Terraform Resource Modules
Module catalog
Language | Classification | Published 🟢 & 👀 | Proposed 🆕 | SUM 📇 |
Terraform | Resource | 76 | 66 | 142 |
➕ Additional information
Modules listed below that aren’t shown with the status of Module Available 🟢
, are currently in development and are not yet available for use. For proposed modules, see the Proposed modules section below.
Published modules - 🟢 & 👀
➕ Published Modules - Module names, status and owners
Proposed modules - 🆕
➕ Proposed Modules - Module names, status and owners
No. | Module Name | Source Code | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm-res-aad-domainservice | n/a | Azure Active Directory Domain Service | humanascode Itamar Hirosh | |
02 | avm-res-alertsmanagement-actionrule | n/a | Action Rules | joeybarnes Joseph Barnes | |
03 | avm-res-analysisservices-server | n/a | Analysis Services Server | ||
04 | avm-res-apimanagement-service | n/a | API Management Service | swatilekhapaul Swatilekha Paul | |
05 | avm-res-app-job | n/a | App Job | ||
06 | avm-res-appconfiguration-configurationstore | n/a | App Configuration Store | Pavkum007 GR Pavan Kumar | |
07 | avm-res-automation-automationaccount | n/a | Automation Account | didayal-msft Divyadeep Dayal | |
08 | avm-res-batch-batchaccount | n/a | Batch Account | ethanjenkins1 Ethan Jenkins | |
09 | avm-res-botservice-botservice | n/a | Bot Service | salujamanish Manish Saluja | |
10 | avm-res-communication-emailservice | n/a | Email Communication Service | krbar Kris Baranek | |
11 | avm-res-compute-image | n/a | Image | ||
12 | avm-res-consumption-budget | n/a | Consumption Budget | ||
13 | avm-res-dashboard-grafana | n/a | Azure Managed Grafana | khajour Abdelaziz Khajour | |
14 | avm-res-databricks-accessconnector | n/a | Azure Databricks Access Connector | ||
15 | avm-res-datafactory-factory | n/a | Data Factory | asishr Asish R | |
16 | avm-res-dataprotection-backupvault | n/a | Data Protection Backup Vault | ethanjenkins1 Ethan Jenkins | |
17 | avm-res-devtestlab-lab | n/a | DevTest Lab | sharmilamusunuru Sharmila Musunuru | |
18 | avm-res-digitaltwins-digitaltwinsinstance | n/a | Digital Twins Instance | ||
19 | avm-res-eventgrid-domain | n/a | Event Grid Domain | ||
20 | avm-res-eventgrid-namespace | n/a | Event Grid Namespace | ||
21 | avm-res-eventgrid-systemtopic | n/a | Event Grid System Topic | ||
22 | avm-res-eventgrid-topic | n/a | Event Grid Topic | ||
23 | avm-res-eventhub-namespace | n/a | Event Hub Namespace | mbilalamjad Bilal Amjad | |
24 | avm-res-healthbot-healthbot | n/a | Azure Health Bot | ||
25 | avm-res-hybridcompute-machine | n/a | Hybrid Compute Machine | ||
26 | avm-res-insights-actiongroup | n/a | Action Group | arjenhuitema Arjen Huitema | |
27 | avm-res-insights-activitylogalert | n/a | Activity log alerts | tagolovina Tanya Golovina | |
28 | avm-res-insights-alertrule | n/a | Alert Rules | joeybarnes Joseph Barnes | |
29 | avm-res-insights-autoscalesetting | n/a | Auto scale settings | chianw Chian Wong | |
30 | avm-res-insights-datacollectionrule | n/a | Data Collection Rule | sharmilamusunuru Sharmila Musunuru | |
31 | avm-res-insights-logprofile | n/a | Log profile | sharmilamusunuru Sharmila Musunuru | |
32 | avm-res-insights-metricalert | n/a | Metric Alert | arjenhuitema Arjen Huitema | |
33 | avm-res-insights-privatelinkscope | n/a | Azure Monitor Private Link Scope | sharmilamusunuru Sharmila Musunuru | |
34 | avm-res-insights-scheduledqueryrule | n/a | Scheduled Query Rule | ||
35 | avm-res-loadtestservice-loadtest | n/a | Load Testing Service | LaurentLesle Laurent Lesle | |
36 | avm-res-maintenance-maintenanceconfiguration | n/a | Maintenance Configuration | ||
37 | avm-res-managedservices-registrationdefinition | n/a | Registration Definition (Lighthouse) | ||
38 | avm-res-management-managementgroup | n/a | Management Group MG | ||
39 | avm-res-network-applicationgatewaywebapplicationfirewallpolicy | n/a | Application Gateway Web Application Firewall (WAF) Policy | mofaizal Mohamed Faizal | |
40 | avm-res-network-applicationsecuritygroup | n/a | Application Security Group (ASG) ASG | mbilalamjad Bilal Amjad | |
41 | avm-res-network-dnsforwardingruleset | n/a | DNS Forwarding Ruleset | sharmilamusunuru Sharmila Musunuru | |
42 | avm-res-network-frontdoor | n/a | Azure Front Door | mbilalamjad Bilal Amjad | |
43 | avm-res-network-frontdoorwebapplicationfirewallpolicy | n/a | Front Door Web Application Firewall (WAF) Policy | sihbher Gerardo Reyes | |
44 | avm-res-network-ipgroup | n/a | IP Group | ||
45 | avm-res-network-privatelinkservice | n/a | Private Link Service | avivshrem Aviv Shrem | |
46 | avm-res-network-publicipprefix | n/a | Public IP Prefix | PmeshramPM Pankaj Meshram | |
47 | avm-res-network-serviceendpointpolicy | n/a | Service Endpoint Policy | ||
48 | avm-res-network-trafficmanagerprofile | n/a | Traffic Manager Profile | AnubhaR94 Anubha Rana | |
49 | avm-res-network-virtualnetworkgateway | n/a | Virtual Network Gateway VNET GW | ||
50 | avm-res-network-virtualrouter | n/a | Route Server | ||
51 | avm-res-operationsmanagement-solution | n/a | Operations Management Solution | ||
52 | avm-res-powerbidedicated-capacity | n/a | Power BI Dedicated Capacity | ||
53 | avm-res-purview-account | n/a | Purview Account | leonid-klatt Leonid Klatt | |
54 | avm-res-recoveryservices-vault | n/a | Recovery Services Vault | elsalvos Cesar Abrego | |
55 | avm-res-redhatopenShift-openshiftcluster | n/a | OpenShift Cluster | ljtill Lyon Till | |
56 | avm-res-relay-namespace | n/a | Relay Namespace | ||
57 | avm-res-resourcegraph-query | n/a | Resource Graph Query | SJAYAP S Jayaprakash | |
58 | avm-res-security-pricing | n/a | Microsoft Defender for Cloud Subscription Pricing | cshea-msft Charles Shea | |
59 | avm-res-servicefabric-cluster | n/a | Service Fabric Cluster | ||
60 | avm-res-servicenetworking-trafficcontroller | n/a | Application Gateway for Containers (Traffic Controller) | mofaizal Mohamed Faizal | |
61 | avm-res-signalrservice-signalr | n/a | SignalR Service SignalR | ||
62 | avm-res-sql-instancepool | n/a | Instance Pools | ||
63 | avm-res-sqlvirtualmachine-sqlvirtualmachine | n/a | Sql Virtual Machine SQL VM | timchapman Tim Chapman | |
64 | avm-res-synapse-workspace | n/a | Synapse Workspace | Karni-G Karni Gupta | |
65 | avm-res-virtualmachineimages-imagetemplate | n/a | Virtual Machine Image Template | ||
66 | avm-res-web-connection | n/a | API Connection | dukumili Sandhya Kumili |
All modules - 📇
➕ All Modules - Module names, status and owners
No. | Module Name | Source Code | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm-res-aad-domainservice | n/a | Azure Active Directory Domain Service | humanascode Itamar Hirosh | |
02 | avm-res-alertsmanagement-actionrule | n/a | Action Rules | joeybarnes Joseph Barnes | |
