MSQuery Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to NSCopying
Declared in MSQuery.h


The MSQuery class represents a query that can be configured and then executed against a table of a Microsoft Azure Mobile Service. The query is serialized as a query string in the URL of the request. A query can be configured and then sent to the Microsoft Azure Mobile Service using the readOnSuccess:onError: method. MSQuery instances can be modfied and reused, but are not threadsafe.

Initializing the MSQuery object

– initWithTable:

Initializes a MSQuery instance with the given table.

- (id)initWithTable:(MSTable *)table


Initializes a MSQuery instance with the given table.

Declared In


– initWithTable:predicate:

Returns a new MSQuery instance with the given table and the given predicate is used as the filter clause of the query.

- (id)initWithTable:(MSTable *)table predicate:(NSPredicate *)predicate


Returns a new MSQuery instance with the given table and the given predicate is used as the filter clause of the query.

Declared In


– initWithSyncTable:

Initializes a MSQuery instance with the given table.

- (id)initWithSyncTable:(MSSyncTable *)table


Initializes a MSQuery instance with the given table.

Declared In


– initWithSyncTable:predicate:

Returns a new MSQuery instance with the given table and the given predicate is used as the filter clause of the query.

- (id)initWithSyncTable:(MSSyncTable *)table predicate:(NSPredicate *)predicate


Returns a new MSQuery instance with the given table and the given predicate is used as the filter clause of the query.

Declared In



The predicate used as the filter clause of the query.

@property (nonatomic) NSPredicate *predicate


The predicate used as the filter clause of the query.

Declared In



The maximum number of items to return from the query.

@property (nonatomic) NSInteger fetchLimit


The maximum number of items to return from the query.

Declared In



The offset from the initial item to use when returning items from a query. Can be used with fetchLimit to implement paging.

@property (nonatomic) NSInteger fetchOffset


The offset from the initial item to use when returning items from a query. Can be used with fetchLimit to implement paging.

Declared In



The array of NSSortDescriptors used to order the query results

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray *orderBy


The array of NSSortDescriptors used to order the query results

Declared In



Indicates if the Microsoft Azure Mobile Service should also include the total count of items on the server (not just the count of items returned) with the query results.

@property (nonatomic) BOOL includeTotalCount


Indicates if the Microsoft Azure Mobile Service should also include the total count of items on the server (not just the count of items returned) with the query results.

Declared In



A dictionary of string key-value pairs that can include user-defined parameters to use with the query.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSDictionary *parameters


A dictionary of string key-value pairs that can include user-defined parameters to use with the query.

Declared In



The fields or keys of an item that should be included in the results. A value of “” means all fields should be included. “” is the default value if no select keys are specified.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *selectFields


The fields or keys of an item that should be included in the results. A value of “” means all fields should be included. “” is the default value if no select keys are specified.

Declared In


– orderByAscending:

Indicates that the query results should be returned in ascending order based on the given field. orderByAscending: and orderByDescending: can each be called multiple times to further specify how the query results should be ordered.

- (void)orderByAscending:(NSString *)field


Indicates that the query results should be returned in ascending order based on the given field. orderByAscending: and orderByDescending: can each be called multiple times to further specify how the query results should be ordered.

Declared In


– orderByDescending:

Indicates that the query results should be returned in descending order based on the given field. orderByAscending: and orderByDescending: can each be called multiple times to further specify how the query results should be ordered.

- (void)orderByDescending:(NSString *)field


Indicates that the query results should be returned in descending order based on the given field. orderByAscending: and orderByDescending: can each be called multiple times to further specify how the query results should be ordered.

Declared In


Executing the query

– readWithCompletion:

Executes the query by sending a request to the Microsoft Azure Mobile Service.

- (void)readWithCompletion:(MSReadQueryBlock)completion


Executes the query by sending a request to the Microsoft Azure Mobile Service.

Declared In


– queryStringOrError:

Generates a query string for current state of the MSQuery instance or an error if the query string could not be generated.

- (NSString *)queryStringOrError:(NSError **)error


Generates a query string for current state of the MSQuery instance or an error if the query string could not be generated.

Declared In



The table associated with this query.

@property (nonatomic, strong) MSTable *table


The table associated with this query.

Declared In



@property (nonatomic, strong) MSSyncTable *syncTable