Monitoring Pod Identity with Prometheus

Prometheus is a systems and service monitoring system. It collects metrics from configured targets at given intervals, evaluates rule expressions,displays the results, and can trigger alerts if some condition is observed to be true.


AAD pod identity is a foundational service that other applications depend upon, it is recommended to monitor the same.

Liveliness probe and Prometheus metrics are available in both Managed Identity Controller (MIC) and the Node Managed Identity (NMI) components.

Liveliness Probe

MIC and NMI exposes /healthz endpoint with content of “Active/Not Active” state. State “Active” is being returned if the component has started successfully and “Not Active” otherwise.

Prometheus Metrics

Prometheus is a systems and service monitoring system. It collects metrics from configured targets at given intervals, evaluates rule expressions,displays the results, and can trigger alerts if some condition is observed to be true.

The following OpenCensus metrics are exposed in AAD pod identity system via prometheus exporter.

1. aadpodidentity_assigned_identity_addition_duration_seconds

Histogram that tracks the duration (in seconds) it takes for Assigned identity addition operations.

2. aadpodidentity_assigned_identity_addition_count

Counter that tracks the cumulative number of assigned identity addition operations.

3. aadpodidentity_assigned_identity_deletion_duration_seconds

Histogram that tracks the duration (in seconds) it takes for Assigned identity deletion operations.

4. aadpodidentity_assigned_identity_deletion_count

Counter that tracks the cumulative number of assigned identity deletion operations.

5. aadpodidentity_nmi_operations_duration_seconds

Histogram that tracks the latency (in seconds) of NMI operations to complete. Broken down by operation type, status code.

6. aadpodidentity_mic_cycle_duration_seconds

Histogram that tracks the duration (in seconds) it takes for a single cycle in MIC.

7. aadpodidentity_mic_cycle_count

Counter that tracks the number of cycles executed in MIC.

8. aadpodidentity_mic_new_leader_election_count

Counter that tracks the cumulative number of new leader election in MIC.

9. aadpodidentity_cloud_provider_operations_errors_count

Counter that tracks the cumulative number of cloud provider operations errors. Broken down by operation type.

10. aadpodidentity_cloud_provider_operations_duration_seconds

Histogram that tracks the duration (in seconds) it takes for cloud provider operations. Broken down by operation type.

11. aadpodidentity_kubernetes_api_operations_errors_count

Counter that tracks the cumulative number of kubernetes api operations errors. Broken down by operation type.

12. aadpodidentity_imds_operations_errors_count

Counter that tracks the cumulative number of imds token operation errors. Broken down by operation type.

13. aadpodidentity_imds_operations_duration_seconds

Histogram that tracks the duration (in seconds) it takes for IMDS token operations. Broken down by operation type.

Prometheus Metrics Endpoints

ComponentDefault Metric PortMetric Path