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We declare numerous variables throughout this workshop. As these modules are lengthy, you will likely complete them over multiple sessions. However, as sessions are additive, they require previously-set variables.

Shell Support

Presently, this supports PowerShell only, and we would like to see community contributions for shell scripts, please. Please see GitHub Issue #111.

Setting Variables


Execute this script to persist all variables in the current session at any time. We recommend you do this after you complete each module or any other time you are taking a break from the workshop. Execute it in the root (e.g. ~\TasksTracker.ContainerApps) to keep setting and updating the same Variables.ps1 file.

$file = "./Variables.ps1"
$i = 0

# Create a new or replace any existing file (note how we do not use -Append in the first line).
"# Execute with `"$file`" to restore previously-saved variables." | Out-File -FilePath $file

$vars = @(

foreach ($var in $vars) { 
    # Ensure the variable exists. If not, don't attempt to get it and don't write out a blank value.

    if (Test-Path variable:$var) {
        $val = Get-Variable -Name $var -ValueOnly

        # Powershell 7.4.0 requires a bit more type safety by setting quotes around strings.
        if ($val.GetType().Name -eq "String") {
            $val = "`"$val`""

        "Set-Variable -Scope Global -Name $var -Value $val" | Out-File -FilePath $file -Append

# $TODAY is a special variable that simply, easily captures today's date.
"Set-Variable -Scope Global -Name TODAY -Value (Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd')" | Out-File -FilePath $file -Append

# When the Variables.ps1 script executes, the following line will inform how many variables were set in the current session.
"Write-Host `"Set $i variable$($i -eq 1 ? '' : 's').`"" | Out-File -FilePath $file -Append

Write-Host "`nWrote $i variable$($i -eq 1 ? '' : 's') to $file.`n"

Restoring Variables


The output of the Set-Variables.ps1 script is stored in the same directory where you execute that script. You can quickly apply those variables and get back to a working state by executing .\Variables.ps1 in your PowerShell console. This is useful after having taken a break from the workshop and losing the session or when you are asked to open a second session such as when you are running multiple microservices locally with dapr.