Alerts Details
AMBA-ALZ Pattern Metric Alerts SettingsAMBA-ALZ Pattern Activity Log AlertsVM Insights Log AlertsRecovery Vault Alerts
To download specific alerts for the AMBA-ALZ pattern, click the Download icon (highlighted in red below) in the top right corner of the page.
For details on which policy alert rules are included in the AMBA-ALZ pattern, visit the Policy-Initiatives page.
The provided resources, metric alerts, and configurations are intended as a starting point to address key monitoring questions such as “What should we monitor in Azure?” and “What alert settings should we use?”. These settings cover the most common components of an Azure Landing Zone. However, we recommend customizing these settings to better suit your specific monitoring needs and Azure usage.
If you have suggestions for additional resources to include, open an Issue on this page with the Azure resource provider and settings you would like to see implemented. While we cannot guarantee implementation, we will carefully consider all suggestions. Alternatively, if you wish to contribute directly, follow the steps in the Contributor Guide.
The values for Aggregation, Operator, Threshold, WindowSize, Frequency, and Severity are based on field experience and customer implementations. Alerts are derived from Microsoft public guidance where available (indicated by ‘Yes’ in the Verified column) and practical application experience where public guidance is not available (indicated by ‘No’ in the Verified column). Links to Product Group guidance are provided in the References column. Where no guidance is available, a link to the metric description on is included.
The Scope column indicates where alerts are scoped as described in Introduction to deploying the AMBA-ALZ Pattern.
Only a limited number of resources support metric alert rules scoped at the subscription level, and these metric alerts apply only to resources deployed within the same region. The Support for Multiple Resources column indicates which resources support metric alerts at the subscription level. For a comprehensive list of resources that support metric alert rules at the subscription level, click here.
The table is designed to minimize horizontal scrolling, but it contains substantial information. We recommend clicking on the specific alert name to directly access the JSON definition of the alert.
Alert Policy Name | Component | Metric | Aggregation | Operator | Threshold | Window | Frequency | Severity | Scope | Support for Multiple Resources | Verified | References |
Deploy Automation Account TotalJob Alert | Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts | TotalJob | Average | GreaterThan | 0 | PT5M | PT1M | 2 | Resource | No | N | Azure Automation Azure Monitor Metrics |
Deploy KeyVault Availability Alert | Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults | Availability | Average | LessThan | 90 | PT5M | PT1M | 1 | Resource | Yes | Y | Monitoring KeyVault Reference Monitoring Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults KeyVault Insights Overview |
Deploy KeyVault Capacity Alert | Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults | SaturationShoebox | Average | GreaterThan | 75 | PT5M | PT1M | 1 | Resource | Yes | Y | Monitoring KeyVault Reference Monitoring Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults KeyVault Insights Overview |
Deploy KeyVault Latency Alert | Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults | ServiceApiLatency | Average | GreaterThan | 1000 | PT5M | PT5M | 3 | Resource | Yes | Y | Monitoring KeyVault Reference Monitoring Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults KeyVault Insights Overview |
Deploy KeyVault Requests Alert | Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults | ServiceApiResult | Average | GreaterThan | dynamic | PT5M | PT5M | 2 | Resource | Yes | Y | Monitoring KeyVault Reference Monitoring Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults KeyVault Insights Overview |
Deploy Azure Application Gateway BackendLastByteResponseTime Alert | Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways | BackendLastByteResponseTime | Total | GreaterThan | dynamic | PT5M | PT1M | 2 | Resource | No | N | Monitoring Azure Application Gateway data reference Metrics for Application Gateway Monitoring Azure Application Gateway |
Deploy AFW FirewallHealth Alert | Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls | FirewallHealth | Average | LessThan | 90 | PT5M | PT1M | 0 | Resource | No | N | Overview of Azure Firewall logs and metrics |
Deploy AFW SNATPortUtilization Alert | Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls | SNATPortUtilization | Average | GreaterThan | 80 | PT5M | PT1M | 1 | Resource | No | N | Overview of Azure Firewall logs and metrics |
Deploy ExpressRoute Circuits ARP Availability Alert | Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits | ArpAvailability | Average | LessThan | 90 | PT5M | PT1M | 0 | Resource | No | Y | Monitor ExpressRoute Alerts ExpressRoute KQL Queries |
Deploy ExpressRoute Circuits BGP Availability Alert | Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits | BgpAvailability | Average | LessThan | 90 | PT5M | PT1M | 0 | Resource | No | Y | Monitor ExpressRoute Alerts ExpressRoute KQL Queries |
Deploy ExpressRoute Circuits QosDropBitsInPerSecond Alert | Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits | QosDropBitsInPerSecond | Average | GreaterThan | dynamic | PT5M | PT5M | 2 | Resource | No | N | Monitor ExpressRoute Alerts ExpressRoute KQL Queries |
Deploy ExpressRoute Circuits QosDropBitsOutPerSecond Alert | Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits | QosDropBitsOutPerSecond | Average | GreaterThan | dynamic | PT5M | PT5M | 2 | Resource | No | N | Monitor ExpressRoute Alerts ExpressRoute KQL Queries |
Deploy ERG ExpressRoute Bits In Alert | Microsoft.Network/expressRouteGateways | ERGatewayConnectionBitsInPerSecond | Average | LessThan | 1 | PT5M | PT5M | 0 | Resource | No | N | ExpressRoute Monitoring Metrics Alerts for ExpressRoute Gateways |
Deploy ERG ExpressRoute Bits Out Alert | Microsoft.Network/expressRouteGateways | ERGatewayConnectionBitsOutPerSecond | Average | LessThan | 1 | PT5M | PT5M | 0 | Resource | No | N | ExpressRoute Monitoring Metrics Alerts for ExpressRoute Gateways |
Deploy ERG ExpressRoute CPU Utilization Alert | Microsoft.Network/expressRouteGateways | ExpressRouteGatewayCpuUtilization | Average | GreaterThan | 80 | PT5M | PT1M | 1 | Resource | No | Y | ExpressRoute Monitoring Metrics Alerts for ExpressRoute Gateways |
Deploy ER Direct Connection BitsInPerSecond Alert | Microsoft.Network/expressRoutePorts | PortBitsInPerSecond | Average | LessThan | 1 | PT5M | PT5M | 0 | Resource | No | N | |
Deploy ER Direct Connection BitsOutPerSecond Alert | Microsoft.Network/expressRoutePorts | PortBitsOutPerSecond | Average | LessThan | 1 | PT5M | PT5M | 0 | Resource | No | N | |
Deploy ER Direct LineProtocol Alert | Microsoft.Network/expressRoutePorts | LineProtocol | Average | LessThan | 0.9 | PT5M | PT5M | 0 | Resource | No | N | |
Deploy ER Direct RxLightLevel High Alert | Microsoft.Network/expressRoutePorts | RxLightLevel | Average | GreaterThan | 0 | PT5M | PT5M | 1 | Resource | No | N | |
Deploy ER Direct RxLightLevel Low Alert | Microsoft.Network/expressRoutePorts | RxLightLevel | Average | LessThan | -10 | PT5M | PT5M | 1 | Resource | No | N | |
Deploy ER Direct TxLightLevel High Alert | Microsoft.Network/expressRoutePorts | TxLightLevel | Average | GreaterThan | 0 | PT5M | PT5M | 1 | Resource | No | N | |
Deploy ER Direct TxLightLevel Low Alert | Microsoft.Network/expressRoutePorts | TxLightLevel | Average | LessThan | -10 | PT5M | PT5M | 1 | Resource | No | N | |
