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Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework - Reliability pillar specific baseline.


The following rules are included within the Azure.Pillar.Reliability baseline.

This baseline includes a total of 91 rules.

Name Synopsis Severity
Azure.ACR.GeoReplica Applications or infrastructure relying on a container image may fail if the registry is not available at the time they start. Important
Azure.ACR.MinSku ACR should use the Premium or Standard SKU for production deployments. Important
Azure.ADX.SLA Use SKUs that include an SLA when configuring Azure Data Explorer (ADX) clusters. Important
Azure.AKS.AvailabilityZone AKS clusters deployed with virtual machine scale sets should use availability zones in supported regions for high availability. Important
Azure.AKS.CNISubnetSize AKS clusters using Azure CNI should use large subnets to reduce IP exhaustion issues. Important
Azure.AKS.MaintenanceWindow Configure customer-controlled maintenance windows for AKS clusters. Important
Azure.AKS.MinNodeCount AKS clusters should have minimum number of system nodes for failover and updates. Important
Azure.AKS.MinUserPoolNodes User node pools in an AKS cluster should have a minimum number of nodes for failover and updates. Important
Azure.AKS.PoolVersion AKS node pools should match Kubernetes control plane version. Important
Azure.AKS.UptimeSLA AKS clusters should have Uptime SLA enabled for a financially backed SLA. Important
Azure.AKS.Version Older versions of Kubernetes may have known bugs or security vulnerabilities, and may have limited support. Important
Azure.APIM.AvailabilityZone API Management instances should use availability zones in supported regions for high availability. Important
Azure.APIM.CertificateExpiry Renew certificates used for custom domain bindings. Important
Azure.APIM.MultiRegion Enhance service availability and resilience by deploying API Management instances across multiple regions. Important
Azure.APIM.MultiRegionGateway API Management instances should have multi-region deployment gateways enabled. Important
Azure.AppConfig.GeoReplica Replicate app configuration store across all points of presence for an application. Important
Azure.AppConfig.PurgeProtect Consider purge protection for app configuration store to ensure store cannot be purged in the retention period. Important
Azure.AppConfig.SKU App Configuration should use a minimum size of Standard. Important
Azure.AppGw.AvailabilityZone Application Gateway (App Gateway) should use availability zones in supported regions for improved resiliency. Important
Azure.AppGw.MigrateWAFPolicy Migrate to Application Gateway WAF policy. Critical
Azure.AppGw.MinInstance Application Gateways should use a minimum of two instances. Important
Azure.AppService.AlwaysOn Configure Always On for App Service apps. Important
Azure.AppService.AvailabilityZone Deploy app service plan instances using availability zones in supported regions to ensure high availability and resilience. Important
Azure.AppService.PlanInstanceCount App Service Plan should use a minimum number of instances for failover. Important
Azure.AppService.WebProbe Configure and enable instance health probes. Important
Azure.AppService.WebProbePath Configure a dedicated path for health probe requests. Important
Azure.ASE.AvailabilityZone Deploy app service environments using availability zones in supported regions to ensure high availability and resilience. Important
Azure.AVD.ScheduleAgentUpdate Define a windows for agent updates to minimize disruptions to users. Important
Azure.ContainerApp.AvailabilityZone Use Container Apps environments that are zone redundant to improve reliability. Important
Azure.ContainerApp.MinReplicas Use multiple replicas to remove a single point of failure. Important
Azure.ContainerApp.Storage Use of Azure Files volume mounts to persistent storage container data. Awareness
Azure.Cosmos.ContinuousBackup Enable continuous backup on Cosmos DB accounts. Important
Azure.Cosmos.SLA Use a paid tier to qualify for a Service Level Agreement (SLA). Important
Azure.DataFactory.Version Consider migrating to DataFactory v2. Awareness
Azure.Firewall.AvailabilityZone Deploy firewall instances using availability zones in supported regions to ensure high availability and resilience. Important
Azure.FrontDoor.Probe Use health probes to check the health of each backend. Important
Azure.FrontDoor.ProbeMethod Configure health probes to use HEAD requests to reduce performance overhead. Important
Azure.FrontDoor.ProbePath Configure a dedicated path for health probe requests. Important
Azure.Grafana.Version Grafana workspaces should be on Grafana version 10. Important
Azure.KeyVault.PurgeProtect Enable Purge Protection on Key Vaults to prevent early purge of vaults and vault items. Important
Azure.KeyVault.SoftDelete Enable Soft Delete on Key Vaults to protect vaults and vault items from accidental deletion. Important
Azure.LB.AvailabilityZone Load balancers deployed with Standard SKU should be zone-redundant for high availability. Important
Azure.LB.Probe Use a specific probe for web protocols. Important
Azure.LB.StandardSKU Load balancers should be deployed with Standard SKU for production workloads. Important
Azure.MariaDB.GeoRedundantBackup Azure Database for MariaDB should store backups in a geo-redundant storage. Important
Azure.Monitor.ServiceHealth Configure Service Health alerts to notify administrators. Important
