Azure Verified Modules
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BCPNFR15 - AVM Module Issue template file

ID: BCPNFR15 - Category: Contribution/Support - AVM Module Issue template file

As part of the “initial Pull Request” (that publishes the first version of the module), module owners MUST add an entry to the AVM Module Issue template file in the BRM repository ( here ).

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BCPNFR16 - Post-deployment tests

ID: BCPNFR16 - Category: Testing - Post-deployment tests

For each test case in the e2e folder, you can optionally add post-deployment Pester tests that are executed once the corresponding deployment completed and before the removal logic kicks in.

To leverage the feature you MUST:

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BCPNFR17 - Code Styling - Type casting

ID: BCPNFR17 - Category: Composition - Code Styling - Type casting

To improve the usability of primitive module properties declared as strings, you SHOULD declare them using a type which better represents them, and apply any required casting in the module on behalf of the user.

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BCPNFR2 - Module Documentation Generation

ID: BCPNFR2 - Category: Documentation - Module Documentation Generation

This script/tool is currently being developed by the AVM team and will be made available very soon.

Bicep modules documentation MUST be automatically generated via the provided script/tooling from the AVM team, providing the following headings:

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BCPNFR3 - Usage Example formats

ID: BCPNFR3 - Category: Documentation - Usage Example formats

Usage examples for Bicep modules MUST be provided in the following formats:

  • Bicep file (orchestration module style) - .bicep

    module <resourceName> 'br/public:avm/[res|ptn|utl]/<publishedModuleName>:>version<' = {
      name: '${uniqueString(deployment().name, location)}-test-<uniqueIdentifier>'
      params: { (...) }
  • JSON / ARM Template Parameter Files - .json

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BCPNFR4 - Parameter Input Examples

ID: BCPNFR4 - Category: Documentation - Parameter Input Examples

Bicep modules MAY provide parameter input examples for parameters using the metadata.example property via the @metadata() decorator.


  example: 'uksouth'
@description('Optional. Location for all resources.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location

  example: '''
    keyName: 'myKey'
    keyVaultResourceId: '/subscriptions/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111/resourceGroups/my-rg/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/myvault'
    keyVersion: '6d143c1a0a6a453daffec4001e357de0'
    userAssignedIdentityResourceId '/subscriptions/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111/resourceGroups/my-rg/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myIdentity'
@description('Optional. The customer managed key definition.')
param customerManagedKey customerManagedKeyType

It is planned that these examples are automatically added to the module readme’s parameter descriptions when running either the Set-ModuleReadMe or Set-AVMModule scripts (available in the utilities folder).

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BCPNFR5 - Role Assignments Role Definition Mapping Limits

ID: BCPNFR5 - Category: Composition - Role Assignments Role Definition Mapping Limits

As per BCPFR2 , module owners MAY define common RBAC Role Definition names and IDs within a variable to allow consumers to define a RBAC Role Definition by their name rather than their ID.

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BCPNFR6 - Role Assignments Role Definition Mapping Compulsory Roles

ID: BCPNFR6 - Category: Composition - Role Assignments Role Definition Mapping Compulsory Roles

Module owners MUST include the following roles in the variable for RBAC Role Definition names:

  • Owner - ID: 8e3af657-a8ff-443c-a75c-2fe8c4bcb635
  • Contributor - ID: b24988ac-6180-42a0-ab88-20f7382dd24c
  • Reader - ID: acdd72a7-3385-48ef-bd42-f606fba81ae7
  • User Access Administrator - ID: 18d7d88d-d35e-4fb5-a5c3-7773c20a72d9
  • Role Based Access Control Administrator (Preview) - ID: f58310d9-a9f6-439a-9e8d-f62e7b41a168
Review the Bicep Contribution Guide’s ‘RBAC Role Definition Name Mapping’ section for a code sample to achieve this requirement.

BCPNFR7 - Parameter Requirement Types

ID: BCPNFR7 - Category: Inputs - Parameter Requirement Types

Modules will have lots of parameters that will differ in their requirement type (required, optional, etc.). To help consumers understand what each parameter’s requirement type is, module owners MUST add the requirement type to the beginning of each parameter’s description. Below are the requirement types with a definition and example for the description decorator:

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BCPNFR8 - Code Styling - lower camelCasing

ID: BCPNFR8 - Category: Composition - Code Styling - lower camelCasing

Module owners SHOULD use lower camelCasing for naming the following:

  • Parameters
  • Variables
  • Outputs
  • User Defined Types
  • Resources (symbolic names)
  • Modules (symbolic names)

For example: camelCasingExample (lowercase first word (entirely), with capital of first letter of all other words and rest of word in lowercase)

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