Deploy ALB Data Path Availability Alert | Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers | VipAvailability | Average | LessThan | 90 | PT5M | PT1M | 0 | Resource | No | Y | Azure Monitor supported metrics by resource type - Azure Load Balancer Azure Load Balancer Multi-Demensional-Metrics Is The Data Path Up and Available for My Load-Balancer |
Deploy ALB Global Backend Availability Alert | Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers | GlobalBackendAvailability | Average | LessThan | 90 | PT5M | PT1M | 0 | Resource | No | N | Azure Monitor supported metrics by resource type - Azure Load Balancer |
Deploy ALB Health Probe Status Alert | Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers | DipAvailability | Average | LessThan | 90 | PT5M | PT1M | 0 | Resource | No | Y | Azure Monitor supported metrics by resource type - Azure Load Balancer Are Backend Instances for my Load-Balancer Responding to Probes |
Deploy ALB Used SNAT Ports Alert | Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers | UsedSNATPorts | Average | GreaterThan | 900 | PT5M | PT1M | 1 | Resource | No | Y | Azure Monitor supported metrics by resource type - Azure Load Balancer Load-Balancer Alerts Check My SNAT Port Usage and Allocation |
Deploy PDNSZ Capacity Utilization Alert | Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones | VirtualNetworkLinkCapacityUtilization | Maximum | GreaterThanOrEqual | 80 | PT1H | PT1H | 2 | Resource | No | N | Private DNS Alert Metrics |
Deploy PDNSZ Query Volume Alert | Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones | QueryVolume | Total | GreaterThanOrEqual | 500 | PT1H | PT1H | 4 | Resource | No | N | Private DNS Alert Metrics |
Deploy PDNSZ Record Set Capacity Alert | Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones | RecordSetCapacityUtilization | Maximum | GreaterThanOrEqual | 80 | PT1H | PT1H | 2 | Resource | No | N | Private DNS Alert Metrics |
Deploy PDNSZ Registration Capacity Utilization Alert | Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones | VirtualNetworkWithRegistrationCapacityUtilization | Maximum | GreaterThanOrEqual | 80 | PT1H | PT1H | 2 | Resource | No | N | Private DNS Alert Metrics |
Deploy PIP Bytes in DDoS Attack Alert | Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses | BytesInDDoS | Maximum | GreaterThan | 8000000 | PT5M | PT5M | 4 | Resource | No | N | Monitor Public IP Addresses Public IP Addresses Supported Metrics |
Deploy PIP DDoS Attack Alert | Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses | IfUnderDDoSAttack | Maximum | GreaterThan | 0 | PT5M | PT5M | 1 | Resource | No | Y | Monitor Public IP Addresses Public IP Addresses Supported Metrics |
Deploy PIP Packets in DDoS Attack Alert | Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses | PacketsInDDoS | Total | GreaterThanOrEqual | 40000 | PT5M | PT5M | 4 | Resource | No | N | Monitor Public IP Addresses Public IP Addresses Supported Metrics |
Deploy PIP VIP Availability Alert | Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses | VipAvailability | Average | LessThan | 90 | PT5M | PT1M | 1 | Resource | No | N | Monitor Public IP Addresses Public IP Addresses Supported Metrics |
Deploy VNetG Tunnel Bandwidth Alert | Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways | TunnelAverageBandwidth | Average | LessThan | 1 | PT5M | PT1M | 0 | Resource | No | N | Supported metrics for |
Deploy VNetG Tunnel Egress Alert | Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways | TunnelEgressBytes | Average | LessThan | 1 | PT5M | PT5M | 0 | Resource | No | N | Supported metrics for |
Deploy VNetG Egress Packet Drop Count Alert | Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways | TunnelEgressPacketDropCount | Average | GreaterThan | dynamic | PT5M | PT5M | 3 | Resource | No | N | Supported metrics for |
