Policy Initiatives
OverviewConnectivity InitiativeManagement InitiativeIdentity InitiativeKey Management InitiativeLoad Balancing InitiativeNetwork Changes InitiativeRecovery Services InitiativeStorage InitiativeVM InitiativeWeb InitiativeHybrid VM InitiativeService Health InitiativeNotification Assets InitiativeLanding Zone Initiative (Deprecated)
This document details the AMBA-ALZ pattern Azure policy initiatives used for deploying the AMBA-ALZ baselines. For references on individual alerts/policies, refer to Alert Details.
This initiative is intended for relevant policy assignment to networking components in ALZ. Using the guidance provided in Introduction to deploying the AMBA-ALZ Pattern, this will assign policies to the alz-platform-connectivity management group structure in the ALZ reference architecture. For details on the initiative policies and their default enablement state, refer to the table below.
Policy Name | Policy Reference ID | Path to policy json file | Policy default effect |
Deploy ExpressRoute Circuits QosDropBitsInPerSecond Alert | ALZ_ERCIRQoSDropBitsinPerSec | Deploy-ERCIR-QOSDropsBitsIn-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ExpressRoute Circuits QosDropBitsOutPerSecond Alert | ALZ_ERCIRQoSDropBitsoutPerSec | Deploy-ERCIR-QOSDropsBitsOut-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ER Direct ExpressRoute Bits In Alert | ALZ_ERPBitsInPerSecond | Deploy-ERP-BitsInPerSecond-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ER Direct ExpressRoute Bits Out Alert | ALZ_ERPBitsOutPerSecond | Deploy-ERP-BitsOutPerSecond-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ER Direct ExpressRoute LineProtocol Alert | ALZ_ERPLineProtocol | Deploy-ERP-LineProtocol-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ER Direct ExpressRoute RxLightLevel High Alert | ALZ_ERPRxLightLevelHigh | Deploy-ERP-RxLightLevelHigh-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ER Direct ExpressRoute RxLightLevel Low Alert | ALZ_ERPRxLightLevelLow | deploy-erp-rxlightlevellow-alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ER Direct ExpressRoute TxLightLevel High Alert | ALZ_ERPTxLightLevelHigh | deploy-erp-txlightlevelhigh-alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ER Direct ExpressRoute TxLightLevel Low Alert | ALZ_ERPTxLightLevelLow | deploy-erp-txlightlevellow-alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VPNG BGP Peer Status Alert | ALZ_VPNGwBGPPeerStatus | deploy-vpng_bgppeerstatus_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VNetG ExpressRoute CPU Utilization Alert | ALZ_VnetGwERCpuUtil | deploy-vnetg_expressroutecpuutilization_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VNetG Tunnel Bandwidth Alert | ALZ_VnetGwTunnelBW | deploy-vnetg_bandwidthutilization_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VNetG Tunnel Egress Alert | ALZ_VnetGwTunnelEgress | deploy-vnetg_egress_alert.json | disabled |
Deploy VNetG Tunnel Ingress Alert | ALZ_VnetGwTunnelIngress | deploy-vnetg_ingress_alert.json | disabled |
Deploy VPNGw BandwidthUtil Alert | ALZ_VPNGWBandWidthUtil | deploy-vpng_bandwidthutilization_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VPNG Egress Alert | ALZ_VPNGWEgress | deploy-vpng_egress_alert.json | disabled |
Deploy VPNG Egress Packet Drop Count Alert | ALZ_VPNGWTunnelEgressPacketDropCount | deploy-vpng_egresspacketdropcount_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VPNG Egress Packet Drop Mismatch Alert | ALZ_VPNGWTunnelEgressPacketDropMismatch | deploy-vpng_egresspacketdropmismatch_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VPNG Ingress Alert | ALZ_VPNGWIngress | deploy-vpng_ingress_alert.json | disabled |
Deploy VPNG Ingress Packet Drop Count Alert | ALZ_VPNGWTunnelIngressPacketDropCount | deploy-vpng_ingresspacketdropcount_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VPNG Ingress Packet Drop Mismatch Alert | ALZ_VPNGWTunnelIngressPacketDropMismatch | deploy-vpng_ingresspacketdropmismatch_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy PDNSZ Capacity Utilization Alert | ALZ_PDNSZCapacityUtil | deploy-pdnsz_capacityutilization_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy PDNSZ Query Volume Alert | ALZ_PDNSZQueryVolume | deploy-pdnsz_queryvolume_alert.json | disabled |
