Azure Verified Modules
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BCPFR1 - Cross-Referencing Modules

ID: BCPFR1 - Category: Composition - Cross-Referencing Modules

Module owners MAY cross-references other modules to build either Resource or Pattern modules.

However, they MUST be referenced only by a public registry reference to a pinned version e.g. br/public:avm/[res|ptn|utl]/<publishedModuleName>:>version<. They MUST NOT use local parent path references to a module e.g. ../../xxx/yyy.bicep.

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BCPNFR4 - Parameter Input Examples

ID: BCPNFR4 - Category: Documentation - Parameter Input Examples

Bicep modules MAY provide parameter input examples for parameters using the metadata.example property via the @metadata() decorator.


  example: 'uksouth'
@description('Optional. Location for all resources.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location

  example: '''
    keyName: 'myKey'
    keyVaultResourceId: '/subscriptions/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111/resourceGroups/my-rg/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/myvault'
    keyVersion: '6d143c1a0a6a453daffec4001e357de0'
    userAssignedIdentityResourceId '/subscriptions/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111/resourceGroups/my-rg/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myIdentity'
@description('Optional. The customer managed key definition.')
param customerManagedKey customerManagedKeyType

It is planned that these examples are automatically added to the module readme’s parameter descriptions when running either the Set-ModuleReadMe or Set-AVMModule scripts (available in the utilities folder).

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TFNFR31 - for Locals Only

ID: TFNFR31 - Category: Code Style - for Locals Only

In, file we could declare multiple locals blocks, but only locals blocks are allowed.

You MAY declare locals blocks next to a resource block or data block for some advanced scenarios, like making a fake module to execute some light-weight tests aimed at the expressions.

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TFNFR37 - Tool Usage by Module Owner

ID: TFNFR37 - Category: Code Style - Tool Usage by Module Owner

newres is a command-line tool that generates Terraform configuration files for a specified resource type. It automates the process of creating and files, making it easier to get started with Terraform and reducing the time spent on manual configuration.

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