MSTableOperationError Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in MSTableOperationError.h


The MSTableOperationError class represents an error that occurred while sending a a table operation (insert, etc) to the Windows Azure Mobile Service during a sync event (for example a Push) The most common causes of a table operation error are non success codes from the server such as a precondition failed response.



Unique error id in table store

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *guid


Unique error id in table store

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The name of the table the operation was being performed for

@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *table


The name of the table the operation was being performed for

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The type of operation being performed on the table (insert, update, delete)

@property (nonatomic, readonly) MSTableOperationTypes operation


The type of operation being performed on the table (insert, update, delete)

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The id of the item to the operation ran for

@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *itemId


The id of the item to the operation ran for

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The full item being sent to the server, this item may not always be present for all operations

@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSDictionary *item


The full item being sent to the server, this item may not always be present for all operations

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Represents the error code recieved while executing the table operation, see MSError for a list of Mobile Service’s error codes

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger code


Represents the error code recieved while executing the table operation, see MSError for a list of Mobile Service’s error codes

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Represents the domain of the error recieved while executing the table operation, this will typically be the MSErrorDomain, but may differ if the delegate chooses to return other error types

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *domain


Represents the domain of the error recieved while executing the table operation, this will typically be the MSErrorDomain, but may differ if the delegate chooses to return other error types

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A description of what caused the operation to fail

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *description


A description of what caused the operation to fail

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The HTTP status code recieved while executing the operation from the mobile service. Note: this item may not be set if the operation failed before going to the server

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger statusCode


The HTTP status code recieved while executing the operation from the mobile service. Note: this item may not be set if the operation failed before going to the server

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When the status code is a precondition failure, this item will contain the current version of the item on the server

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSDictionary *serverItem


When the status code is a precondition failure, this item will contain the current version of the item on the server

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Handling Errors


Set the handled flag to indicate that all appropriate actions for this error have been taken and the error will be removed from the list

@property (nonatomic) BOOL handled


Set the handled flag to indicate that all appropriate actions for this error have been taken and the error will be removed from the list

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– cancelOperationAndUpdateItem:completion:

Removes the pending operation so it will not be tried again the next time push is called. In addition, updates the local store state

- (void)cancelOperationAndUpdateItem:(NSDictionary *)item completion:(MSSyncBlock)completion


Removes the pending operation so it will not be tried again the next time push is called. In addition, updates the local store state

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– cancelOperationAndDiscardItemWithCompletion:

Removes the pending operation so it will not be tried again the next time push is called. In addition, removes the item associated with the operation from the local store

- (void)cancelOperationAndDiscardItemWithCompletion:(MSSyncBlock)completion


Removes the pending operation so it will not be tried again the next time push is called. In addition, removes the item associated with the operation from the local store

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Initializing the MSTableOperationError Object

– initWithOperation:item:context:error:

Initializes the table operation error from the provided operation, item, error, and context objects.

- (id)initWithOperation:(MSTableOperation *)operation item:(NSDictionary *)item context:(MSSyncContext *)context error:(NSError *)error


Initializes the table operation error from the provided operation, item, error, and context objects.

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– initWithOperation:item:error:

- (id)initWithOperation:(MSTableOperation *)operation item:(NSDictionary *)item error:(NSError *)error

– initWithSerializedItem:context:

Initializes the table operation error from a serialized representation of a MSTableOperationError.

- (id)initWithSerializedItem:(NSDictionary *)item context:(MSSyncContext *)context


Initializes the table operation error from a serialized representation of a MSTableOperationError.

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– initWithSerializedItem:

- (id)initWithSerializedItem:(NSDictionary *)item

Serializing the MSTableOperationError Object

– serialize

Returns an NSDictionary with two keys, id and properties, where properties contains a serialized version of the error

- (NSDictionary *)serialize


Returns an NSDictionary with two keys, id and properties, where properties contains a serialized version of the error

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