Bicep modules MAY provide parameter input examples for parameters using the metadata.example property via the @metadata() decorator.
@metadata({example:'uksouth'})@description('Optional. Location for all resources.')paramlocationstring=resourceGroup().location@metadata({example:'''
keyName: 'myKey'
keyVaultResourceId: '/subscriptions/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111/resourceGroups/my-rg/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/myvault'
keyVersion: '6d143c1a0a6a453daffec4001e357de0'
userAssignedIdentityResourceId '/subscriptions/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111/resourceGroups/my-rg/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myIdentity'
'''})@description('Optional. The customer managed key definition.')paramcustomerManagedKeycustomerManagedKeyType
It is planned that these examples are automatically added to the module readme’s parameter descriptions when running either the Set-ModuleReadMe or Set-AVMModule scripts (available in the utilities folder).
README documentation MUST be automatically/programmatically generated. MUST include the sections as defined in the language specific requirements
Where descriptions for variables and outputs spans multiple lines. The description MAY provide variable input examples for each variable using the HEREDOC format and embedded markdown.
variable"my_complex_input"{type = map(object({param1 = stringparam2 = optional(number,null)}))description = <<DESCRIPTIONA complex input variable that is a map of objects.
Each object has two attributes:
- `param1`: A required string parameter.
- `param2`: (Optional) An optional number parameter.
Example Input:
my_complex_input = {
"object1" = {
param1 = "value1"
param2 = 2
"object2" = {
param1 = "value2"