Deploy PDNSZ Record Set Capacity Alert | ALZ_PDNSZRecordSetCapacity | deploy-pdnsz_recordsetcapacity_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy PDNSZ Registration Capacity Utilization Alert | ALZ_PDNSZRegistrationCapacityUtil | deploy-pdnsz_registrationcapacityutilization_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ERG ExpressRoute Bits In Alert | ALZ_ERGwExpressRouteBitsIn | deploy-erg_bitsinpersecond_alert.json | disabled |
Deploy ERG ExpressRoute Bits Out Alert | ALZ_ERGwExpressRouteBitsOut | deploy-erg_bitsoutpersecond_alert.json | disabled |
Deploy ERG ExpressRoute CPU Utilization Alert | ALZ_ERGwExpressRouteCpuUtil | deploy-erg_expressroutecpuutilization_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VNetG Egress Packet Drop Mismatch Alert | ALZ_VnetGwTunnelEgressPacketDropMismatch | deploy-vnetg_egresspacketdropmismatch_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VNetG ExpressRoute Bits Per Second Alert | ALZ_VnetGwExpressRouteBitsPerSecond | deploy-vnetg_expressroutebitspersecond_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VNetG Ingress Packet Drop Mismatch Alert | ALZ_VnetGwTunnelIngressPacketDropMismatch | deploy-vnetg_ingresspacketdropmismatch_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VNetG Ingress Packet Drop Count Alert | ALZ_VnetGwTunnelIngressPacketDropCount | deploy-vnetg_ingresspacketdropcount_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VNetG Egress Packet Drop Count Alert | ALZ_VnetGwTunnelEgressPacketDropCount | deploy-vnetg_ingresspacketdropcount_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ExpressRoute Circuits Bgp Availability Alert | ALZ_ERCIRBgpAvailability | deploy-ercir_bgpavailability_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ExpressRoute Circuits Arp Availability Alert | ALZ_ERCIRArpAvailability | deploy-ercir_arpavailability_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy AFW SNATPortUtilization Alert | ALZ_AFWSNATPortUtilization | deploy-afw_snatportutilization_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy AFW FirewallHealth Alert | ALZ_FirewallHealth | deploy-afw_firewallhealth_alert | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy PIP Bytes in DDoS Attack Alert | ALZ_PIPBytesInDDoSEvaluationFrequency | deploy-pip_bytesinddosattack_alert.json | disabled |
Deploy PIP DDoS Attack Alert | ALZ_PIPDDoSAttack | deploy-pip_ddosattack_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy PIP Packets in DDoS Attack Alert | ALZ_PIPPacketsInDDoS | deploy-pip_packetsinddos_alert.json | disabled |
Deploy PIP VIP Availability Alert | ALZ_PIPVIPAvailability | deploy-pip_vipavailability_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VNet DDoS Attack Alert | ALZ_VNETDDOSAttack | deploy-vnet_ddosattack_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ALB Data Path Availability Alert | ALZ_LBDataPathAvailability | Deploy-LB-DatapathAvailability-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ALB Global Backend Availability Alert | ALZ_LBGlobalBackendAvailability | Deploy-LB-GlobalBackendAvailability-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ALB Health Probe Status Alert | ALZ_LBHealthProbeStatus | Deploy-LB-HealthProbeStatus-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ALB Used SNAT Ports Alert | ALZ_LBUsedSNATPorts | Deploy-LB-UsedSNATPorts-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Activity Log Azure FireWall Delete Alert | ALZ_activityFWDelete | deploy-activitylog-AzureFirewall-Del.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Activity Log Route Table Update Alert | Deploy_activitylog_RouteTable_Update | deploy-activitylog-RouteTable-Update.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Activity Log NSG Delete Alert | ALZ_activityNSGDelete | deploy-activitylog-NSG-Del.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Activity Log VPN Gateway Delete Alert | ALZ_activityVPNGWDelete | deploy-activitylog-VPNGate-Del.json | deployIfNotExists |
[Preview] Deploy Activity Log Route Table Delete Alert | ALZ_activityUDRDelete | Deploy-ActivityLog-RouteTable-Delete.json | deployIfNotExists |
[Preview] Deploy Activity Log Routes Delete Alert | ALZ_activityUDRRoutesDelete | Deploy-ActivityLog-RouteTable-Routes-Delete.json | deployIfNotExists |
This initiative is intended for relevant policy assignment to management components in AMBA-ALZ. Using the guidance provided in Introduction to deploying the AMBA-ALZ Pattern, this will assign policies to the alz-platform-management group structure in the ALZ reference architecture. For details on the initiative policies and their default enablement state, refer to the table below.
Policy Name | Policy Reference ID | Path to policy json file | Policy default effect |
Deploy Automation Account TotalJob Alert | ALZ_AATotalJob | deploy-aa_totaljob_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy RV Backup Health Monitoring Alerts | ALZ_RVBackupHealth | deploy-rv_backuphealth_alert.json | modify |
Deploy RV ASR Health Monitoring Alerts | ALZ_RVASRHealth | deploy-rv_rsvhealth_alert.json | modify |
Deploy SA Availability Alert | ALZ_StorageAccountAvailability | deploy-sa_availability_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Activity Log Storage Account Delete Alert | ALZ_activitySADelete | Deploy_activitylog_StorageAccount_Delete.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy LA Workspace Daily Cap Limit Reached Alert | ALZ_LAWorkspaceDailyCapLimitReached | Deploy_LAWorkspace_DailyCapLimitReached_Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Activity Log LA Workspace Delete Alert | ALZ_activityLAWDelete | deploy-activitylog-LAWorkspace-Del.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Activity Log LA Workspace Regenerate Key Alert | ALZ_activityLAWKeyRegen | deploy-activitylog-LAWorkspace-ReGen.json | deployIfNotExists |
This initiative is intended for relevant policy assignment to identity components in ALZ. Using the guidance provided in Introduction to deploying the AMBA-ALZ Pattern, this will assign policies to the alz-platform-identity management group structure in the ALZ reference architecture. For details on the initiative policies and their default enablement state, refer to the table below.
Policy Name | Policy Reference ID | Path to policy json file | Policy default effect |
Deploy KeyVault Requests Alert | ALZ_KVRequest | deploy-kv_requests_alert.json | disabled |
Deploy Activity Log Storage Account Delete Alert | ALZ_activitySADelete | Deploy_activitylog_StorageAccount_Delete.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy KeyVault Availability Alert | ALZ_KvAvailability | deploy-kv_availability_alert.json | disabled |
Deploy KeyVault Latency Alert | ALZ_KvLatencyAvailability | deploy-kv_latency_alert.json | disabled |
Deploy KeyVault Capacity Alert | ALZ_KVCapacity | deploy-kv_capacity_alert.json | disabled |
Deploy Activity Log Key Vault Delete Alert | ALZ_activityKVDelete | deploy-activitylog-KeyVault-Del.json | deployIfNotExists |
This initiative deploys Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts to monitor Key Management Services such as Azure Key Vault, and Managed HSM. Using the guidance provided in Introduction to deploying the AMBA-ALZ Pattern this will be assigned to the Landing Zones management group in the ALZ reference architecture. For details on the initiative policies and their default enablement state, refer to the table below.
