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Enforcing code ownership#


The following scenario extends on existing code ownership features available in your tool of choice. This topic covers static analysis testing for the content (specific Azure resource) within file paths. This allows you to:

  • Identify if specific Azure resource types are added to file paths they shouldn't be.

Pull requests (PRs) are a key concept within common Git workflows and DevOps culture to enforce peer review. Code ownership provides a mechanism to require one or more specific people review changes prior to merging a PR.

For Git repositories in GitHub and Azure Repos, code ownership is controlled based on file path. If a person or team owns a file or file path they are required to review the changes proposed in the PR. The specifics of how many approvals and if approval is optional vs required is controlled by branch protection/ policies.

In the context of Azure Infrastructure as Code (IaC) - Azure Bicep/ ARM templates, these changes may:

  • Add, change, or remove infrastructure components.
  • Include sensitive changes such as updates to firewall rules or policy exemptions.
  • Introduce concerns that sentitive changes could be moved to a different file path to bypass review by a specific team.

PSRule allows teams to layer on additional rules to ensure Azure resources fall within the paths expected by code ownership.


Code ownership is implemented through CODEOWNERS in GitHub and required reviewers in Azure Repos.

Creating a new rule#

Within the .ps-rule/ sub-directory create a new file called Org.Azure.Rule.ps1. Use the following snippet to populate the rule file:

# Synopsis: Policy exemptions must be stored under designated paths for review.
Rule 'Org.Azure.Policy.Path' -Type 'Microsoft.Authorization/policyExemptions' {
    $Assert.WithinPath($PSRule.Source['Parameter'], '.', @(

Some key points to call out with the rule snippet include:

  • The name of the rule is Org.Azure.Policy.Path. Each rule name must be unique.
  • The rule applies to resources with the type of Microsoft.Authorization/policyExemptions. i.e. Policy exemptions.
  • The synopsis comment above the rule is read and used as the default recommendation if the rule fails. The rule recommendation appears in output and is intended as an instruction to remediate the failure.
  • The assertion $Assert.WithinPath ensures the specifies path is within the deployments/policy/ sub-directory.
  • The automatic variable $PSRule.Source exposes the source path for the resource. PSRule for Azure exposes a Template and Parameter source for resources originating from a template.


For recommendations on naming and storing rules see using custom rules.

Binding type#

Rules packaged within PSRule for Azure will automatically detect Policy Exemptions by their type properties. Standalone rules will get their type binding configuration from ps-rule.yaml instead.

To configure type binding:

  • Create/ update the ps-rule.yaml file within the root of the repository.
  • Add the following configuration snippet.
# Configure binding options
    - 'resourceType'
    - 'type'

Some key points to call out include:

  • Configuring the binding for targetType allows rules to use the -Type parameter. Our custom rule uses -Type 'Microsoft.Authorization/policyExemptions'.
  • The binding configuration will use the resourceType property if it exists, alternative it will use type. If neither property exists, PSRule will use the object type.

Testing locally#

To test the custom rule within Visual Studio Code, see How to install PSRule for Azure. Alternatively you can test the rule manually by running the following from a PowerShell terminal.

Assert-PSRule -Path '.ps-rule/' -Module 'PSRule.Rules.Azure' `
  -InputPath . -Format File

Sample code#

Grab the full sample code for each of these files from:
