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TFNFR20 - Non-Nullable Defaults for collection values

ID: TFNFR20 - Category: Code Style - Non-Nullable Defaults for collection values

Nullable SHOULD be set to false for collection values (e.g. sets, maps, lists) when using them in loops. However for scalar values like string and number, a null value MAY have a semantic meaning and as such these values are allowed.

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TFNFR36 - Setting prevent_deletion_if_contains_resources

ID: TFNFR36 - Category: Code Style - Setting prevent_deletion_if_contains_resources

From Terraform AzureRM 3.0, the default value of prevent_deletion_if_contains_resources in provider block is true. This will lead to an unstable test because the test subscription has some policies applied, and they will add some extra resources during the run, which can cause failures during destroy of resource groups.

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TFNFR8 - Resource & Data Block Orders

ID: TFNFR8 - Category: Code Style - Resource & Data Block Orders

There are 3 types of assignment statements in a resource or data block: argument, meta-argument and nested block. The argument assignment statement is a parameter followed by =:

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