03 | avm-res-analysisservices-server | n/a | Analysis Services Server | ||
04 | avm-res-apimanagement-service | n/a | API Management Service | swatilekhapaul Swatilekha Paul | |
05 | avm-res-app-containerapp | 📄 | Container App | lonegunmanb Zijie He | |
06 | avm-res-app-job | n/a | App Job | ||
07 | avm-res-app-managedenvironment | 📄 | App Managed Environment | segraef Sebastian Graef | |
08 | avm-res-appconfiguration-configurationstore | n/a | App Configuration Store | Pavkum007 GR Pavan Kumar | |
09 | avm-res-authorization-roleassignment | 📄 | Role Assignment | jaredfholgate Jared Holgate | |
10 | avm-res-automation-automationaccount | n/a | Automation Account | didayal-msft Divyadeep Dayal | |
11 | avm-res-avs-privatecloud | 📄 | AVS Private Cloud | jchancellor-ms Jon Chancellor | |
12 | avm-res-azurestackhci-cluster | 📄 | Azure Stack HCI Cluster | xhy8759 Hangyu Xu | |
13 | avm-res-azurestackhci-logicalnetwork | 📄 | AzureStackHCI logical network | xhy8759 Hangyu Xu | |
14 | avm-res-azurestackhci-virtualmachineinstance | 📄 | Stack HCI Virtual Machine Instance | xhy8759 Hangyu Xu | |
15 | avm-res-batch-batchaccount | n/a | Batch Account | ethanjenkins1 Ethan Jenkins | |
16 | avm-res-botservice-botservice | n/a | Bot Service | salujamanish Manish Saluja | |
17 | avm-res-cache-redis | 📄 | Redis Cache | jchancellor-ms Jon Chancellor | |
18 | avm-res-cdn-profile | 📄 | CDN Profile | Poven795909 Poornima Venkataramanan didayal-msft Divyadeep Dayal | |
19 | avm-res-cognitiveservices-account | 📄 | Cognitive Service | lonegunmanb Zijie He | |
20 | avm-res-communication-emailservice | n/a | Email Communication Service | krbar Kris Baranek | |
21 | avm-res-compute-disk | 📄 | Compute Disk | terrymandin Terry Mandin | |
22 | avm-res-compute-diskencryptionset | 📄 | Disk Encryption Set | Akashc0807 Akash Choudhary | |
23 | avm-res-compute-gallery | 📄 | Azure Compute Gallery | Akashc0807 Akash Choudhary | |
24 | avm-res-compute-hostgroup | 📄 | Host Groups | chianw Chian Wong | |
25 | avm-res-compute-image | n/a | Image | ||
26 | avm-res-compute-proximityplacementgroup | 📄 | Proximity Placement Group | fafriha Farouk Friha | |
27 | avm-res-compute-sshpublickey | 📄 | Public SSH Key | ChrisSidebotham Chris Sidebotham | |
28 | avm-res-compute-virtualmachine | 📄 | Virtual Machine VM | jchancellor-ms Jon Chancellor | |
29 | avm-res-compute-virtualmachinescaleset | 📄 | Virtual Machine Scale Set VMSS | terrymandin Terry Mandin marcelkmfst Marcel Keller | |
30 | avm-res-consumption-budget | n/a | Consumption Budget | ||
31 | avm-res-containerinstance-containergroup | 📄 | Container Instance | sharmilamusunuru Sharmila Musunuru | |
32 | avm-res-containerregistry-registry | 📄 | Azure Container Registry (ACR) | Akashc0807 Akash Choudhary | |
33 | avm-res-containerservice-managedcluster | 📄 | AKS managed clusters | ibersanoMS Isabelle Bersano | |
34 | avm-res-dashboard-grafana | n/a | Azure Managed Grafana | khajour Abdelaziz Khajour | |
35 | avm-res-databricks-accessconnector | n/a | Azure Databricks Access Connector | ||
36 | avm-res-databricks-workspace | 📄 | Azure Databricks Workspace | segraef Sebastian Graef | |
37 | avm-res-datafactory-factory | n/a | Data Factory | asishr Asish R | |
38 | avm-res-dataprotection-backupvault | n/a | Data Protection Backup Vault | ethanjenkins1 Ethan Jenkins | |
39 | avm-res-dbformysql-flexibleserver | 📄 | DB for MySQL Flexible Server | mbilalamjad Bilal Amjad | |
40 | avm-res-dbforpostgresql-flexibleserver | 📄 | DB for Postgre SQL Flexible Server | mbilalamjad Bilal Amjad | |
41 | avm-res-desktopvirtualization-applicationgroup | 📄 | Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Application Group | jensheerin Jen Sheerin cshea-msft Charles Shea | |
42 | avm-res-desktopvirtualization-hostpool | 📄 | Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Host Pool | jensheerin Jen Sheerin cshea-msft Charles Shea | |
43 | avm-res-desktopvirtualization-scalingplan | 📄 | Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Scaling Plan | jensheerin Jen Sheerin cshea-msft Charles Shea | |
44 | avm-res-desktopvirtualization-workspace | 📄 | Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Workspace | jensheerin Jen Sheerin cshea-msft Charles Shea | |
45 | avm-res-devcenter-devcenter | 📄 | Dev Center | cshea-msft Charles Shea | |
46 | avm-res-devopsinfrastructure-pool | 📄 | DevOps Pools | jaredfholgate Jared Holgate | |
47 | avm-res-devtestlab-lab | n/a | DevTest Lab | sharmilamusunuru Sharmila Musunuru | |
48 | avm-res-digitaltwins-digitaltwinsinstance | n/a | Digital Twins Instance | ||
49 | avm-res-documentdb-databaseaccount | 📄 | CosmosDB Database Account | bryansan-msft Bryan Sanchez Pernia | |
50 | avm-res-edge-site | 📄 | Azure Arc Site manager | xhy8759 Hangyu Xu | |
51 | avm-res-eventgrid-domain | n/a | Event Grid Domain | ||
52 | avm-res-eventgrid-namespace | n/a | Event Grid Namespace | ||
53 | avm-res-eventgrid-systemtopic | n/a | Event Grid System Topic | ||
54 | avm-res-eventgrid-topic | n/a | Event Grid Topic | ||
55 | avm-res-eventhub-namespace | n/a | Event Hub Namespace | mbilalamjad Bilal Amjad | |
56 | avm-res-healthbot-healthbot | n/a | Azure Health Bot | ||
57 | avm-res-hybridcompute-machine | n/a | Hybrid Compute Machine | ||
58 | avm-res-hybridcontainerservice-provisionedclusterinstance | 📄 | AKS Arc | xhy8759 Hangyu Xu | |
59 | avm-res-insights-actiongroup | n/a | Action Group | arjenhuitema Arjen Huitema | |
60 | avm-res-insights-activitylogalert | n/a | Activity log alerts | tagolovina Tanya Golovina | |
61 | avm-res-insights-alertrule | n/a | Alert Rules | joeybarnes Joseph Barnes | |
62 | avm-res-insights-autoscalesetting | n/a | Auto scale settings | chianw Chian Wong | |
63 | avm-res-insights-component | 📄 | Application Insight | Jfolberth John Folberth | |
64 | avm-res-insights-datacollectionendpoint | 📄 | Data Collection Endpoint | sharmilamusunuru Sharmila Musunuru | |
65 | avm-res-insights-datacollectionrule | n/a | Data Collection Rule | sharmilamusunuru Sharmila Musunuru | |
66 | avm-res-insights-logprofile | n/a | Log profile | sharmilamusunuru Sharmila Musunuru | |
67 | avm-res-insights-metricalert | n/a | Metric Alert | arjenhuitema Arjen Huitema | |
68 | avm-res-insights-privatelinkscope | n/a | Azure Monitor Private Link Scope | sharmilamusunuru Sharmila Musunuru | |
69 | avm-res-insights-scheduledqueryrule | n/a | Scheduled Query Rule | ||
70 | avm-res-keyvault-vault | 📄 | Key Vault KV | matt-FFFFFF Matt White | |
71 | avm-res-kusto-cluster | 📄 | Kusto Clusters | LaurentLesle Laurent Lesle | |
72 | avm-res-loadtestservice-loadtest | n/a | Load Testing Service | LaurentLesle Laurent Lesle | |
73 | avm-res-logic-workflow | 📄 | Logic Apps (Workflow) | bakrish Bala Krishnamoorthy | |
74 | avm-res-machinelearningservices-workspace | 📄 | Machine Learning Services Workspace ML Workspace | Nepomuceno Gabriel Monteiro Nepomuceno | |