Policy Name | Policy Reference ID | Path to policy .json file | Policy default effect |
Deploy KeyVault Requests Alert | ALZ_KVRequest | deploy-kv_requests_alert.json | disabled |
Deploy KeyVault Availability Alert | ALZ_KvAvailability | deploy-kv_availability_alert.json | deployIfNotExists- |
Deploy KeyVault Latency Alert | ALZ_KvLatencyAvailability | deploy-kv_latency_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy KeyVault Capacity Alert | ALZ_KVCapacity | deploy-kv_capacity_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Activity Log Key Vault Delete Alert | ALZ_activityKVDelete | deploy-activitylog-KeyVault-Del.json | deployIfNotExists |
This initiative deploys Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts to monitor Load Balancing Services such as Load Balancer, Application Gateway, Traffic Manager, and Azure Front Door. Using the guidance provided in Introduction to deploying the AMBA-ALZ Pattern this will be assigned to the Landing Zones management group in the ALZ reference architecture. For details on the initiative policies and their default enablement state, refer to the table below.
Policy Name | Policy Reference ID | Path to policy .json file | Policy default effect |
Deploy PIP Bytes in DDoS Attack Alert | ALZ_PIPBytesInDDoS | deploy-pip_bytesinddosattack_alert.json | disabled |
Deploy PIP DDoS Attack Alert | ALZ_PIPDDoSAttack | deploy-pip_ddosattack_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy PIP Packets in DDoS Attack Alert | ALZ_PIPPacketsInDDoS | deploy-pip_packetsinddos_alert.json | disabled |
Deploy PIP VIP Availability Alert | ALZ_PIPVIPAvailability | deploy-pip_vipavailability_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VNet DDoS Attack Alert | ALZ_VNETDDOSAttack | deploy-vnet_ddosattack_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy AGW ApplicationGatewayTotalTime Alert | ALZ_AGWTotalTime | Deploy-AGW-ApplicationGatewayTotalTime-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy AGW BackendLastByteResponseTime Alert | ALZ_AGWBackendLastByteResponseTime | Deploy-AGW-BackendLastByteResponseTime-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy AGW Capacity Units Alert | ALZ_AGWCapacityUnits | Deploy-AGW-CapacityUnits-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy AGW Compute Units Alert | ALZ_AGWComputeUnits | Deploy-AGW-ComputeUnits-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy AGW CPU Utilization Alert | ALZ_AGWCPUUtilization | Deploy-AGW-CPUUtil-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy AGW FailedRequests Alert | ALZ_AGWFailedRequests | Deploy-AGW-FailedRequests-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy AGW ResponseStatus Alert | ALZ_AGWResponseStatus | Deploy-AGW-ResponseStatus-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy AGW Unhealthy Host Count Alert | ALZ_AGWUnhealthyHostCount | Deploy-AGW-UnhealthyHostCount-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ALB Data Path Availability Alert | ALZ_LBDataPathAvailability | Deploy-LB-DatapathAvailability-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ALB Global Backend Availability Alert | ALZ_LBGlobalBackendAvailability | Deploy-LB-GlobalBackendAvailability-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ALB Health Probe Status Alert | ALZ_LBHealthProbeStatus | Deploy-LB-HealthProbeStatus-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ALB Used SNAT Ports Alert | ALZ_LBUsedSNATPorts | Deploy-LB-HealthProbeStatus-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy FrontDoor CDN Profile Origin Health Percentage Alert | ALZ_CDNPOriginHealthPercentage | Deploy-CDNP-OriginHealthPercentage-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy FrontDoor CDN Profile Origin Latency Alert | ALZ_CDNPOriginLatency | Deploy-CDNP-OriginLatency-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy FrontDoor CDN Profile Percentage4XX Alert | ALZ_CDNPPercentage4XX | Deploy-CDNP-Percentage4XX-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy FrontDoor CDN Profile Percentage5XX Alert | ALZ_CDNPPercentage5XX | Deploy-CDNP-Percentage5XX-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Traffic Manager Endpoint Health Alert | ALZ_TMEndpointHealth | Deploy-TM-EndpointHealth-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Frontdoor Backend Health Percentage Alert | ALZ_FDBackendHealth | Deploy-FD-BackendHealth-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Frontdoor Backend Request Latency Alert | ALZ_FDBackendRequestLatency | Deploy-FD-BackendRequestLatency-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
This initiative implements Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts to monitor alterations in Network Routing and Security, such as modifications to Route Tables and the removal of Network Security Groups. Using the guidance provided in Introduction to deploying the AMBA-ALZ Pattern this will be assigned to the Landing Zones management group in the ALZ reference architecture. For details on the initiative policies and their default enablement state, refer to the table below.
Policy Name | Policy Reference ID | Path to policy .json file | Policy default effect |
Deploy Activity Log Route Table Update Alert | ALZ_activityUDRUpdate | deploy-activitylog-RouteTable-Update.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Activity Log NSG Delete Alert | ALZ_activityNSGDelete | deploy-activitylog-NSG-Del.json | deployIfNotExists |
[Preview] Deploy Activity Log Route Table Delete Alert | ALZ_activityUDRDelete | Deploy-ActivityLog-RouteTable-Delete.json | deployIfNotExists |
[Preview] Deploy Activity Log Routes Delete Alert | ALZ_activityUDRRoutesDelete | Deploy-ActivityLog-RouteTable-Routes-Delete.json | deployIfNotExists |
This initiative deploys Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts to monitor Recovery Services such as Azure Backup, and Azure Site Recovery. Using the guidance provided in Introduction to deploying the AMBA-ALZ Pattern this will be assigned to the Landing Zones management group in the ALZ reference architecture. For details on the initiative policies and their default enablement state, refer to the table below.
Policy Name | Policy Reference ID | Path to policy .json file | Policy default effect |
Deploy RV Backup Health Monitoring Alerts | ALZ_RVBackupHealthMonitor | Modify-RSV-BackupHealth-Alert.json | modify |
Deploy RV ASR Health Monitoring Alerts | ALZ_RVASRHealthMonitor | Modify-RSV-ASRHealth-Alert.json | modify |
This initiative deploys Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts to monitor Storage Services such as Storage accounts. Using the guidance provided in Introduction to deploying the AMBA-ALZ Pattern this will be assigned to the Landing Zones management group in the ALZ reference architecture. For details on the initiative policies and their default enablement state, refer to the table below.
Policy Name | Policy Reference ID | Path to policy .json file | Policy default effect |
Deploy SA Availability Alert | ALZ_StorageAccountAvailability | Deploy-SA-Availability-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy SA Availability Alert | ALZ_activitySADelete | Deploy-ActivityLog-SA-Delete-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
This initiative deploys Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts to monitor Azure Virtual Machines. Using the guidance provided in Introduction to deploying the AMBA-ALZ Pattern this will be assigned to the Landing Zones management group in the ALZ reference architecture. For details on the initiative policies and their default enablement state, refer to the table below.
Policy Name | Policy Reference ID | Path to policy .json file | Policy default effect |
Deploy VM HeartBeat Alert | ALZ_VMHeartBeatRG | deploy-vm-HeartBeat_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VM Network Read Alert | ALZ_VMNetworkIn | deploy-vm-NetworkIn_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VM Network Write Alert | ALZ_VMNetworkOut | deploy-vm-NetworkOut_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VM OS Disk Read Latency Alert | ALZ_VMOSDiskReadLatency | deploy-vm-OSDiskreadLatency_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VM OS Disk Write Latency Alert | ALZ_VMOSDiskWriteLatency | deploy-vm-OSDiskwriteLatency_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VM OS Disk Space Alert | ALZ_VMOSDiskSpace | deploy-vm-OSDiskSpace_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VM CPU Alert | ALZ_VMPercentCPU | deploy-vm-PercentCPU_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VM Memory Alert | ALZ_VMPercentMemory | deploy-vm-PercentMemory_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VM Data Disk Space Alert | ALZ_VMDataDiskSpace | deploy-vm-dataDiskSpace_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VM Data Disk Read Latency Alert | ALZ_VMDataDiskReadLatency | deploy-vm-dataDiskreadLatency_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VM Data Disk Write Latency Alert | ALZ_VMDataDiskWriteLatency | deploy-vm-dataDiskwriteLatency_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
This initiative deploys Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts to monitor Web Services such as App Services. It is intended for relevant policy assignment to a landing zone in the ALZ structure. Using the guidance provided in Introduction to deploying the AMBA-ALZ Pattern this will be assigned to the Landing Zones management group in the ALZ reference architecture. For details on the initiative policies and their default enablement state, refer to the table below.
Policy Name | Policy Reference ID | Path to policy .json file | Policy default effect |
Deploy App Service Plan CPU Percentage Alert | ALZ_WSFCPUPercentage | Deploy-WSF-CPUPercentage-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy App Service Plan Memory Percentage Alert | ALZ_WSFMemoryPercentage | Deploy-WSF-MemoryPercentage-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy App Service Plan Disk Queue Length Alert | ALZ_WSFDiskQueueLength | Deploy-WSF-DiskQueueLength-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy App Service Plan Http Queue Length Alert | ALZ_WSFHttpQueueLength | Deploy-WSF-HttpQueueLength-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy LA Workspace Daily Cap Limit Reached Alert | ALZ_LAWorkspaceDailyCapLimitReached | Deploy_LAWorkspace_DailyCapLimitReached_Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Activity Log LA Workspace Delete Alert | ALZ_activityLAWDelete | deploy-activitylog-LAWorkspace-Del.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Activity Log LA Workspace Regenerate Key Alert | ALZ_activityLAWKeyRegen | deploy-activitylog-LAWorkspace-ReGen.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Application Insights Throttling Limit Reached Alert (Preview) | ALZ_AppInsightsThrottlingLimitReached_Alert | Deploy-AppInsightsThrottlingLimit-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Activity Log Application Insights Delete Alert (Preview) | ALZ_activityAppInsightsDelete | Deploy-ActivityLog-AppInsights-Del.json | deployIfNotExists |
This initiative is intended for relevant policy assignment to Hybrid VM alerts in AMBA-ALZ. Using the guidance provided in Introduction to deploying the AMBA-ALZ Pattern, this will be assigned to the ‘alz’ intermediate root management group structure in the ALZ reference architecture. For details on the initiative policies and their default enablement state, refer to the table below.
Policy Display Name | Reference ID | Path to policy json file | Policy default effect |
Deploy Hybrid VM CPU Alert | ALZ_HybridVMPercentCPU | Deploy-Hybrid-VM-PercentCPU-Alert | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Hybrid VM Data Disk Read Latency Alert | ALZ_HybridVMDataDiskReadLatency | Deploy-Hybrid-VM-DataDiskReadLatency-Alert | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Hybrid VM Data Disk Space Alert | ALZ_HybridVMDataDiskSpace | Deploy-Hybrid-VM-DataDiskSpace-Alert | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Hybrid VM Data Disk Write Latency Alert | ALZ_HybridVMDataDiskWriteLatency | Deploy-Hybrid-VM-DataDiskWriteLatency-Alert | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Hybrid VM Disconnected Alert | ALZ_HybridVMDisconnected | Deploy-Hybrid-VM-Disconnected-Alert | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Hybrid VM HeartBeat Alert | ALZ_HybridVMHeartBeatRG | Deploy-Hybrid-VM-HeartBeatAlertRG | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Hybrid VM Memory Alert | ALZ_HybridVMPercentMemory | Deploy-Hybrid-VM-PercentMemory-Alert | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Hybrid VM Network Read Alert | ALZ_HybridVMNetworkIn | Deploy-Hybrid-VM-NetworkIn-Alert | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Hybrid VM Network Write Alert | ALZ_HybridVMNetworkOut | Deploy-Hybrid-VM-NetworkOut-Alert | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Hybrid VM OS Disk Read Latency Alert | ALZ_HybridVMOSDiskReadLatency | Deploy-Hybrid-VM-OSDiskReadLatency-Alert | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Hybrid VM OS Disk Space Alert | ALZ_HybridVMOSDiskSpace | Deploy-Hybrid-VM-OSDiskSpace-Alert | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Hybrid VM OS Disk Write Latency Alert | ALZ_HybridVMOSDiskWriteLatency | Deploy-Hybrid-VM-OSDiskWriteLatency-Alert | deployIfNotExists |
This initiative is intended for relevant policy assignment service health alerts in ALZ. Using the guidance provided in Introduction to deploying the AMBA-ALZ Pattern, this will assign to the alz intermediate root management group structure in the ALZ reference architecture. For details on the initiative policies and their default enablement state, refer to the table below.