Azure.MySQL.GeoRedundantBackup Azure Database for MySQL should store backups in a geo-redundant storage. Important
Azure.MySQL.MaintenanceWindow Configure a customer-controlled maintenance window for Azure Database for MySQL servers. Important
Azure.MySQL.UseFlexible Use Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server deployment model. Important
Azure.MySQL.ZoneRedundantHA Deploy Azure Database for MySQL servers using zone-redundant high availability (HA) in supported regions to ensure high availability and resilience. Important
Azure.NIC.UniqueDns Network interfaces (NICs) should inherit DNS from virtual networks. Awareness
Azure.NSG.DenyAllInbound When all inbound traffic is denied, some functions that affect the reliability of your service may not work as expected. Important
Azure.PostgreSQL.GeoRedundantBackup Azure Database for PostgreSQL should store backups in a geo-redundant storage. Important
Azure.PostgreSQL.MaintenanceWindow Configure a customer-controlled maintenance window for Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers. Important
Azure.PostgreSQL.ZoneRedundantHA Deploy Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers using zone-redundant high availability (HA) in supported regions to ensure high availability and resilience. Important
Azure.PublicIP.AvailabilityZone Public IP addresses deployed with Standard SKU should use availability zones in supported regions for high availability. Important
Azure.PublicIP.StandardSKU The basic SKU is being retired on 30 September 2025, and does not include several reliability and security features. Important
Azure.Redis.AvailabilityZone Premium Redis cache should be deployed with availability zones for high availability. Important
Azure.Redis.Version Azure Cache for Redis should use the latest supported version of Redis. Important
Azure.RedisEnterprise.Zones Enterprise Redis cache should be zone-redundant for high availability. Important
Azure.RSV.ReplicationAlert Recovery Services Vaults (RSV) without replication alerts configured may be at risk. Important
Azure.RSV.StorageType Recovery Services Vaults (RSV) not using geo-replicated storage (GRS) may be at risk. Important
Azure.Search.IndexSLA Use a minimum of 3 replicas to receive an SLA for query and index updates. Important
Azure.Search.QuerySLA Use a minimum of 2 replicas to receive an SLA for index queries. Important
Azure.SignalR.SLA Use SKUs that include an SLA when configuring SignalR Services. Important
Azure.SQL.MaintenanceWindow Configure a customer-controlled maintenance window for Azure SQL databases. Important
Azure.SQLMI.MaintenanceWindow Configure a customer-controlled maintenance window for Azure SQL Managed Instances. Important
Azure.Storage.ContainerSoftDelete Enable container soft delete on Storage Accounts. Important
Azure.Storage.FileShareSoftDelete Enable soft delete on Storage Accounts file shares. Important
Azure.Storage.SoftDelete Enable blob soft delete on Storage Accounts. Important
Azure.Storage.UseReplication Storage Accounts using the LRS SKU are only replicated within a single zone. Important
Azure.Template.LocationDefault Set the default value for the location parameter within an ARM template to resource group location. Awareness
Azure.TrafficManager.Endpoints Traffic Manager should use at lest two enabled endpoints. Important
Azure.VM.ASAlignment Use availability sets aligned with managed disks fault domains. Important
Azure.VM.ASDistributeTraffic Ensure high availability by distributing traffic among members in an availability set. Important
Azure.VM.ASMinMembers Availability sets should be deployed with at least two virtual machines (VMs). Important
Azure.VM.BasicSku Virtual machines (VMs) should not use Basic sizes. Important
Azure.VM.MaintenanceConfig Use a maintenance configuration for virtual machines. Important
Azure.VM.Standalone Single instance VMs are a single point of failure, however reliability can be improved by using premium storage. Important
Azure.VMSS.AvailabilityZone Deploy virtual machine scale set instances using availability zones in supported regions to ensure high availability and resilience. Important
Azure.VMSS.ZoneBalance Deploy virtual machine scale set instances using the best-effort zone balance in supported regions. Important
Azure.VNET.BastionSubnet VNETs with a GatewaySubnet should have an AzureBastionSubnet to allow for out of band remote access to VMs. Important
Azure.VNET.FirewallSubnetNAT Zonal-deployed Azure Firewalls should consider using an Azure NAT Gateway for outbound access. Awareness
Azure.VNET.LocalDNS Virtual networks (VNETs) should use DNS servers deployed within the same Azure region. Important
Azure.VNET.SingleDNS Virtual networks (VNETs) should have at least two DNS servers assigned. Important
Azure.VNG.ERAvailabilityZoneSKU Use availability zone SKU for virtual network gateways deployed with ExpressRoute gateway type. Important
Azure.VNG.ERLegacySKU Migrate from legacy SKUs to improve reliability and performance of ExpressRoute (ER) gateways. Critical
Azure.VNG.VPNActiveActive Use VPN gateways configured to operate in an Active-Active configuration to reduce connectivity downtime. Important
Azure.VNG.VPNAvailabilityZoneSKU Use availability zone SKU for virtual network gateways deployed with VPN gateway type. Important
Azure.VNG.VPNLegacySKU Migrate from legacy SKUs to improve reliability and performance of VPN gateways. Critical
Azure.WebPubSub.SLA Use SKUs that include an SLA when configuring Web PubSub Services. Important