TFNFR35 - Reviewing Potential Breaking Changes

ID: TFNFR35 - Category: Code Style - Reviewing Potential Breaking Changes

Potential breaking(surprise) changes introduced by resource block

  1. Adding a new resource without count or for_each for conditional creation, or creating by default
  2. Adding a new argument assignment with a value other than the default value provided by the provider’s schema
  3. Adding a new nested block without making it dynamic or omitting it by default
  4. Renaming a resource block without one or more corresponding moved blocks
  5. Change resource’s count to for_each, or vice versa

Terraform moved block could be your cure.

Potential breaking changes introduced by variable and output blocks

  1. Deleting(Renaming) a variable
  2. Changing type in a variable block
  3. Changing the default value in a variable block
  4. Changing variable’s nullable to false
  5. Changing variable’s sensitive from false to true
  6. Adding a new variable without default
  7. Deleting an output
  8. Changing an output’s value
  9. Changing an output’s sensitive value

These changes do not necessarily trigger breaking changes, but they are very likely to, they MUST be reviewed with caution.