Policy Name | Policy Reference ID | Path to policy json file | Policy default effect |
Deploy Service Health Security Advisory Alert | ALZ_svcHlthSecAdvisory | deploy-activitylog-ServiceHealth-Security.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Resource Health Unhealthy Alert | ALZ_ResHlthUnhealthy | deploy-activitylog-ResourceHealth-UnHealthly-alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Service Health Advisory Alert | ALZ_SvcHlthAdvisory | deploy-activitylog-ServiceHealth-Health.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Service Health Incident Alert | ALZ_SvcHlthIncident | deploy-activitylog-ServiceHealth-Incident.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Service Health Maintenance Alert | ALZ_SvcHlthMaintenance | deploy-activitylog-ServiceHealth-Maintenance.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Service Health Action Group | ALZ_ServiceHealth_ActionGroups | deploy-ServiceHealth-ActionGroups.json | deployIfNotExists |
This initiative is intended for relevant policy assignment to notification in AMBA-ALZ. Using the guidance provided in Introduction to deploying the AMBA-ALZ Pattern, this will assign to the alz intermediate root management group structure in the ALZ reference architecture. For details on the initiative policies and their default enablement state, refer to the table below.
Policy Display Name | Reference ID | Path to policy json file | Policy default effect |
Deploy AMBA Notification Assets | ALZ_AlertProcessing_Rule | deploy-AlertProcessingRule-deploy.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy AMBA Notification Suppression Asset | ALZ_Suppression_AlertProcessing_Rule | deploy-AlertProcessingRule-Suppression.json | deployIfNotExists |
This initiative is intended for relevant policy assignment to a landing zone in the ALZ structure. Using the guidance provided in Introduction to deploying the AMBA-ALZ Pattern this will be assigned to the Landing Zones management group in the ALZ reference architecture. For details on the initiative policies and their default enablement state, refer to the table below.
Policy Name | Policy Reference ID | Path to policy .json file | Policy default effect |
Deploy SA Availability Alert | ALZ_StorageAccountAvailability | deploy-sa_availability_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy KeyVault Requests Alert | ALZ_KVRequest | deploy-kv_requests_alert.json | disabled |
Deploy KeyVault Availability Alert | ALZ_KvAvailability | deploy-kv_availability_alert.json | deployIfNotExists- |
Deploy KeyVault Latency Alert | ALZ_KvLatencyAvailability | deploy-kv_latency_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy KeyVault Capacity Alert | ALZ_KVCapacity | deploy-kv_capacity_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Activity Log Key Vault Delete Alert | ALZ_activityKVDelete | deploy-activitylog-KeyVault-Del.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Activity Log Route Table Update Alert | ALZ_activityUDRUpdate | deploy-activitylog-RouteTable-Update.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Activity Log NSG Delete Alert | ALZ_activityNSGDelete | deploy-activitylog-NSG-Del.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy PIP Bytes in DDoS Attack Alert | ALZ_PIPBytesInDDoS | deploy-pip_bytesinddosattack_alert.json | disabled |
Deploy PIP DDoS Attack Alert | ALZ_PIPDDoSAttack | deploy-pip_ddosattack_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy PIP Packets in DDoS Attack Alert | ALZ_PIPPacketsInDDoS | deploy-pip_packetsinddos_alert.json | disabled |
Deploy PIP VIP Availability Alert | ALZ_PIPVIPAvailability | deploy-pip_vipavailability_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VNet DDoS Attack Alert | ALZ_VNETDDOSAttack | deploy-vnet_ddosattack_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy RV Backup Health Monitoring Alerts | ALZ_RVBackupHealthMonitor | deploy-rv_backuphealth_monitor.json | modify |
