy initiative
Recovery Services Policy Initiativeb45e8b7b-e0a2-4af4-b3af-8b2af4020dccUsage of Recovery Services Policy initiative
Storage Policy Initiativec0eb5ea9-033b-4c1b-be71-b3088e7a2e2bUsage of Storage Policy initiative
VM Policy Initiative3ace674d-9502-4f4a-98ba-a2277c01ccf8Usage of VM Policy initiative
Web Policy Initiativea80aedbd-3157-4335-94c7-7e7db459a647Usage of Web Policy initiative