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BCPNFR2 - Module Documentation Generation

ID: BCPNFR2 - Category: Documentation - Module Documentation Generation

This script/tool is currently being developed by the AVM team and will be made available very soon.

Bicep modules documentation MUST be automatically generated via the provided script/tooling from the AVM team, providing the following headings:

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BCPNFR3 - Usage Example formats

ID: BCPNFR3 - Category: Documentation - Usage Example formats

Usage examples for Bicep modules MUST be provided in the following formats:

  • Bicep file (orchestration module style) - .bicep

    module <resourceName> 'br/public:avm/[res|ptn|utl]/<publishedModuleName>:>version<' = {
      name: '${uniqueString(deployment().name, location)}-test-<uniqueIdentifier>'
      params: { (...) }
  • JSON / ARM Template Parameter Files - .json

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BCPNFR4 - Parameter Input Examples

ID: BCPNFR4 - Category: Documentation - Parameter Input Examples

Bicep modules MAY provide parameter input examples for parameters using the metadata.example property via the @metadata() decorator.


  example: 'uksouth'
@description('Optional. Location for all resources.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location

  example: '''
    keyName: 'myKey'
    keyVaultResourceId: '/subscriptions/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111/resourceGroups/my-rg/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/myvault'
    keyVersion: '6d143c1a0a6a453daffec4001e357de0'
    userAssignedIdentityResourceId '/subscriptions/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111/resourceGroups/my-rg/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myIdentity'
@description('Optional. The customer managed key definition.')
param customerManagedKey customerManagedKeyType

It is planned that these examples are automatically added to the module readme’s parameter descriptions when running either the Set-ModuleReadMe or Set-AVMModule scripts (available in the utilities folder).

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SNFR15 - Automatic Documentation Generation

ID: SNFR15 - Category: Documentation - Automatic Documentation Generation

README documentation MUST be automatically/programmatically generated. MUST include the sections as defined in the language specific requirements BCPNFR2 , TFNFR2 .

TFNFR1 - Descriptions

ID: TFNFR1 - Category: Documentation - Descriptions

Where descriptions for variables and outputs spans multiple lines. The description MAY provide variable input examples for each variable using the HEREDOC format and embedded markdown.


variable "my_complex_input" {
  type = map(object({
    param1 = string
    param2 = optional(number, null)
  description = <<DESCRIPTION
A complex input variable that is a map of objects.
Each object has two attributes:

- `param1`: A required string parameter.
- `param2`: (Optional) An optional number parameter.

Example Input:

my_complex_input = {
  "object1" = {
    param1 = "value1"
    param2 = 2
  "object2" = {
    param1 = "value2"

TFNFR2 - Module Documentation Generation

ID: TFNFR2 - Category: Documentation - Module Documentation Generation

Terraform modules documentation MUST be automatically generated via Terraform Docs .

A file called .terraform-docs.yml MUST be present in the root of the module and have the following content:

### To generate the output file to partially incorporate in the,
### Execute this command in the Terraform module's code folder:
# terraform-docs -c .terraform-docs.yml .

formatter: "markdown document" # this is required

version: "0.16.0"

header-from: ""
footer-from: ""

  enabled: false
  path: modules

  hide: []
  show: []

content: |-
  {{ .Header }}

  <!-- markdownlint-disable MD033 -->
  {{ .Requirements }}

  {{ .Providers }}

  {{ .Resources }}

  <!-- markdownlint-disable MD013 -->
  {{ .Inputs }}

  {{ .Outputs }}

  {{ .Modules }}

  {{ .Footer }}  

  mode: replace
  template: |-
    <!-- BEGIN_TF_DOCS -->
    {{ .Content }}
    <!-- END_TF_DOCS -->    
  enabled: false
  from: ""

  enabled: true
  by: required

  anchor: true
  color: true
  default: true
  description: false
  escape: true
  hide-empty: false
  html: true
  indent: 2
  lockfile: true
  read-comments: true
  required: true
  sensitive: true
  type: true