This package contains the base class for resource collections.
InterfacesClassDescriptionProvides access to deleting multiple resource from Azure, identifying them by their IDs.Provides access to getting a specific Azure resource based on its resource group and parent.Provides access to deleting a resource from Azure, identifying it by its name and its resource group.Provides access to getting a specific Azure resource based on its resource ID.Provides access to getting a specific Azure resource based on its name within the current resource group.Provides access to getting a specific resource based on its name.SupportsGettingByParent<T,
ParentT extends Resource & HasResourceGroup, ManagerT> Provides access to getting a specific Azure resource based on its resource group and parent.Provides access to getting a specific Azure resource based on its name and resource group.SupportsListingByParent<T,ParentT extends Resource & HasResourceGroup, ManagerT> Provides access to listing Azure resources of a specific type in a specific parent resource.Provides access to listing Azure resources of a specific type in a specific resource group.Provides access to listing Azure resources of a specific type based on their tag.