Deploy VNetG Egress Packet Drop Mismatch Alert | Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways | TunnelEgressPacketDropTSMismatch | Average | GreaterThan | dynamic | PT5M | PT5M | 3 | Resource | No | N | Supported metrics for |
Deploy VNetG ExpressRoute Bits Per Second Alert | Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways | ExpressRouteGatewayBitsPerSecond | Average | LessThan | 1 | PT5M | PT1M | 0 | Resource | No | N | Supported metrics for |
Deploy VNetG ExpressRoute CPU Utilization Alert | Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways | ExpressRouteGatewayCpuUtilization | Average | GreaterThan | 80 | PT5M | PT1M | 1 | Resource | No | N | Supported metrics for |
Deploy VNetG Tunnel Ingress Alert | Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways | TunnelIngressBytes | Average | LessThan | 1 | PT5M | PT5M | 0 | Resource | No | N | Supported metrics for |
Deploy VNetG Ingress Packet Drop Count Alert | Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways | TunnelIngressPacketDropCount | Average | GreaterThan | dynamic | PT5M | PT5M | 3 | Resource | No | N | Supported metrics for |
Deploy VNetG Egress Packet Drop Mismatch Alert | Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways | TunnelIngressPacketDropTSMismatch | Average | GreaterThan | dynamic | PT5M | PT5M | 3 | Resource | No | N | Supported metrics for |
Deploy VNet DDoS Attack Alert | Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks | IfUnderDDoSAttack | Maximum | GreaterThan | 0 | PT5M | PT1M | 1 | Resource | No | N | Supported metrics for Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks |
Deploy VPNG Bandwidth Utilization Alert | Microsoft.Network/vpnGateways | TunnelAverageBandwidth | Average | LessThan | 1 | PT5M | PT1M | 0 | Resource | No | N | Activity Log Service Notifications Best practices for setting up service health alerts |
Deploy VPNG BGP Peer Status Alert | Microsoft.Network/vpnGateways | BgpPeerStatus | Total | LessThan | 1 | PT5M | PT1M | 0 | Resource | No | N | Supported metrics for |
Deploy VPNG Egress Alert | Microsoft.Network/vpnGateways | TunnelEgressBytes | Average | LessThan | 1 | PT5M | PT5M | 0 | Resource | No | N | Supported metrics for |
Deploy VPNG Egress Packet Drop Count Alert | Microsoft.Network/vpnGateways | TunnelEgressPacketDropCount | Average | GreaterThan | dynamic | PT5M | PT5M | 3 | Resource | No | N | Supported metrics for |
Deploy VPNG Egress Packet Drop Mismatch Alert | Microsoft.Network/vpnGateways | TunnelEgressPacketDropTSMismatch | Average | GreaterThan | dynamic | PT5M | PT5M | 3 | Resource | No | N | Supported metrics for |
Deploy VPNG Ingress Alert | Microsoft.Network/vpnGateways | TunnelIngressBytes | Average | LessThan | 1 | PT5M | PT5M | 0 | Resource | No | N | Supported metrics for |
Deploy VNetG Ingress Packet Drop Count Alert | Microsoft.Network/vpnGateways | TunnelIngressPacketDropCount | Average | GreaterThan | dynamic | PT5M | PT5M | 3 | Resource | No | N | Supported metrics for |
Deploy VPNG Ingress Packet Drop Mismatch Alert | Microsoft.Network/vpnGateways | TunnelIngressPacketDropTSMismatch | Average | GreaterThan | dynamic | PT5M | PT5M | 3 | Resource | No | N | Supported metrics for |
Deploy SA Availability Alert | Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts | Availability | Average | LessThan | 100 | PT5M | PT5M | 1 | Resource | No | Y | Monitoring Availability Supported metrics for Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts |
Deploy SA Throttling Alert | Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices | Transactions | Total | GreaterThanOrEqual | 1 | PT15M | PT5M | 2 | Resource | No | N | High latency, low throughput, or low IOPS |
1 For more details on why the availability alert thresholds are lower than 100% in this solution when the product group documentation recommends 100%, see the FAQ.
