Uses of Package
Packages that use
This package contains the classes for DataLakeStoreAccountManagementClient.
This package contains the models classes for DataLakeStoreAccountManagementClient.
Classes in used by properties and limits for Data Lake Store.The CreateDataLakeStoreAccountParameters model.Data Lake Store account information.Basic Data Lake Store account information, returned on list calls.Data Lake Store firewall rule information.Data Lake Store account name availability result information.The list of available operations for Data Lake Store.Data Lake Store trusted identity provider information.Data Lake Store account information to update.
Classes in used by Lake Store account name availability check parameters.The CreateDataLakeStoreAccountParameters model.The parameters used to create a new firewall rule while creating a new Data Lake Store account.The parameters used to create a new firewall rule.The parameters used to create a new trusted identity provider.The parameters used to create a new trusted identity provider while creating a new Data Lake Store account.Defines values for DataLakeStoreAccountState.Defines values for DataLakeStoreAccountStatus.The encryption configuration for the account.Defines values for EncryptionConfigType.The encryption identity properties.Defines values for EncryptionProvisioningState.Defines values for EncryptionState.Defines values for FirewallAllowAzureIpsState.Data Lake Store firewall rule information.Defines values for FirewallState.Metadata information used by account encryption.An available operation for Data Lake Store.The display information for a particular operation.Defines values for OperationOrigin.An instance of this class defines a page of Azure resources and a link to get the next page of resources, if any.The resource model definition for a nested resource.Defines values for SubscriptionState.Defines values for TierType.Data Lake Store trusted identity provider information.Defines values for TrustedIdProviderState.Data Lake Store account information to update.The encryption configuration used to update a user managed Key Vault key.The parameters used to update a firewall rule.The parameters used to update a firewall rule while updating a Data Lake Store account.The Key Vault update information used for user managed key rotation.The parameters used to update a trusted identity provider.The parameters used to update a trusted identity provider while updating a Data Lake Store account.