75 | avm-res-maintenance-maintenanceconfiguration | n/a | Maintenance Configuration | ||
76 | avm-res-managedidentity-userassignedidentity | 📄 | User Assigned Identity MSI | Jfolberth John Folberth | |
77 | avm-res-managedservices-registrationdefinition | n/a | Registration Definition (Lighthouse) | ||
78 | avm-res-management-managementgroup | n/a | Management Group MG | ||
79 | avm-res-netapp-netappaccount | 📄 | Azure NetApp File | jtracey93 Jack Tracey | |
80 | avm-res-network-applicationgateway | 📄 | Application Gateway App GW | mofaizal Mohamed Faizal | |
81 | avm-res-network-applicationgatewaywebapplicationfirewallpolicy | n/a | Application Gateway Web Application Firewall (WAF) Policy | mofaizal Mohamed Faizal | |
82 | avm-res-network-applicationsecuritygroup | n/a | Application Security Group (ASG) ASG | mbilalamjad Bilal Amjad | |
83 | avm-res-network-azurefirewall | 📄 | Azure Firewall Azure FW | cshea-msft Charles Shea | |
84 | avm-res-network-bastionhost | 📄 | Bastion Host | maayanlux Maayan Luxemburg | |
85 | avm-res-network-connection | 📄 | Virtual Network Gateway Connection | jchancellor-ms Jon Chancellor | |
86 | avm-res-network-ddosprotectionplan | 📄 | DDoS Protection | sitarant Simona Tarantola jtracey93 Jack Tracey | |
87 | avm-res-network-dnsforwardingruleset | n/a | DNS Forwarding Ruleset | sharmilamusunuru Sharmila Musunuru | |
88 | avm-res-network-dnsresolver | 📄 | DNS Resolver | humanascode Itamar Hirosh | |
89 | avm-res-network-dnszone | 📄 | Public DNS Zone | sharmilamusunuru Sharmila Musunuru | |
90 | avm-res-network-expressroutecircuit | 📄 | ExpressRoute Circuit ER | khushal08 Khush Kaviraj adammontlake Adam Montlake | |
91 | avm-res-network-firewallpolicy | 📄 | Azure Firewall Policy | cshea-msft Charles Shea | |
92 | avm-res-network-frontdoor | n/a | Azure Front Door | mbilalamjad Bilal Amjad | |
93 | avm-res-network-frontdoorwebapplicationfirewallpolicy | n/a | Front Door Web Application Firewall (WAF) Policy | sihbher Gerardo Reyes | |
94 | avm-res-network-ipgroup | n/a | IP Group | ||
95 | avm-res-network-loadbalancer | 📄 | Loadbalancer | donovm4 Donovan McCoy | |
96 | avm-res-network-localnetworkgateway | 📄 | Local Network Gateway | Bhavyasree08 Bhavyasree Damarla | |
97 | avm-res-network-natgateway | 📄 | NAT Gateway | mbilalamjad Bilal Amjad | |
98 | avm-res-network-networkinterface | 📄 | Network Interface NIC | fafriha Farouk Friha | |
99 | avm-res-network-networkmanager | 📄 | Azure Virtual Network Manager | cshea-msft Charles Shea | |
100 | avm-res-network-networksecuritygroup | 📄 | Network Security Group | maheshbenke Mahesh Benke | |
101 | avm-res-network-networkwatcher | 📄 | Azure Network Watcher | terrymandin Terry Mandin | |
102 | avm-res-network-privatednszone | 📄 | Private DNS Zone | chianw Chian Wong | |
103 | avm-res-network-privateendpoint | 📄 | Private Endpoint | Misba-Yousuf Misba Yousuf | |
104 | avm-res-network-privatelinkservice | n/a | Private Link Service | avivshrem Aviv Shrem | |
105 | avm-res-network-publicipaddress | 📄 | Public IP Address PIP | ||
106 | avm-res-network-publicipprefix | n/a | Public IP Prefix | PmeshramPM Pankaj Meshram | |
107 | avm-res-network-routetable | 📄 | Route Table UDR | adammontlake Adam Montlake | |
108 | avm-res-network-serviceendpointpolicy | n/a | Service Endpoint Policy | ||
109 | avm-res-network-trafficmanagerprofile | n/a | Traffic Manager Profile | AnubhaR94 Anubha Rana | |
110 | avm-res-network-virtualnetwork | 📄 | Virtual Network VNET | jaredfholgate Jared Holgate | |
111 | avm-res-network-virtualnetworkgateway | n/a | Virtual Network Gateway VNET GW | ||
112 | avm-res-network-virtualrouter | n/a | Route Server | ||
113 | avm-res-operationalinsights-workspace | 📄 | Log Analytics workspace | cshea-msft Charles Shea jensheerin Jen Sheerin | |
114 | avm-res-operationsmanagement-solution | n/a | Operations Management Solution | ||
115 | avm-res-oracledatabase-cloudexadatainfrastructure | 📄 | Oracle Exadata Infrastructure | sihbher Gerardo Reyes terrymandin Terry Mandin | |
116 | avm-res-oracledatabase-cloudvmcluster | 📄 | Oracle VM cluster | sihbher Gerardo Reyes terrymandin Terry Mandin | |
117 | avm-res-portal-dashboard | 📄 | Azure Portal Dashboard | VeronicaSea Veronica Xu | |
118 | avm-res-powerbidedicated-capacity | n/a | Power BI Dedicated Capacity | ||
119 | avm-res-purview-account | n/a | Purview Account | leonid-klatt Leonid Klatt | |
120 | avm-res-recoveryservices-vault | n/a | Recovery Services Vault | elsalvos Cesar Abrego | |
121 | avm-res-redhatopenShift-openshiftcluster | n/a | OpenShift Cluster | ljtill Lyon Till | |
122 | avm-res-relay-namespace | n/a | Relay Namespace | ||
123 | avm-res-resourcegraph-query | n/a | Resource Graph Query | SJAYAP S Jayaprakash | |
124 | avm-res-resources-resourcegroup | 📄 | Resource Group RG | Jfolberth John Folberth | |
125 | avm-res-search-searchservice | 📄 | Search Service | seekerofsai Bhanu Neti | |
126 | avm-res-security-pricing | n/a | Microsoft Defender for Cloud Subscription Pricing | cshea-msft Charles Shea | |
127 | avm-res-servicebus-namespace | 📄 | Service Bus Namespace | bryansan-msft Bryan Sanchez Pernia | |
128 | avm-res-servicefabric-cluster | n/a | Service Fabric Cluster | ||
129 | avm-res-servicenetworking-trafficcontroller | n/a | Application Gateway for Containers (Traffic Controller) | mofaizal Mohamed Faizal | |
130 | avm-res-signalrservice-signalr | n/a | SignalR Service SignalR | ||
131 | avm-res-sql-instancepool | n/a | Instance Pools | ||
132 | avm-res-sql-managedinstance | 📄 | SQL Managed Instance SQL MI | mbilalamjad Bilal Amjad | |
133 | avm-res-sql-server | 📄 | Azure SQL Server | mbilalamjad Bilal Amjad | |
134 | avm-res-sqlvirtualmachine-sqlvirtualmachine | n/a | Sql Virtual Machine SQL VM | timchapman Tim Chapman | |
135 | avm-res-storage-storageaccount | 📄 | Storage Account | chinthakaru Chinthaka Rupasinghe | |
136 | avm-res-synapse-workspace | n/a | Synapse Workspace | Karni-G Karni Gupta | |
137 | avm-res-virtualmachineimages-imagetemplate | n/a | Virtual Machine Image Template | ||
138 | avm-res-web-connection | n/a | API Connection | dukumili Sandhya Kumili | |
139 | avm-res-web-hostingenvironment | 📄 | App Service Environment ASE | ibersanoMS Isabelle Bersano | |
140 | avm-res-web-serverfarm | 📄 | App Service Plan | ibersanoMS Isabelle Bersano | |
141 | avm-res-web-site | 📄 | Web/Function App App Service, Web Site, Logic App, Function App | donovm4 Donovan McCoy | |
142 | avm-res-web-staticsite | 📄 | Static Web App | donovm4 Donovan McCoy |
Module Publication History - 📅
➕ Module Publication History - Module names, status and owners
Modules published in January 2025
No. | Module Name | Source Code | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm-res-containerservice-managedcluster | 📄 | AKS managed clusters | ibersanoMS Isabelle Bersano | |
02 | avm-res-netapp-netappaccount | 📄 | Azure NetApp File | jtracey93 Jack Tracey | |
03 | avm-res-network-connection | 📄 | Virtual Network Gateway Connection | jchancellor-ms Jon Chancellor |
Modules published in December 2024
No. | Module Name | Source Code | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm-res-compute-gallery | 📄 | Azure Compute Gallery | Akashc0807 Akash Choudhary |
Modules published in November 2024
No. | Module Name | Source Code | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm-res-compute-proximityplacementgroup | 📄 | Proximity Placement Group | fafriha Farouk Friha | |
02 | avm-res-network-localnetworkgateway | 📄 | Local Network Gateway | Bhavyasree08 Bhavyasree Damarla | |
03 | avm-res-network-networkinterface | 📄 | Network Interface NIC | fafriha Farouk Friha |
Modules published in October 2024
No. | Module Name | Source Code | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm-res-compute-diskencryptionset | 📄 | Disk Encryption Set | Akashc0807 Akash Choudhary | |
02 | avm-res-devcenter-devcenter | 📄 | Dev Center | cshea-msft Charles Shea | |
03 | avm-res-network-expressroutecircuit | 📄 | ExpressRoute Circuit ER | khushal08 Khush Kaviraj |
Modules published in September 2024
No. | Module Name | Source Code | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm-res-dbformysql-flexibleserver | 📄 | DB for MySQL Flexible Server | mbilalamjad Bilal Amjad | |
02 | avm-res-dbforpostgresql-flexibleserver | 📄 | DB for Postgre SQL Flexible Server | mbilalamjad Bilal Amjad | |
03 | avm-res-network-privateendpoint | 📄 | Private Endpoint | Misba-Yousuf Misba Yousuf | |
04 | avm-res-oracledatabase-cloudexadatainfrastructure | 📄 | Oracle Exadata Infrastructure | sihbher Gerardo Reyes | |
05 | avm-res-oracledatabase-cloudvmcluster | 📄 | Oracle VM cluster | sihbher Gerardo Reyes | |
06 | avm-res-portal-dashboard | 📄 | Azure Portal Dashboard | VeronicaSea Veronica Xu | |
07 | avm-res-sql-managedinstance | 📄 | SQL Managed Instance SQL MI | mbilalamjad Bilal Amjad | |
08 | avm-res-sql-server | 📄 | Azure SQL Server | mbilalamjad Bilal Amjad |
Modules published in August 2024
Modules published in July 2024
No. | Module Name | Source Code | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm-res-app-containerapp | 📄 | Container App | lonegunmanb Zijie He | |
02 | avm-res-containerinstance-containergroup | 📄 | Container Instance | sharmilamusunuru Sharmila Musunuru | |
03 | avm-res-machinelearningservices-workspace | 📄 | Machine Learning Services Workspace ML Workspace | Nepomuceno Gabriel Monteiro Nepomuceno | |
04 | avm-res-network-networkwatcher | 📄 | Azure Network Watcher | terrymandin Terry Mandin |
Modules published in June 2024
No. | Module Name | Source Code | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm-res-cache-redis | 📄 | Redis Cache | jchancellor-ms Jon Chancellor | |
02 | avm-res-logic-workflow | 📄 | Logic Apps (Workflow) | bakrish Bala Krishnamoorthy | |
03 | avm-res-web-hostingenvironment | 📄 | App Service Environment ASE | ibersanoMS Isabelle Bersano |
Modules published in May 2024
No. | Module Name | Source Code | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm-res-cdn-profile | 📄 | CDN Profile | Poven795909 Poornima Venkataramanan | |
02 | avm-res-compute-disk | 📄 | Compute Disk | terrymandin Terry Mandin | |
03 | avm-res-compute-sshpublickey | 📄 | Public SSH Key | ChrisSidebotham Chris Sidebotham | |
04 | avm-res-network-dnsresolver | 📄 | DNS Resolver | humanascode Itamar Hirosh | |
05 | avm-res-network-routetable | 📄 | Route Table UDR | adammontlake Adam Montlake |
Modules published in April 2024
No. | Module Name | Source Code | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm-res-kusto-cluster | 📄 | Kusto Clusters | LaurentLesle Laurent Lesle | |
02 | avm-res-servicebus-namespace | 📄 | Service Bus Namespace | bryansan-msft Bryan Sanchez Pernia |
Modules published in March 2024
No. | Module Name | Source Code | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm-res-databricks-workspace | 📄 | Azure Databricks Workspace | segraef Sebastian Graef | |
02 | avm-res-managedidentity-userassignedidentity | 📄 | User Assigned Identity MSI | Jfolberth John Folberth | |
03 | avm-res-network-privatednszone | 📄 | Private DNS Zone | chianw Chian Wong |
Modules published in February 2024
No. | Module Name | Source Code | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm-res-app-managedenvironment | 📄 | App Managed Environment | segraef Sebastian Graef | |
02 | avm-res-avs-privatecloud | 📄 | AVS Private Cloud | jchancellor-ms Jon Chancellor | |
03 | avm-res-cognitiveservices-account | 📄 | Cognitive Service | lonegunmanb Zijie He | |
04 | avm-res-compute-virtualmachinescaleset | 📄 | Virtual Machine Scale Set VMSS | terrymandin Terry Mandin | |
05 | avm-res-containerregistry-registry | 📄 | Azure Container Registry (ACR) | Akashc0807 Akash Choudhary | |
06 | avm-res-network-bastionhost | 📄 | Bastion Host | maayanlux Maayan Luxemburg | |
07 | avm-res-network-networksecuritygroup | 📄 | Network Security Group | maheshbenke Mahesh Benke | |
08 | avm-res-network-publicipaddress | 📄 | Public IP Address PIP | ||
09 | avm-res-storage-storageaccount | 📄 | Storage Account | chinthakaru Chinthaka Rupasinghe | |
10 | avm-res-web-site | 📄 | Web/Function App App Service, Web Site, Logic App, Function App | donovm4 Donovan McCoy | |
11 | avm-res-web-staticsite | 📄 | Static Web App | donovm4 Donovan McCoy |
Modules published in January 2024
No. | Module Name | Source Code | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm-res-authorization-roleassignment | 📄 | Role Assignment | jaredfholgate Jared Holgate | |
02 | avm-res-network-azurefirewall | 📄 | Azure Firewall Azure FW | cshea-msft Charles Shea | |
03 | avm-res-network-firewallpolicy | 📄 | Azure Firewall Policy | cshea-msft Charles Shea | |
04 | avm-res-network-networkmanager | 📄 | Azure Virtual Network Manager | cshea-msft Charles Shea | |
05 | avm-res-operationalinsights-workspace | 📄 | Log Analytics workspace | cshea-msft Charles Shea |
Modules published in December 2023
No. | Module Name | Source Code | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm-res-desktopvirtualization-applicationgroup | 📄 | Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Application Group | jensheerin Jen Sheerin | |
02 | avm-res-desktopvirtualization-scalingplan | 📄 | Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Scaling Plan | jensheerin Jen Sheerin | |
03 | avm-res-desktopvirtualization-workspace | 📄 | Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Workspace | jensheerin Jen Sheerin | |
04 | avm-res-network-natgateway | 📄 | NAT Gateway | mbilalamjad Bilal Amjad |
Modules published in November 2023
