Preventing AGIC from removing certain rules

NOTE: Application Gateway for Containers has been released, which introduces numerous performance, resilience, and feature changes. Please consider leveraging Application Gateway for Containers for your next deployment.

Note: This feature is EXPERIMENTAL with limited support. Use with caution.

By default AGIC assumes full ownership of the App Gateway it is linked to. AGIC version 0.8.0 and later allows retaining rules to allow adding VMSS as backend along with AKS cluster.

Please backup your App Gateway's configuration before enabling this setting:

  1. using Azure Portal navigate to your App Gateway instance
  2. from Export template click Download

The zip file you downloaded will have JSON templates, bash, and PowerShell scripts you could use to restore App Gateway

Example Scenario

Let's look at an imaginary App Gateway, which manages traffic for 2 web sites:

  • - hosted on a new AKS, using App Gateway and AGIC
  • - hosted on an Azure VMSS

With default settings, AGIC assumes 100% ownership of the App Gateway it is pointed to. AGIC overwrites all of App Gateway's configuration. If we were to manually create a listener for (on App Gateway), without defining it in the Kubernetes Ingress, AGIC will delete the config within seconds.

To install AGIC and also serve from our VMSS machines, we must constrain AGIC to configuring only. This is facilitated by instantiating the following CRD:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: ""
kind: AzureIngressProhibitedTarget
  name: prod-contoso-com

The command above creates an AzureIngressProhibitedTarget object. This makes AGIC (version 0.8.0 and later) aware of the existence of App Gateway config for and explicitly instructs it to avoid changing any configuration related to that hostname.

Enable with new AGIC installation

To limit AGIC (version 0.8.0 and later) to a subset of the App Gateway configuration modify the helm-config.yaml template. Under the appgw: section, add shared key and set it to to true.

    subscriptionId: <subscriptionId>    # existing field
    resourceGroup: <resourceGroupName>  # existing field
    name: <applicationGatewayName>      # existing field
    shared: true                        # <<<<< Add this field to enable shared App Gateway >>>>>

Apply the Helm changes:

  1. Ensure the AzureIngressProhibitedTarget CRD is installed with:

    kubectl apply -f
  2. Update Helm:

    helm upgrade \
        --recreate-pods \
        -f helm-config.yaml \
        ingress-azure oci://

As a result your AKS will have a new instance of AzureIngressProhibitedTarget called prohibit-all-targets:

kubectl get AzureIngressProhibitedTargets prohibit-all-targets -o yaml

The object prohibit-all-targets, as the name implies, prohibits AGIC from changing config for any host and path. Helm install with appgw.shared=true will deploy AGIC, but will not make any changes to App Gateway.

Broaden permissions

Since Helm with appgw.shared=true and the default prohibit-all-targets blocks AGIC from applying any config.

Broaden AGIC permissions with:

  1. Create a new AzureIngressProhibitedTarget with your specific setup:

    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    apiVersion: ""
    kind: AzureIngressProhibitedTarget
      name: your-custom-prohibitions

NOTE: To prohibit AGIC from making changes, in addition to hostname, a list of URL paths can also be configured as part of your prohibited policy, please refer to the schema for details.

  1. Only after you have created your own custom prohibition, you can delete the default one, which is too broad:

    kubectl delete AzureIngressProhibitedTarget prohibit-all-targets

Enable for an existing AGIC installation

Let's assume that we already have a working AKS, App Gateway, and configured AGIC in our cluster. We have an Ingress for and are successfully serving traffic for it from AKS. We want to add to our existing App Gateway, but need to host it on a VM. We are going to re-use the existing App Gateway and manually configure a listener and backend pools for But manually tweaking App Gateway config (via portal, ARM APIs or Terraform) would conflict with AGIC's assumptions of full ownership. Shortly after we apply changes, AGIC will overwrite or delete them.

We can prohibit AGIC from making changes to a subset of configuration.

  1. Create an AzureIngressProhibitedTarget object:

    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    apiVersion: ""
    kind: AzureIngressProhibitedTarget
      name: manually-configured-staging-environment
  2. View the newly created object:

    kubectl get AzureIngressProhibitedTargets
  3. Modify App Gateway config via portal - add listeners, routing rules, backends etc. The new object we created (manually-configured-staging-environment) will prohibit AGIC from overwriting App Gateway configuration related to