Module owners MAY cross-references other modules to build either Resource or Pattern modules.
However, they MUST be referenced only by a public registry reference to a pinned version e.g. br/public:avm/[res|ptn|utl]/<publishedModuleName>:>version<. They MUST NOT use local parent path references to a module e.g. ../../xxx/yyy.bicep.
ID: BCPFR2 - Category: Composition - Role Assignments Role Definition Mapping
Module owners MAY define common RBAC Role Definition names and IDs within a variable to allow consumers to define a RBAC Role Definition by their name rather than their ID, this should be self contained within the module themselves.
To comply with specifications outlined in
you MUST incorporate the following code snippet into your modules. Place this code sample in the “top level” main.bicep file; it is not necessary to include it in any nested Bicep files (child modules).
ID: BCPFR5 - Category: Inputs - Availability Zones Implementation
To implement requirement
, the following convention SHOULD apply:
In this case, the parameter should be implemented like
@description('Optional. The Availability Zones to place the resources in.')@allowed([123])paramzonesint[]=[123]resourcemyResource(...){(...)properties:{(...)zones:map(zones,zone=>string(zone))}}
In this case, the parameter should be implemented using a singular-named zone parameter of type int like
Parent templates MUST reference all their direct child-templates to allow for an end-to-end deployment experience.
For example, the SQL server template must reference its child database module and encapsulate it in a loop to allow for the deployment of multiple databases.
@description('Optional. The databases to create in the server')paramdatabasesdatabaseType[]?resourceserver'Microsoft.Sql/servers@(...)'={(...)}moduleserver_databases'database/main.bicep'=[for(database,index)in(databases??[]):{name:'${uniqueString(deployment().name,location)}-Sql-DB-${index}'params:{}}]
ID: BCPNFR1 - Inputs - User-defined types - General
To simplify the consumption experience for module consumers when interacting with complex data types input parameters, mainly objects and arrays, the Bicep feature of
User-Defined TypesMUST be used and declared.
ID: BCPNFR10 - Category: Testing - Test Bicep File Naming
Module owners MUST name their test .bicep files in the /tests/e2e/<defaults/waf-aligned/max/etc.> directories: main.test.bicep as the test framework (CI) relies upon this name.
ID: BCPNFR13 - Category: Testing - Test file metadata
By default, the ReadMe-generating utility will create usage examples headers based on each e2e folder’s name.
Module owners MAY provide a custom name & description by specifying the metadata blocks name & description in their main.test.bicep test files.