Deploy VM HeartBeat Alert | ALZ_VMHeartBeatRG | deploy-vm-HeartBeat_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VM Network Read Alert | ALZ_VMNetworkIn | deploy-vm-NetworkIn_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VM Network Write Alert | ALZ_VMNetworkOut | deploy-vm-NetworkOut_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VM OS Disk Read Latency Alert | ALZ_VMOSDiskReadLatency | deploy-vm-OSDiskreadLatency_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VM OS Disk Write Latency Alert | ALZ_VMOSDiskWriteLatency | deploy-vm-OSDiskwriteLatency_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VM OS Disk Space Alert | ALZ_VMOSDiskSpace | deploy-vm-OSDiskSpace_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VM CPU Alert | ALZ_VMPercentCPU | deploy-vm-PercentCPU_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VM Memory Alert | ALZ_VMPercentMemory | deploy-vm-PercentMemory_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VM Data Disk Space Alert | ALZ_VMDataDiskSpace | deploy-vm-dataDiskSpace_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VM Data Disk Read Latency Alert | ALZ_VMDataDiskReadLatency | deploy-vm-dataDiskreadLatency_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy VM Data Disk Write Latency Alert | ALZ_VMDataDiskWriteLatency | deploy-vm-dataDiskwriteLatency_alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy AGW ApplicationGatewayTotalTime Alert | ALZ_AGWTotalTime | Deploy-AGW-ApplicationGatewayTotalTime-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy AGW BackendLastByteResponseTime Alert | ALZ_AGWBackendLastByteResponseTime | Deploy-AGW-BackendLastByteResponseTime-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy AGW Capacity Units Alert | ALZ_AGWCapacityUnits | Deploy-AGW-CapacityUnits-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy AGW Compute Units Alert | ALZ_AGWComputeUnits | Deploy-AGW-ComputeUnits-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy AGW CPU Utilization Alert | ALZ_AGWCPUUtilization | Deploy-AGW-CPUUtil-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy AGW FailedRequests Alert | ALZ_AGWFailedRequests | Deploy-AGW-FailedRequests-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy AGW ResponseStatus Alert | ALZ_AGWResponseStatus | Deploy-AGW-ResponseStatus-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy AGW Unhealthy Host Count Alert | ALZ_AGWUnhealthyHostCount | Deploy-AGW-UnhealthyHostCount-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ALB Data Path Availability Alert | ALZ_LBDataPathAvailability | Deploy-LB-DatapathAvailability-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ALB Global Backend Availability Alert | ALZ_LBGlobalBackendAvailability | Deploy-LB-GlobalBackendAvailability-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ALB Health Probe Status Alert | ALZ_LBHealthProbeStatus | Deploy-LB-HealthProbeStatus-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy ALB Used SNAT Ports Alert | ALZ_LBUsedSNATPorts | Deploy-LB-HealthProbeStatus-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy FrontDoor CDN Profile Origin Health Percentage Alert | ALZ_CDNPOriginHealthPercentage | Deploy-CDNP-OriginHealthPercentage-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy FrontDoor CDN Profile Origin Latency Alert | ALZ_CDNPOriginLatency | Deploy-CDNP-OriginLatency-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy FrontDoor CDN Profile Percentage4XX Alert | ALZ_CDNPPercentage4XX | Deploy-CDNP-Percentage4XX-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy FrontDoor CDN Profile Percentage5XX Alert | ALZ_CDNPPercentage5XX | Deploy-CDNP-Percentage5XX-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Traffic Manager Endpoint Health Alert | ALZ_TMEndpointHealth | Deploy-TM-EndpointHealth-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy App Service Plan CPU Percentage Alert | ALZ_WSFCPUPercentage | Deploy-WSF-CPUPercentage-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy App Service Plan Memory Percentage Alert | ALZ_WSFMemoryPercentage | Deploy-WSF-MemoryPercentage-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy App Service Plan Disk Queue Length Alert | ALZ_WSFDiskQueueLength | Deploy-WSF-DiskQueueLength-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy App Service Plan Http Queue Length Alert | ALZ_WSFHttpQueueLength | Deploy-WSF-HttpQueueLength-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Frontdoor Backend Health Percentage Alert | ALZ_FDBackendHealth | Deploy-FD-BackendHealth-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |
Deploy Frontdoor Backend Request Latency Alert | ALZ_FDBackendRequestLatency | Deploy-FD-BackendRequestLatency-Alert.json | deployIfNotExists |