By rules
, in the module code providerMUST NOT be declared. The only exception is when the module indeed need different instances of the same kind of provider(Eg. manipulating resources across different locations or accounts), you MUST declare configuration_aliases in terraform.required_providers. See details in this
Module owners MUST set a branch protection policy on their GitHub Repositories for AVM modules against their default branch, typically main, to do the following:
Requires a Pull Request before merging
Require approval of the most recent reviewable push
Dismiss stale pull request approvals when new commits are pushed
Require linear history
Prevents force pushes
Not allow deletions
Require CODEOWNERS review
Do not allow bypassing the above settings
Above settings MUST also be enforced to administrators
If you use the
template repository
as mentioned in the contribution guide, the above will automatically be set.
Sometimes we notice that the name of certain output is not appropriate anymore, however, since we have to ensure forward compatibility in the same major version, its name MUST NOT be changed directly. It MUST be moved to an independent file, then redefine a new output in and make sure it’s compatible everywhere else in the module.
ID: TFNFR31 - Category: Code Style - for Locals Only
In, file we could declare multiple locals blocks, but only locals blocks are allowed.
You MAY declare locals blocks next to a resource block or data block for some advanced scenarios, like making a fake module to execute some light-weight tests aimed at the expressions.
From Terraform AzureRM 3.0, the default value of prevent_deletion_if_contains_resources in provider block is true. This will lead to an unstable test because the test subscription has some policies applied, and they will add some extra resources during the run, which can cause failures during destroy of resource groups.