MSLoginController Class Reference

Inherits from UIViewController
Declared in MSLoginController.h


The MSLoginController class provides a UIViewController that can be presented to allow an end user to authenticate with a Microsoft Azure Mobile Service.

Initializing the MSLoginController object

– initWithClient:provider:completion:

Initializes an MSLoginController instance with the given client, login provider and completion block.

- (nonnull instancetype)initWithClient:(nonnull MSClient *)client provider:(nonnull NSString *)provider completion:(nullable MSClientLoginBlock)completion


Initializes an MSLoginController instance with the given client, login provider and completion block.

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The client associated with this MSLoginController.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) MSClient *client


The client associated with this MSLoginController.

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The login provider associated with this MSLoginController.

@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nonnull) NSString *provider


The login provider associated with this MSLoginController.

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The UIActivityIndicatorView on the UIToolbar associated with the MSLoginController. If the toolbar is visible, the actvivity indicator will become active whenever the end user is navigating to a new URL during the login flow.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) UIActivityIndicatorView *activityIndicator


The UIActivityIndicatorView on the UIToolbar associated with the MSLoginController. If the toolbar is visible, the actvivity indicator will become active whenever the end user is navigating to a new URL during the login flow.

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The UIToolbar associated with the MSLoginController. The toolbar includes a cancel button and an activity indicator. The visibility and placement of the toolbar can be configured using the showToolbar and toolbarPosition properties respectively.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) UIToolbar *toolbar


The UIToolbar associated with the MSLoginController. The toolbar includes a cancel button and an activity indicator. The visibility and placement of the toolbar can be configured using the showToolbar and toolbarPosition properties respectively.

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Customizing the Toolbar


Indicates if the toolbar show be displayed. By default, showToolbar is YES.

@property (nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL showToolbar


Indicates if the toolbar show be displayed. By default, showToolbar is YES.

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Indicates if the toolbar should be positioned at the top or bottom of the login view. By default, the toolbarPosition is UIToolbarPositionBottom.

@property (nonatomic, readwrite) UIToolbarPosition toolbarPosition


Indicates if the toolbar should be positioned at the top or bottom of the login view. By default, the toolbarPosition is UIToolbarPositionBottom.

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