No. | Module Name | Source Code | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm-res-compute-virtualmachine | 📄 | Virtual Machine VM | jchancellor-ms Jon Chancellor | |
02 | avm-res-network-ddosprotectionplan | 📄 | DDoS Protection | sitarant Simona Tarantola | |
03 | avm-res-network-loadbalancer | 📄 | Loadbalancer | donovm4 Donovan McCoy |
Modules published in October 2023
No. | Module Name | Source Code | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm-res-desktopvirtualization-hostpool | 📄 | Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Host Pool | jensheerin Jen Sheerin | |
02 | avm-res-network-virtualnetwork | 📄 | Virtual Network VNET | jaredfholgate Jared Holgate |
Modules published in September 2023
No. | Module Name | Source Code | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm-res-keyvault-vault | 📄 | Key Vault KV | matt-FFFFFF Matt White |
For Module Owners & Contributors
This section is mainly intended for module owners and contributors as it contains information important for module development, such as telemetry ID prefix, and GitHub Teams for Owners & Contributors.
Module name, Telemetry ID prefix, GitHub Teams for Owners & Contributors
➕ All Modules - Module name, Telemetry ID prefix, GitHub Teams for Owners & Contributors
No. | Module Name | Telemetry ID prefix | GitHub Teams for Module Owners and Contributors |
01 | avm-res-aad-domainservice | 46d3xgtf.res.aad-domainservice | @Azure/avm-res-aad-domainservice-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-aad-domainservice-module-contributors-tf |
02 | avm-res-alertsmanagement-actionrule | 46d3xgtf.res.alertsmanagement-actionrule | @Azure/avm-res-alertsmanagement-actionrule-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-alertsmanagement-actionrule-module-contributors-tf |
03 | avm-res-analysisservices-server | 46d3xgtf.res.analysisservices-server | @Azure/avm-res-analysisservices-server-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-analysisservices-server-module-contributors-tf |
04 | avm-res-apimanagement-service | 46d3xgtf.res.apimanagement-service | @Azure/avm-res-apimanagement-service-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-apimanagement-service-module-contributors-tf |
05 | avm-res-app-containerapp | 46d3xgtf.res.app-containerapp | @Azure/avm-res-app-containerapp-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-app-containerapp-module-contributors-tf |
06 | avm-res-app-job | 46d3xgtf.res.app-job | @Azure/avm-res-app-job-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-app-job-module-contributors-tf |
07 | avm-res-app-managedenvironment | 46d3xgtf.res.app-managedenvironment | @Azure/avm-res-app-managedenvironment-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-app-managedenvironment-module-contributors-tf |
08 | avm-res-appconfiguration-configurationstore | 46d3xgtf.res.appconfiguration-configurationstore | @Azure/avm-res-appconfiguration-configurationstore-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-appconfiguration-configurationstore-module-contributors-tf |
09 | avm-res-authorization-roleassignment | 46d3xgtf.res.authorization-roleassignment | @Azure/avm-res-authorization-roleassignment-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-authorization-roleassignment-module-contributors-tf |
10 | avm-res-automation-automationaccount | 46d3xgtf.res.automation-automationaccount | @Azure/avm-res-automation-automationaccount-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-automation-automationaccount-module-contributors-tf |
11 | avm-res-avs-privatecloud | 46d3xgtf.res.avs-privatecloud | @Azure/avm-res-avs-privatecloud-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-avs-privatecloud-module-contributors-tf |
12 | avm-res-azurestackhci-cluster | 46d3xgtf.res.azurestackhci-cluster | @Azure/avm-res-azurestackhci-cluster-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-azurestackhci-cluster-module-contributors-tf |
13 | avm-res-azurestackhci-logicalnetwork | 46d3xgtf.res.azurestackhci-logicalnetwork | @Azure/avm-res-azurestackhci-logicalnetwork-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-azurestackhci-logicalnetwork-module-contributors-tf |
14 | avm-res-azurestackhci-virtualmachineinstance | 46d3xgtf.res.oracle-vmcluster | @Azure/avm-res-azurestackhci-virtualmachineinstance-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-azurestackhci-virtualmachineinstance-module-contributors-tf |
15 | avm-res-batch-batchaccount | 46d3xgtf.res.batch-batchaccount | @Azure/avm-res-batch-batchaccount-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-batch-batchaccount-module-contributors-tf |
16 | avm-res-botservice-botservice | 46d3xgtf.res.bot-service | @Azure/avm-res-botservice-botservice-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-botservice-botservice-module-contributors-tf |
17 | avm-res-cache-redis | 46d3xgtf.res.cache-redis | @Azure/avm-res-cache-redis-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-cache-redis-module-contributors-tf |
18 | avm-res-cdn-profile | 46d3xgtf.res.cdn-profile | @Azure/avm-res-cdn-profile-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-cdn-profile-module-contributors-tf |
19 | avm-res-cognitiveservices-account | 46d3xgtf.res.cognitiveservices-account | @Azure/avm-res-cognitiveservices-account-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-cognitiveservices-account-module-contributors-tf |
20 | avm-res-communication-emailservice | 46d3xgtf.res.communication-emailservice | @Azure/avm-res-communication-emailservice-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-communication-emailservice-module-contributors-tf |
21 | avm-res-compute-disk | 46d3xgtf.res.compute-disk | @Azure/avm-res-compute-disk-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-compute-disk-module-contributors-tf |
22 | avm-res-compute-diskencryptionset | 46d3xgtf.res.compute-diskencryptionset | @Azure/avm-res-compute-diskencryptionset-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-compute-diskencryptionset-module-contributors-tf |
23 | avm-res-compute-gallery | 46d3xgtf.res.compute-gallery | @Azure/avm-res-compute-gallery-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-compute-gallery-module-contributors-tf |
24 | avm-res-compute-hostgroup | 46d3xgtf.res.compute-hostgroup | @Azure/avm-res-compute-hostgroup-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-compute-hostgroup-module-contributors-tf |
25 | avm-res-compute-image | 46d3xgtf.res.compute-image | @Azure/avm-res-compute-image-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-compute-image-module-contributors-tf |
26 | avm-res-compute-proximityplacementgroup | 46d3xgtf.res.compute-proximityplacementgroup | @Azure/avm-res-compute-proximityplacementgroup-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-compute-proximityplacementgroup-module-contributors-tf |
