
AI Hub — Steps to deploy the complete solution.

High-level Architecture

The following diagram shows the high-level architecture of the AI Hub solution:

High-level Architecture

Create a new resource group

az group create --name aihub-rg --location westeurope

Create a new storage account

az storage account create --name aihubstorage --resource-group aihub-rg --location westeurope --sku Standard_LRS

Create a new app service plan

az appservice plan create --name aihub-appservice --resource-group aihub-rg --sku S1

Create a new web app using dot net 8

az webapp create --name aihub-webapp --resource-group aihub-rg --plan aihub-appservice --runtime "DOTNET|8.0"

Create an Azure multi service cognitive service account

az cognitiveservices account create --name aihub-cognitiveservice --resource-group aihub-rg  --kind CognitiveServices --sku S0 --location westeurope --yes

Create an Azure OpenAI resource

az openai create --name aihub-openai --resource-group aihub-rg --location westeurope

Create a Content Safety Cognitive Service

az cognitiveservices account create --name aihub-contentsafety --resource-group aihub-rg --kind ContentSafety --sku F0 --location westeurope

Configure the web app

As a last step, we need to configure the web app to use the storage account and the cognitive service account we created earlier. To do this, we need to rename appsettings.json.template file to appsettings.json and replace the placeholders with the values we got from the previous steps.

Last modified April 29, 2024: Update (727b467)