Refer to the following sections to quickly identify any Service Health issues with an Azure resource. This will save you time troubleshooting and allow you to focus on communicating with your user base or incorporating these alerts into your business continuity actions (remediations).
Alert Policy Name | Alert Name | targetScope | Category | Properties.cause | Properties.currentHealthStatus | Scope | Verified | References |
Deploy Resource Health Unhealthy Alert | ResourceHealthUnhealthyAlert | managementGroup | ResourceHealth |
| Subscription | N | Resource Health Best practices for setting up service health alerts |
Alert Policy Name | Alert Name | PolicyScope | Category | Properties.incidentType | Scope | Documented | References |
Deploy Service Health Advisory Alert | ServiceHealthAdvisoryEvent | managementGroup | ServiceHealth | ActionRequired | Subscription | Yes | Activity Log Service Notifications Best practices for setting up service health alerts |
Deploy Service Health Incident Alert | ServiceHealthIncident | managementGroup | ServiceHealth | Incident | Subscription | Yes | Activity Log Service Notifications Best practices for setting up service health alerts |
Deploy Service Health Maintenance Alert | ServiceHealthPlannedMaintenance | managementGroup | ServiceHealth | Maintenance | Subscription | Yes | Activity Log Service Notifications Best practices for setting up service health alerts |
Deploy Service Health Security Advisory Alert | ServiceHealthSecurityIncident | managementGroup | ServiceHealth | Security | Subscription | Yes | Activity Log Service Notifications Best practices for setting up service health alerts |
The table below lists several operational Activity Log alerts designed to notify your team when specific resources are deleted.
While there is no specific guidance per resource type, the provided information offers general advice on alerting for the deletion of particular resources. This list may expand in the future, and you are encouraged to create your own alerts following the pattern used for these Activity Log alerts.
Once VM Insights is enabled in your environment, the following alert rules can be configured via the Baseline Alerts framework.
N/A: Not applicable, not used in the query or used as a parameter.
Alert Policy Name | Component | Aggregation | Operator | Threshold | WindowSize | Frequency | ResolveTime | FailingPeriods | Dimensions | Severity | Query | Verified | References |
Deploy VM Data Disk Read Latency Alert | Compute/virtualMachines | Average | GreaterThan | 25 | PT15M | PT5M | 0:10:00 |
| 2 |
| N | Monitor virtual machines with Azure Monitor: Alerts |
Deploy VM Data Disk Free Space Percentage Alert | Compute/virtualMachines | Average | LessThan | 10 | PT15M | PT5M | 0:10:00 |
| 2 |
| Y | Monitor virtual machines with Azure Monitor: Alerts |
Deploy VM Data Disk Write Latency Alert | Compute/virtualMachines | Average | GreaterThan | 25 | PT15M | PT5M | 0:10:00 |
| 2 |
| Y | Monitor virtual machines with Azure Monitor: Alerts |
Deploy VM Nework Read (bytes/sec) Alert | Compute/virtualMachines | Average | GreaterThan | 10000000 | PT15M | PT5M | 0:10:00 |
| 2 |
| Y | Monitor virtual machines with Azure Monitor: Alerts |
Deploy VM Nework Write (bytes/sec) Alert | Compute/virtualMachines | Average | GreaterThan | 10000000 | PT15M | PT5M | 0:10:00 |
| 2 |
| Y | Monitor virtual machines with Azure Monitor: Alerts |
Deploy VM OS Disk Read Latency Alert | Compute/virtualMachines | Average | GreaterThan | 25 | PT15M | PT5M | 0:10:00 |
