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BCPNFR11 - Test Tooling

ID: BCPNFR11 - Category: Testing - Test Tooling

Module owners MUST use the below tooling for unit/linting/static/security analysis tests. These are also used in the AVM Compliance Tests.

  • PSRule for Azure
  • Pester
    • Some tests are provided as part of the AVM Compliance Tests, but you are free to also use Pester for your own tests.

BCPNFR12 - Deployment Test Naming

ID: BCPNFR12 - Category: Testing - Deployment Test Naming

Module owners MUST invoke the module in their test using the syntax:

module testDeployment '../../../main.bicep' =

Example 1: Working example with a single deployment

module testDeployment '../../../main.bicep' = {
  scope: resourceGroup
  name: '${uniqueString(deployment().name, location)}-test-${serviceShort}'
  params: {

Example 2: Working example using a deployment loop

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BCPNFR13 - Test file metadata

ID: BCPNFR13 - Category: Testing - Test file metadata

By default, the ReadMe-generating utility will create usage examples headers based on each e2e folder’s name. Module owners MAY provide a custom name & description by specifying the metadata blocks name & description in their main.test.bicep test files.

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BCPNFR16 - Post-deployment tests

ID: BCPNFR16 - Category: Testing - Post-deployment tests

For each test case in the e2e folder, you can optionally add post-deployment Pester tests that are executed once the corresponding deployment completed and before the removal logic kicks in.

To leverage the feature you MUST:

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BCPRMNFR1 - Expected Test Directories

ID: BCPRMNFR1 - Category: Testing - Expected Test Directories

Module owners MUST create the defaults, waf-aligned folders within their /tests/e2e/ directory in their resource module source code and SHOULD create a max folder also. Module owners CAN create additional folders as required. Each folder will be used as described for various test cases.

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SNFR2 - E2E Testing

ID: SNFR2 - Category: Testing - E2E Testing

Modules MUST implement end-to-end (deployment) testing that create actual resources to validate that module deployments work. In Bicep tests are sourced from the directories in /tests/e2e. In Terraform, these are in /examples.

Each test MUST run and complete without user inputs successfully, for automation purposes.

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SNFR24 - Testing Child, Extension & Interface Resources

ID: SNFR24 - Category: Testing - Testing Child, Extension & Interface Resources

Module owners MUST test that child and extension resources and those Bicep or Terreform interface resources that are supported by their modules, are validated in E2E tests as per SNFR2 to ensure they deploy and are configured correctly.

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SNFR4 - Unit Tests

ID: SNFR4 - Category: Testing - Unit Tests

Modules SHOULD implement unit testing to ensure logic and conditions within parameters/variables/locals are performing correctly. These tests MUST pass before a module version can be published.

Unit Tests test specific module functionality, without deploying resources. Used on more complex modules. In Bicep and Terraform these live in tests/unit.

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