This package contains the classes for ContainerServiceManagementClient.
Container Service Client.
ClassDescriptionThe AgentPoolAvailableVersionsPropertiesAgentPoolVersionsItem model.Defines values for AgentPoolMode.Defines values for AgentPoolType.The AgentPoolUpgradeProfilePropertiesUpgradesItem model.Settings for upgrading an agentpool.Defines values for Code.Defines values for ConnectionStatus.A client-side representation for a container service.Container interface for all the definitions related to a container service.Grouping of container service definition stages.The first stage of a container service definition.The stage of the container service definition allowing to specify an agent pool profile.The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.The stage of the container service definition allowing to enable diagnostics.The stage of the container service definition allowing to specify the resource group.The stage of the container service definition allowing the start of defining Linux specific settings.The stage of the container service definition allowing to specific the Linux root username.The stage of the container service definition allowing to specific the Linux SSH key.The stage of the container service definition allowing to specify the master DNS prefix label.The stage of the container service definition allowing to specify the master node count.The stage of a container service definition allowing to specify the master pool OS disk size.The stage of a container service definition allowing to specify the master's virtual machine storage kind.The stage of the container service definition allowing to specify the master VM size.The stage of the container service definition allowing to specify orchestration type.The stage allowing properties for cluster service principals to be specified.The stage of the container service definition allowing to specify the virtual network and subnet for the machines.The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.Grouping of container service update stages.The stage of the container service update allowing to enable or disable diagnostics.The stage of the container service update allowing to specify the number of agents in the specified pool.A client-side representation for a container service agent pool.ContainerServiceAgentPool.Definition<ParentT>The entirety of a container service agent pool definition as a part of a parent definition.Grouping of container service agent pool definition stages as a part of parent container service definition.The first stage of a container service agent pool definition.The final stage of a container service agent pool definition.The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the DNS prefix.The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent pool OS disk size.The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent pool OS type.The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent pool ports to be exposed.The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent pool storage kind.The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify a virtual network to be used for the agents.The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent virtual machine size.Profile for the container service agent pool.Properties to configure a custom container service cluster.Profile for diagnostics on the container service cluster.Profile for Linux VMs in the container service cluster.Profile for the container service master.The minimum valid number of master nodes.Profile of network configuration.Profile for the container service orchestrator.Defines values for ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes.Entry point to container service management API.Information about a service principal identity for the cluster to use for manipulating Azure APIs.SSH configuration for Linux-based VMs running on Azure.Contains information about SSH certificate public key data.Defines values for ContainerServiceStorageProfileTypes.Profile for diagnostics on the container service VMs.Defines values for ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes.Profile for Windows VMs in the container service cluster.The credential result response.Defines values for Expander.Reference to a secret stored in Azure Key Vault.A client-side representation for a managed Kubernetes cluster.Interface for all the definitions related to a Kubernetes cluster.Grouping of Kubernetes cluster definition stages.The first stage of a container service definition.The Kubernetes cluster network profile definition.The Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify a network profile.The first stage of a network profile definition.The final stage of a network profile definition.The stage of a network profile definition allowing to specify an IP address assigned to the Kubernetes DNS service.The stage of a network profile definition allowing to specify a CIDR notation IP range assigned to the Docker bridge network.The stage of a network profile definition allowing to specify the network policy.The stage of a network profile definition allowing to specify a CIDR notation IP range from which to assign pod IPs when kubenet is used.The stage of a network profile definition allowing to specify a CIDR notation IP range from which to assign service cluster IPs.The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify the cluster's add-on's profiles.The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify an agent pool profile.The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify the DNS prefix label.The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify the resource group.The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specific the Linux root username.The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specific the Linux SSH key.The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify a network profile.The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify the service principal client ID.The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify the service principal secret.The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify the cluster's sku.The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify orchestration type.The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.Grouping of the Kubernetes cluster update stages.The stage of the Kubernetes cluster update definition allowing to specify the cluster's add-on's profiles.The stage of the Kubernetes cluster update definition allowing to specify the agent poll in the cluster.The stage of the Kubernetes cluster update definition allowing to specify the cluster's network profile.The stage of the Kubernetes cluster update definition allowing to specify if Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control is enabled or disabled.Defines values for Kubernetes cluster access profile roles.A client-side representation for a Kubernetes cluster agent pool.The entirety of a container service agent pool definition as a part of a parent definition.Grouping of container service agent pool definition stages as a part of parent container service definition.The first stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent virtual machine size.The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the type of agent pool.The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the number of agents (Virtual Machines) to host docker containers.The final stage of a container service agent pool definition.The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the maximum number of pods that can run on a node.The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the mode of the agents.The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent pool OS disk size.The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent pool OS type.The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify a virtual network to be used for the agents.KubernetesClusterAgentPool.Update<ParentT>The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.Grouping of agent pool update stages.The stage of a container service agent pool update allowing to specify the agent pool mode.The stage of a container service agent pool update allowing to specify the number of agents (Virtual Machines) to host docker containers.Entry point to managed Kubernetes service management API.The result of checking for the Kubernetes cluster's upgrade profile.Defines values for Kubernetes versions.Defines values for LicenseType.Defines values for LoadBalancerSku.AADProfile specifies attributes for Azure Active Directory integration.A Kubernetes add-on profile for a managed cluster.Information of user assigned identity used by this add-on.Profile for the container service agent pool.Properties for the container service agent pool profile.Access profile for managed cluster API server.Identity for the managed cluster.The ManagedClusterIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue model.Profile of the managed cluster load balancer.Desired managed outbound IPs for the cluster load balancer.Desired outbound IP Prefix resources for the cluster load balancer.Desired outbound IP resources for the cluster load balancer.The list of available upgrade versions.The ManagedClusterPoolUpgradeProfileUpgradesItem model.Parameters to be applied to the cluster-autoscaler when enabled.The ManagedClusterPropertiesIdentityProfileValue model.Information about a service principal identity for the cluster to use for manipulating Azure APIs.The ManagedClusterSKU model.Defines values for ManagedClusterSKUName.Defines values for ManagedClusterSKUTier.Profile for Windows VMs in the container service cluster.Defines values for NetworkMode.Defines values for NetworkPlugin.Defines values for NetworkPolicy.Represents the OpenShift networking configuration.Defines values for OpenShiftAgentPoolProfileRole.Defines values for OpenShiftContainerServiceVMSize.Defines the Identity provider for MS AAD.Defines the configuration of the OpenShift cluster VMs.Defines all possible authentication profiles for the OpenShift cluster.Structure for any Identity provider.Defines the configuration of the identity providers to be used in the OpenShift cluster.OpenShiftManagedClusterMaterPoolProfile contains configuration for OpenShift master VMs.Represents an OpenShift router.Contains information about orchestrator.A common representation for Azure container services orchestrators.The profile of an orchestrator and its available versions.Defines values for OSDiskType.Defines values for OSType.Defines values for OutboundType.Describes the Power State of the cluster.Private endpoint which a connection belongs to.Defines values for PrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState.The state of a private link service connection.Used for establishing the purchase context of any 3rd Party artifact through MarketPlace.Defines values for ResourceIdentityType.A reference to an Azure resource.Defines values for ScaleSetEvictionPolicy.Defines values for ScaleSetPriority.Tags object for patch operations.The UserAssignedIdentity model.