27 | avm-res-compute-sshpublickey | 46d3xgtf.res.compute-sshpublickey | @Azure/avm-res-compute-sshpublickey-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-compute-sshpublickey-module-contributors-tf |
28 | avm-res-compute-virtualmachine | 46d3xgtf.res.compute-virtualmachine | @Azure/avm-res-compute-virtualmachine-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-compute-virtualmachine-module-contributors-tf |
29 | avm-res-compute-virtualmachinescaleset | 46d3xgtf.res.compute-virtualmachinescaleset | @Azure/avm-res-compute-virtualmachinescaleset-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-compute-virtualmachinescaleset-module-contributors-tf |
30 | avm-res-consumption-budget | 46d3xgtf.res.consumption-budget | @Azure/avm-res-consumption-budget-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-consumption-budget-module-contributors-tf |
31 | avm-res-containerinstance-containergroup | 46d3xgtf.res.containerinstance-containergroup | @Azure/avm-res-containerinstance-containergroup-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-containerinstance-containergroup-module-contributors-tf |
32 | avm-res-containerregistry-registry | 46d3xgtf.res.containerregistry-registry | @Azure/avm-res-containerregistry-registry-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-containerregistry-registry-module-contributors-tf |
33 | avm-res-containerservice-managedcluster | 46d3xgtf.res.aks-managedcluster | @Azure/avm-res-containerservice-managedcluster-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-containerservice-managedcluster-module-contributors-tf |
34 | avm-res-dashboard-grafana | 46d3xgtf.res.dashboard-grafana | @Azure/avm-res-dashboard-grafana-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-dashboard-grafana-module-contributors-tf |
35 | avm-res-databricks-accessconnector | 46d3xgtf.res.databricks-accessconnector | @Azure/avm-res-databricks-accessconnector-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-databricks-accessconnector-module-contributors-tf |
36 | avm-res-databricks-workspace | 46d3xgtf.res.databricks-workspace | @Azure/avm-res-databricks-workspace-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-databricks-workspace-module-contributors-tf |
37 | avm-res-datafactory-factory | 46d3xgtf.res.datafactory-factory | @Azure/avm-res-datafactory-factory-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-datafactory-factory-module-contributors-tf |
38 | avm-res-dataprotection-backupvault | 46d3xgtf.res.dataprotection-backupvault | @Azure/avm-res-dataprotection-backupvault-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-dataprotection-backupvault-module-contributors-tf |
39 | avm-res-dbformysql-flexibleserver | 46d3xgtf.res.dbformysql-flexibleserver | @Azure/avm-res-dbformysql-flexibleserver-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-dbformysql-flexibleserver-module-contributors-tf |
40 | avm-res-dbforpostgresql-flexibleserver | 46d3xgtf.res.dbforpostgresql-flexibleserver | @Azure/avm-res-dbforpostgresql-flexibleserver-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-dbforpostgresql-flexibleserver-module-contributors-tf |
41 | avm-res-desktopvirtualization-applicationgroup | 46d3xgtf.res.desktopvirtualization-appgroup | @Azure/avm-res-desktopvirtualization-applicationgroup-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-desktopvirtualization-applicationgroup-module-contributors-tf |
42 | avm-res-desktopvirtualization-hostpool | 46d3xgtf.res.desktopvirtualization-hostpool | @Azure/avm-res-desktopvirtualization-hostpool-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-desktopvirtualization-hostpool-module-contributors-tf |
43 | avm-res-desktopvirtualization-scalingplan | 46d3xgtf.res.desktopvirtualization-scalingplan | @Azure/avm-res-desktopvirtualization-scalingplan-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-desktopvirtualization-scalingplan-module-contributors-tf |
44 | avm-res-desktopvirtualization-workspace | 46d3xgtf.res.desktopvirtualization-workspace | @Azure/avm-res-desktopvirtualization-workspace-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-desktopvirtualization-workspace-module-contributors-tf |
45 | avm-res-devcenter-devcenter | 46d3xgtf.res.devcenter-devcenter | @Azure/avm-res-devcenter-devcenter-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-devcenter-devcenter-module-contributors-tf |
46 | avm-res-devopsinfrastructure-pool | 46d3xgtf.res.devcenter-devopspool | @Azure/avm-res-devopsinfrastructure-pool-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-devopsinfrastructure-pool-module-contributors-tf |
47 | avm-res-devtestlab-lab | 46d3xgtf.res.devtestlab-lab | @Azure/avm-res-devtestlab-lab-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-devtestlab-lab-module-contributors-tf |
48 | avm-res-digitaltwins-digitaltwinsinstance | 46d3xgtf.res.digitaltwins-digitaltwininstance | @Azure/avm-res-digitaltwins-digitaltwinsinstance-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-digitaltwins-digitaltwinsinstance-module-contributors-tf |
49 | avm-res-documentdb-databaseaccount | 46d3xgtf.res.documentdb-databaseaccount | @Azure/avm-res-documentdb-databaseaccount-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-documentdb-databaseaccount-module-contributors-tf |
50 | avm-res-edge-site | 46d3xgtf.res.edge-site | @Azure/avm-res-edge-site-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-edge-site-module-contributors-tf |
51 | avm-res-eventgrid-domain | 46d3xgtf.res.eventgrid-domain | @Azure/avm-res-eventgrid-domain-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-eventgrid-domain-module-contributors-tf |
52 | avm-res-eventgrid-namespace | 46d3xgtf.res.eventgrid-namespace | @Azure/avm-res-eventgrid-namespace-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-eventgrid-namespace-module-contributors-tf |
53 | avm-res-eventgrid-systemtopic | 46d3xgtf.res.eventgrid-systemtopic | @Azure/avm-res-eventgrid-systemtopic-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-eventgrid-systemtopic-module-contributors-tf |
54 | avm-res-eventgrid-topic | 46d3xgtf.res.eventgrid-topic | @Azure/avm-res-eventgrid-topic-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-eventgrid-topic-module-contributors-tf |
55 | avm-res-eventhub-namespace | 46d3xgtf.res.eventhub-namespace | @Azure/avm-res-eventhub-namespace-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-eventhub-namespace-module-contributors-tf |
56 | avm-res-healthbot-healthbot | 46d3xgtf.res.healthbot-healthbot | @Azure/avm-res-healthbot-healthbot-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-healthbot-healthbot-module-contributors-tf |
57 | avm-res-hybridcompute-machine | 46d3xgtf.res.hybridcompute-machine | @Azure/avm-res-hybridcompute-machine-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-hybridcompute-machine-module-contributors-tf |