| 2 |
| N | Monitor virtual machines with Azure Monitor: Alerts |
Deploy VM OS Disk Free Space Percentage Alert | Compute/virtualMachines | Average | LessThan | 10 | PT15M | PT5M | 0:10:00 |
| 2 |
| Y | Monitor virtual machines with Azure Monitor: Alerts |
Deploy VM OS Disk Write Latency Alert | Compute/virtualMachines | Average | GreaterThan | 25 | PT15M | PT5M | 0:10:00 |
| 2 |
| N | Monitor virtual machines with Azure Monitor: Alerts |
Deploy VM Processor Utilization Percentage Alert | Compute/virtualMachines | Average | GreaterThan | 85 | PT15M | PT5M | 0:10:00 |
| 2 |
| Y | Monitor virtual machines with Azure Monitor: Alerts |
Deploy VM Available Memory Percentage Alert | Compute/virtualMachines | Average | LessThan | 10 | PT15M | PT5M | 0:10:00 |
| 2 |
| Y | Monitor virtual machines with Azure Monitor: Alerts |
Deploy Hybrid Machine Data Disk Read Latency Alert | HybridCompute/machines | Average | GreaterThan | 25 | PT15M | PT5M | 0:10:00 |
| 2 |
| N | Monitor virtual machines with Azure Monitor: Alerts |
Deploy Hybrid Machine Data Disk Free Space Percentage Alert | HybridCompute/machines | Average | LessThan | 10 | PT15M | PT5M | 0:10:00 |
| 2 |
| N | Monitor virtual machines with Azure Monitor: Alerts |
Deploy Hybrid Machine Data Disk Write Latency Alert | HybridCompute/machines | Average | GreaterThan | 25 | PT15M | PT5M | 0:10:00 |
| 2 |
| N | Monitor hybrid virtual machines with Azure Monitor: Alerts |
Deploy Hybrid Machine Nework Read (bytes/sec) Alert | HybridCompute/machines | Average | GreaterThan | 10000000 | PT15M | PT5M | 0:10:00 |
| 2 |
| N | Monitor virtual machines with Azure Monitor: Alerts |
Deploy Hybrid Machine Network Write (bytes/sec) Alert | HybridCompute/machines | Average | GreaterThan | 10000000 | PT15M | PT5M | 0:10:00 |
| 2 |
| N | Monitor virtual machines with Azure Monitor: Alerts |
Deploy Hybrid Machine OS Disk Read Latency Alert | HybridCompute/machines | Average | GreaterThan | 25 | PT15M | PT5M | 0:10:00 |
| 2 |
| N | Monitor virtual machines with Azure Monitor: Alerts |
Deploy Hybrid Machine OS Disk Free Space Percentage Alert | HybridCompute/machines | Average | LessThan | 10 | PT15M | PT5M | 0:10:00 |
| 2 |
| N | Monitor virtual machines with Azure Monitor: Alerts |
Deploy Hybrid Machine OS Disk Write Latency Alert | HybridCompute/machines | Average | GreaterThan | 25 | PT15M | PT5M | 0:10:00 |
| 2 |
| N | Monitor virtual machines with Azure Monitor: Alerts |
Deploy Hybrid Machine Processor Utilization Percentage Alert | HybridCompute/machines | Average | GreaterThan | 85 | PT15M | PT5M | 0:10:00 |
| 2 |
| N | Monitor virtual machines with Azure Monitor: Alerts |
Deploy Hybrid Machine Available Memory Percentage Alert | HybridCompute/machines | Average | LessThan | 10 | PT15M | PT5M | 0:10:00 |
| 2 |
| N | Monitor virtual machines with Azure Monitor: Alerts |
The following policy disables the classic alerts available in Azure Backup and enables the Azure Monitor alerts.
Security Alerts and Job Failure alerts are summarized in the “Using Backup Center” documentation.
PolicyName | Component | Category | Scope | Support for Multiple Resources | Verified | References |
Deploy RV Backup Health Monitoring Alerts | Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults | Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/monitoringSettings.classicAlertSettings.alertsForCriticalOperations | Resource | No | Y | Azure Monitor Alerts for Azure Backup Move to Azure Monitor Alerts |