TFNFR8 - Resource & Data Block Orders

ID: TFNFR8 - Category: Code Style - Resource & Data Block Orders

There are 3 types of assignment statements in a resource or data block: argument, meta-argument and nested block. The argument assignment statement is a parameter followed by =:

location = azurerm_resource_group.example.location


tags = {
  environment = "Production"

Nested block is a assignment statement of parameter followed by {} block:

subnet {
  name           = "subnet1"
  address_prefix = ""

Meta-arguments are assignment statements can be declared by all resource or data blocks. They are:

  • count
  • depends_on
  • for_each
  • lifecycle
  • provider

The order of declarations within resource or data blocks is:

All the meta-arguments SHOULD be declared on the top of resource or data blocks in the following order:

  1. provider
  2. count
  3. for_each

Then followed by:

  1. required arguments
  2. optional arguments
  3. required nested blocks
  4. optional nested blocks

All ranked in alphabetical order.

These meta-arguments SHOULD be declared at the bottom of a resource block with the following order:

  1. depends_on
  2. lifecycle

The parameters of lifecycle block SHOULD show up in the following order:

  1. create_before_destroy
  2. ignore_changes
  3. prevent_destroy

parameters under depends_on and ignore_changes are ranked in alphabetical order.

Meta-arguments, arguments and nested blocked are separated by blank lines.

dynamic nested blocks are ranked by the name comes after dynamic, for example:

  dynamic "linux_profile" {
    for_each = var.admin_username == null ? [] : ["linux_profile"]

    content {
      admin_username = var.admin_username

      ssh_key {
        key_data = replace(coalesce(var.public_ssh_key, tls_private_key.ssh[0].public_key_openssh), "\n", "")

This dynamic block will be ranked as a block named linux_profile.

Code within a nested block will also be ranked following the rules above.

PS: You can use avmfix tool to reformat your code automatically.