58 | avm-res-hybridcontainerservice-provisionedclusterinstance | 46d3xgtf.res.hybridcontainer-clusteringinstance | @Azure/avm-res-hybridcontainerservice-provisionedclusterinstance-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-hybridcontainerservice-provisionedclusterinstance-module-contributors-tf |
59 | avm-res-insights-actiongroup | 46d3xgtf.res.insights-actiongroup | @Azure/avm-res-insights-actiongroup-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-insights-actiongroup-module-contributors-tf |
60 | avm-res-insights-activitylogalert | 46d3xgtf.res.activitylogalert | @Azure/avm-res-insights-activitylogalert-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-insights-activitylogalert-module-contributors-tf |
61 | avm-res-insights-alertrule | 46d3xgtf.res.insights-alertrule | @Azure/avm-res-insights-alertrule-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-insights-alertrule-module-contributors-tf |
62 | avm-res-insights-autoscalesetting | 46d3xgtf.res.insights-alertrule | @Azure/avm-res-insights-autoscalesetting-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-insights-autoscalesetting-module-contributors-tf |
63 | avm-res-insights-component | 46d3xgtf.res.insights-component | @Azure/avm-res-insights-component-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-insights-component-module-contributors-tf |
64 | avm-res-insights-datacollectionendpoint | 46d3xgtf.res.insights-datacollectionendpoint | @Azure/avm-res-insights-datacollectionendpoint-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-insights-datacollectionendpoint-module-contributors-tf |
65 | avm-res-insights-datacollectionrule | 46d3xgtf.res.insights-datacollectionrule | @Azure/avm-res-insights-datacollectionrule-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-insights-datacollectionrule-module-contributors-tf |
66 | avm-res-insights-logprofile | 46d3xgtf.res.insight-logprofile | @Azure/avm-res-insights-logprofile-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-insights-logprofile-module-contributors-tf |
67 | avm-res-insights-metricalert | 46d3xgtf.res.insights-metricalert | @Azure/avm-res-insights-metricalert-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-insights-metricalert-module-contributors-tf |
68 | avm-res-insights-privatelinkscope | 46d3xgtf.res.insights-privatelinkscope | @Azure/avm-res-insights-privatelinkscope-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-insights-privatelinkscope-module-contributors-tf |
69 | avm-res-insights-scheduledqueryrule | 46d3xgtf.res.insights-scheduledqueryrule | @Azure/avm-res-insights-scheduledqueryrule-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-insights-scheduledqueryrule-module-contributors-tf |
70 | avm-res-keyvault-vault | 46d3xgtf.res.keyvault-vault | @Azure/avm-res-keyvault-vault-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-keyvault-vault-module-contributors-tf |
71 | avm-res-kusto-cluster | 46d3xgtf.res.kusto-cluster | @Azure/avm-res-kusto-cluster-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-kusto-cluster-module-contributors-tf |
72 | avm-res-loadtestservice-loadtest | 46d3xgtf.res.loadtestservice-loadtest | @Azure/avm-res-loadtestservice-loadtest-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-loadtestservice-loadtest-module-contributors-tf |
73 | avm-res-logic-workflow | 46d3xgtf.res.logic-workflow | @Azure/avm-res-logic-workflow-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-logic-workflow-module-contributors-tf |
74 | avm-res-machinelearningservices-workspace | 46d3xgtf.res.machinelearningservices-workspace | @Azure/avm-res-machinelearningservices-workspace-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-machinelearningservices-workspace-module-contributors-tf |
75 | avm-res-maintenance-maintenanceconfiguration | 46d3xgtf.res.maintenance-maintenanceconfiguration | @Azure/avm-res-maintenance-maintenanceconfiguration-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-maintenance-maintenanceconfiguration-module-contributors-tf |
76 | avm-res-managedidentity-userassignedidentity | 46d3xgtf.res.managedidentity-userassignedidentity | @Azure/avm-res-managedidentity-userassignedidentity-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-managedidentity-userassignedidentity-module-contributors-tf |
77 | avm-res-managedservices-registrationdefinition | 46d3xgtf.res.managedservices-registrationdef | @Azure/avm-res-managedservices-registrationdefinition-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-managedservices-registrationdefinition-module-contributors-tf |
78 | avm-res-management-managementgroup | 46d3xgtf.res.management-managementgroup | @Azure/avm-res-management-managementgroup-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-management-managementgroup-module-contributors-tf |
79 | avm-res-netapp-netappaccount | 46d3xgtf.res.netapp-netappaccount | @Azure/avm-res-netapp-netappaccount-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-netapp-netappaccount-module-contributors-tf |
80 | avm-res-network-applicationgateway | 46d3xgtf.res.network-applicationgateway | @Azure/avm-res-network-applicationgateway-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-applicationgateway-module-contributors-tf |
81 | avm-res-network-applicationgatewaywebapplicationfirewallpolicy | 46d3xgtf.res.network-appgwwebappfirewallpolicy | @Azure/avm-res-network-applicationgatewaywebapplicationfirewallpolicy-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-applicationgatewaywebapplicationfirewallpolicy-module-contributors-tf |
82 | avm-res-network-applicationsecuritygroup | 46d3xgtf.res.network-asg | @Azure/avm-res-network-applicationsecuritygroup-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-applicationsecuritygroup-module-contributors-tf |
83 | avm-res-network-azurefirewall | 46d3xgtf.res.network-azurefirewall | @Azure/avm-res-network-azurefirewall-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-azurefirewall-module-contributors-tf |
84 | avm-res-network-bastionhost | 46d3xgtf.res.network-bastionHosts | @Azure/avm-res-network-bastionhost-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-bastionhost-module-contributors-tf |
85 | avm-res-network-connection | 46d3xgtf.res.network-connection | @Azure/avm-res-network-connection-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-connection-module-contributors-tf |
86 | avm-res-network-ddosprotectionplan | 46d3xgtf.res.network-ddosprotectionplan | @Azure/avm-res-network-ddosprotectionplan-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-ddosprotectionplan-module-contributors-tf |
87 | avm-res-network-dnsforwardingruleset | 46d3xgtf.res.network-dnsforwardingruleset | @Azure/avm-res-network-dnsforwardingruleset-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-dnsforwardingruleset-module-contributors-tf |
