SNFR20 - GitHub Teams Only

ID: SNFR20 - Category: Contribution/Support - GitHub Teams Only

All GitHub repositories that AVM module are published from and hosted within MUST only assign GitHub repository permissions to GitHub teams only.

Each module MUST have separate GitHub teams assigned for module owners AND module contributors respectively. These GitHub teams MUST be created in the Azure organization in GitHub.

There MUST NOT be any GitHub repository permissions assigned to individual users.


The names for the GitHub teams for each approved module are already defined in the respective Module Indexes. These teams MUST be created (and used) for each module.

The @Azure prefix in the last column of the tables linked above represents the “Azure” GitHub organization all AVM-related repositories exist in. DO NOT include this segment in the team’s name!


Non-FTE / external contributors (subject matter experts that aren’t Microsoft employees) can’t be members of the teams described in this chapter, hence, they won’t gain any extra permissions on AVM repositories, therefore, they need to work in forks.

Naming Convention

The naming convention for the GitHub teams MUST follow the below pattern:

  • <hyphenated module name>-module-owners-<bicep/tf> - to be assigned as the GitHub repository’s Module Owners team
  • <hyphenated module name>-module-contributors-<bicep/tf> - to be assigned as the GitHub repository’s Module Contributors team

The naming convention for Bicep modules is slightly different than the naming convention for their respective GitHub teams.


  • <hyphenated module name> == the AVM Module’s name, with each segment separated by dashes, i.e., avm-res-<resource provider>-<ARM resource type>
    • See RMNFR1 for AVM Resource Module Naming
    • See PMNFR1 for AVM Pattern Module Naming
  • module-owners or module-contributors == the role the GitHub Team is assigned to
  • <bicep/tf> == the language the module is written in


  • avm-res-compute-virtualmachine-module-owners-bicep
  • avm-res-compute-virtualmachine-module-contributors-tf

Add Team Members

All officially documented module owner(s) MUST be added to the -module-owners- team. The -module-owners- team MUST NOT have any other members.

Any additional module contributors whom the module owner(s) agreed to work with MUST be added to the -module-contributors- team.

Unless explicitly requested and agreed, members of the AVM core team or any PG teams MUST NOT be added to the -module-owners- or -module-contributors- teams as permissions for them are granted through the teams described in SNFR9.

Grant Permissions - Bicep

Team memberships


In case of Bicep modules, permissions to the BRM repository (the repo of the Bicep Registry) are granted via assigning the -module-owners- and -module-contributors- teams to parent teams that already have the required level access configured. While it is the module owner’s responsibility to initiate the addition of their teams to the respective parents, only the AVM core team can approve this parent-child relationship.

Module owners MUST create their -module-owners- and -module-contributors- teams and as part of the provisioning process, they MUST request the addition of these teams to their respective parent teams (see the table below for details).

GitHub Team NameDescriptionPermissionsPermissions granted throughWhere to work?
<hyphenated module name>-module-owners-bicepAVM Bicep Module Owners - <module name>WriteAssignment to the avm-technical-reviewers-bicep parent team.Need to work in a fork.
<hyphenated module name>-module-contributors-bicepAVM Bicep Module Contributors - <module name>Triageavm-module-contributors-bicep parent team.Need to work in a fork.

Examples - GitHub teams required for the Bicep resource module of Azure Virtual Network (avm/res/network/virtual-network):

  • avm-res-network-virtualnetwork-module-owners-bicep –> assign to the avm-technical-reviewers-bicep parent team.
  • avm-res-network-virtualnetwork-module-contributors-bicep –> assign to the avm-module-contributors-bicep parent team.

Direct link to create a new GitHub team and assign it to its parent: Create new team

Fill in the values as follows:

  • Team name: Following the naming convention described above, use the value defined in the module indexes.
  • Description: Follow the guidance above (see the Description column in the table above).
  • Parent team: Follow the guidance above (see the Permissions granted through column in the table above).
  • Team visibility: Visible
  • Team notifications: Enabled


As part of the “initial Pull Request” (that publishes the first version of the module), module owners MUST add an entry to the CODEOWNERS file in the BRM repository (here).


Through this approach, the AVM core team will grant review permission to module owners as part of the standard PR review process.

Every CODEOWNERS entry (line) MUST include the following segments separated by a single whitespace character:

  • Path of the module, relative to the repo’s root, e.g.: /avm/res/network/virtual-network/
  • The -module-owners-team, with the @Azure/ prefix, e.g., @Azure/avm-res-network-virtualnetwork-module-owners-bicep
  • The GitHub team of the AVM Bicep reviewers, with the @Azure/ prefix, i.e., @Azure/avm-module-reviewers-bicep

Example - CODEOWNERS entry for the Bicep resource module of Azure Virtual Network (avm/res/network/virtual-network):

  • /avm/res/network/virtual-network/ @Azure/avm-res-network-virtualnetwork-module-owners-bicep @Azure/avm-module-reviewers-bicep

Grant Permissions - Terraform

Module owners MUST assign the -module-owners-and -module-contributors- teams the necessary permissions on their Terraform module repository per the guidance below.

GitHub Team NameDescriptionPermissionsPermissions granted throughWhere to work?
<module name>-module-owners-tfAVM Terraform Module Owners - <module name>AdminDirect assignment to repoModule owner can decide whether they want to work in a branch local to the repo or in a fork.
<module name>-module-contributors-tfAVM Terraform Module Contributors - <module name>WriteDirect assignment to repoNeed to work in a fork.

Direct link to create a new GitHub team: Create new team

Fill in the values as follows:

  • Team name: Following the naming convention described above, use the value defined in the module indexes.
  • Description: Follow the guidance above (see the Description column in the table above).
  • Parent team: Do not assign the team to any parent team.
  • Team visibility: Visible
  • Team notifications: Enabled