Azure Verified Modules
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BCPFR1 - Cross-Referencing Modules

ID: BCPFR1 - Category: Composition - Cross-Referencing Modules

Module owners MAY cross-references other modules to build either Resource or Pattern modules.

However, they MUST be referenced only by a public registry reference to a pinned version e.g. br/public:avm/[res|ptn|utl]/<publishedModuleName>:>version<. They MUST NOT use local parent path references to a module e.g. ../../xxx/yyy.bicep.

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BCPFR2 - Role Assignments Role Definition Mapping

ID: BCPFR2 - Category: Composition - Role Assignments Role Definition Mapping

Module owners MAY define common RBAC Role Definition names and IDs within a variable to allow consumers to define a RBAC Role Definition by their name rather than their ID, this should be self contained within the module themselves.

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BCPFR4 - Telemetry Enablement

ID: BCPFR4 - Category: Composition - Telemetry Enablement

To comply with specifications outlined in SFR3 & SFR4 you MUST incorporate the following code snippet into your modules. Place this code sample in the “top level” main.bicep file; it is not necessary to include it in any nested Bicep files (child modules).

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BCPFR5 - Availability Zones Implementation

ID: BCPFR5 - Category: Inputs - Availability Zones Implementation

To implement requirement SFR5 , the following convention SHOULD apply:

In this case, the parameter should be implemented like

@description('Optional. The Availability Zones to place the resources in.')
param zones int[] = [

resource myResource (...) {
  properties: {
    zones: map(zones, zone => string(zone))

In this case, the parameter should be implemented using a singular-named zone parameter of type int like

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BCPFR6 - Cross-Referencing Child-Modules

ID: BCPFR6 - Cross-Referencing Child-Modules

Parent templates MUST reference all their direct child-templates to allow for an end-to-end deployment experience. For example, the SQL server template must reference its child database module and encapsulate it in a loop to allow for the deployment of multiple databases.

@description('Optional. The databases to create in the server')
param databases databaseType[]?

resource server 'Microsoft.Sql/servers@(...)' = { (...) }

module server_databases 'database/main.bicep' = [for (database, index) in (databases ?? []): {
  name: '${uniqueString(deployment().name, location)}-Sql-DB-${index}'
  params: {

BCPNFR1 - User-defined types - General

ID: BCPNFR1 - Inputs - User-defined types - General

To simplify the consumption experience for module consumers when interacting with complex data types input parameters, mainly objects and arrays, the Bicep feature of User-Defined Types MUST be used and declared.

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BCPNFR11 - Test Tooling

ID: BCPNFR11 - Category: Testing - Test Tooling

Module owners MUST use the below tooling for unit/linting/static/security analysis tests. These are also used in the AVM Compliance Tests.

  • PSRule for Azure
  • Pester
    • Some tests are provided as part of the AVM Compliance Tests, but you are free to also use Pester for your own tests.

BCPNFR12 - Deployment Test Naming

ID: BCPNFR12 - Category: Testing - Deployment Test Naming

Module owners MUST invoke the module in their test using the syntax:

module testDeployment '../../../main.bicep' =

Example 1: Working example with a single deployment

module testDeployment '../../../main.bicep' = {
  scope: resourceGroup
  name: '${uniqueString(deployment().name, location)}-test-${serviceShort}'
  params: {

Example 2: Working example using a deployment loop

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BCPNFR13 - Test file metadata

ID: BCPNFR13 - Category: Testing - Test file metadata

By default, the ReadMe-generating utility will create usage examples headers based on each e2e folder’s name. Module owners MAY provide a custom name & description by specifying the metadata blocks name & description in their main.test.bicep test files.

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