ID: TFNFR19 - Category: Code Style - Sensitive Data Variables
If variable’s type is object and contains one or more fields that would be assigned to a sensitive argument, then this whole variableSHOULD be declared as sensitive = true, otherwise you SHOULD extract sensitive field into separated variable block with sensitive = true.
Nullable SHOULD be set to false for collection values (e.g. sets, maps, lists) when using them in loops. However for scalar values like string and number, a null value MAY have a semantic meaning and as such these values are allowed.
Sometimes we will find names for some variable are not suitable anymore, or a change SHOULD be made to the data type. We want to ensure forward compatibility within a major version, so direct changes are strictly forbidden. The right way to do this is move this variable to an independent file, then redefine the new parameter in and make sure it’s compatible everywhere else.
The file MUST only contain one terraform block.
The first line of the terraform block MUST define a required_version property for the Terraform CLI.
The required_version property MUST include a constraint on the minimum version of the Terraform CLI. Previous releases of the Terraform CLI can have unexpected behavior.
ID: TFNFR26 - Category: Code Style - Providers in required_providers
The terraform block in terraform.tfMUST contain the required_providers block.
Each provider used directly in the module MUST be specified with the source and version properties. Providers in the required_providers block SHOULD be sorted in alphabetical order.
By rules
, in the module code providerMUST NOT be declared. The only exception is when the module indeed need different instances of the same kind of provider(Eg. manipulating resources across different locations or accounts), you MUST declare configuration_aliases in terraform.required_providers. See details in this