BCPNFR16 - Post-deployment tests
ID: BCPNFR16 - Category: Testing - Post-deployment tests
For each test case in the e2e
folder, you can optionally add post-deployment Pester tests that are executed once the corresponding deployment completed and before the removal logic kicks in.
To leverage the feature you MUST:
Use Pester as a test framework in each test file
Name the file with the suffix
Place each test file the
test’s folder or any subfolder (e.g.,e2e/max/myTest.tests.ps1
)Implement an input parameter
in the following way:param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [hashtable] $TestInputData = @{} )
Through this parameter you can make use of every output the
file returns, as well as the path to the test template file in case you want to extract data from it directly.For example, with an output such as
output resourceId string = testDeployment[1].outputs.resourceId
defined in themain.test.bicep
file, the$TestInputData
would look like:$TestInputData = @{ DeploymentOutputs = @{ resourceId = @{ Type = "String" Value = "/subscriptions/***/resourceGroups/dep-***-keyvault.vaults-kvvpe-rg/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/***kvvpe001" } } ModuleTestFolderPath = "/home/runner/work/bicep-registry-modules/bicep-registry-modules/avm/res/key-vault/vault/tests/e2e/private-endpoint" }
A full test file may look like: