Custom Ingress Class

NOTE: Application Gateway for Containers has been released, which introduces numerous performance, resilience, and feature changes. Please consider leveraging Application Gateway for Containers for your next deployment.

Minimum version: 1.3.0

Custom ingress class allows you to customize the ingress class selector that AGIC will use when filtering the ingress manifests. AGIC uses azure/application-gateway as default ingress class. This will allow you to target multiple AGICs on a single namespace as each AGIC can now use it's own ingress class.

For instance, AGIC with ingress class agic-public can serves public traffic, and AGIC wit agic-private can serve "internal" traffic.

To use a custom ingress class,

  1. Install AGIC by providing a value for kubernetes.ingressClass in helm config.

    helm install ./helm/ingress-azure \
        --name ingress-azure \
        -f helm-config.yaml
        --set kubernetes.ingressClass arbitrary-class
  2. Then, within the spec object, specify ingressClassName with the same value provided to AGIC.

    kind: Ingress
    name: go-server-ingress-affinity
    namespace: test-ag
      ingressClassName: arbitrary-class
      - http:
          - path: /hello/
                name: store-service
                  number: 80