88 | avm-res-network-dnsresolver | 46d3xgtf.res.network-dnsresolver | @Azure/avm-res-network-dnsresolver-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-dnsresolver-module-contributors-tf |
89 | avm-res-network-dnszone | 46d3xgtf.res.network-dnszone | @Azure/avm-res-network-dnszone-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-dnszone-module-contributors-tf |
90 | avm-res-network-expressroutecircuit | 46d3xgtf.res.network-expressroutecircuit | @Azure/avm-res-network-expressroutecircuit-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-expressroutecircuit-module-contributors-tf |
91 | avm-res-network-firewallpolicy | 46d3xgtf.res.network-firewallpolicy | @Azure/avm-res-network-firewallpolicy-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-firewallpolicy-module-contributors-tf |
92 | avm-res-network-frontdoor | 46d3xgtf.res.network-frontdoor | @Azure/avm-res-network-frontdoor-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-frontdoor-module-contributors-tf |
93 | avm-res-network-frontdoorwebapplicationfirewallpolicy | 46d3xgtf.res.network-frontdoorwebafirewallpolicy | @Azure/avm-res-network-frontdoorwebapplicationfirewallpolicy-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-frontdoorwebapplicationfirewallpolicy-module-contributors-tf |
94 | avm-res-network-ipgroup | 46d3xgtf.res.network-ipgroup | @Azure/avm-res-network-ipgroup-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-ipgroup-module-contributors-tf |
95 | avm-res-network-loadbalancer | 46d3xgtf.res.network-loadbalancer | @Azure/avm-res-network-loadbalancer-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-loadbalancer-module-contributors-tf |
96 | avm-res-network-localnetworkgateway | 46d3xgtf.res.network-localnetworkgateway | @Azure/avm-res-network-localnetworkgateway-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-localnetworkgateway-module-contributors-tf |
97 | avm-res-network-natgateway | 46d3xgtf.res.network-natgateway | @Azure/avm-res-network-natgateway-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-natgateway-module-contributors-tf |
98 | avm-res-network-networkinterface | 46d3xgtf.res.network-networkinterface | @Azure/avm-res-network-networkinterface-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-networkinterface-module-contributors-tf |
99 | avm-res-network-networkmanager | 46d3xgtf.res.network-networkmanager | @Azure/avm-res-network-networkmanager-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-networkmanager-module-contributors-tf |
100 | avm-res-network-networksecuritygroup | 46d3xgtf.res.network-nsg | @Azure/avm-res-network-networksecuritygroup-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-networksecuritygroup-module-contributors-tf |
101 | avm-res-network-networkwatcher | 46d3xgtf.res.network-networkwatcher | @Azure/avm-res-network-networkwatcher-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-networkwatcher-module-contributors-tf |
102 | avm-res-network-privatednszone | 46d3xgtf.res.network-privatednszone | @Azure/avm-res-network-privatednszone-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-privatednszone-module-contributors-tf |
103 | avm-res-network-privateendpoint | 46d3xgtf.res.network-privateendpoint | @Azure/avm-res-network-privateendpoint-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-privateendpoint-module-contributors-tf |
104 | avm-res-network-privatelinkservice | 46d3xgtf.res.network-privatelinkservice | @Azure/avm-res-network-privatelinkservice-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-privatelinkservice-module-contributors-tf |
105 | avm-res-network-publicipaddress | 46d3xgtf.res.network-publicip | @Azure/avm-res-network-publicipaddress-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-publicipaddress-module-contributors-tf |
106 | avm-res-network-publicipprefix | 46d3xgtf.res.network-publicipprefix | @Azure/avm-res-network-publicipprefix-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-publicipprefix-module-contributors-tf |
107 | avm-res-network-routetable | 46d3xgtf.res.network-routetable | @Azure/avm-res-network-routetable-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-routetable-module-contributors-tf |
108 | avm-res-network-serviceendpointpolicy | 46d3xgtf.res.network-serviceendpointpolicy | @Azure/avm-res-network-serviceendpointpolicy-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-serviceendpointpolicy-module-contributors-tf |
109 | avm-res-network-trafficmanagerprofile | 46d3xgtf.res.tf-profile | @Azure/avm-res-network-trafficmanagerprofile-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-trafficmanagerprofile-module-contributors-tf |
110 | avm-res-network-virtualnetwork | 46d3xgtf.res.network-virtualnetwork | @Azure/avm-res-network-virtualnetwork-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-virtualnetwork-module-contributors-tf |
111 | avm-res-network-virtualnetworkgateway | 46d3xgtf.res.network-virtualnetworkgateway | @Azure/avm-res-network-virtualnetworkgateway-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-virtualnetworkgateway-module-contributors-tf |
112 | avm-res-network-virtualrouter | 46d3xgtf.res.network-virtualrouter | @Azure/avm-res-network-virtualrouter-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-network-virtualrouter-module-contributors-tf |
113 | avm-res-operationalinsights-workspace | 46d3xgtf.res.operationalinsights-workspace | @Azure/avm-res-operationalinsights-workspace-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-operationalinsights-workspace-module-contributors-tf |
114 | avm-res-operationsmanagement-solution | 46d3xgtf.res.operationsmanagement-solution | @Azure/avm-res-operationsmanagement-solution-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-operationsmanagement-solution-module-contributors-tf |
115 | avm-res-oracledatabase-cloudexadatainfrastructure | 46d3xgtf.res.oracle-exeinfra | @Azure/avm-res-oracledatabase-cloudexadatainfrastructure-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-oracledatabase-cloudexadatainfrastructure-module-contributors-tf |
116 | avm-res-oracledatabase-cloudvmcluster | 46d3xgtf.res.oracle-vmcluster | @Azure/avm-res-oracledatabase-cloudvmcluster-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-oracledatabase-cloudvmcluster-module-contributors-tf |
117 | avm-res-portal-dashboard | 46d3xgtf.res.portaldashboard | @Azure/avm-res-portal-dashboard-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-portal-dashboard-module-contributors-tf |
118 | avm-res-powerbidedicated-capacity | 46d3xgtf.res.powerbidedicated-capacity | @Azure/avm-res-powerbidedicated-capacity-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-powerbidedicated-capacity-module-contributors-tf |
119 | avm-res-purview-account | 46d3xgtf.res.purview-account | @Azure/avm-res-purview-account-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-purview-account-module-contributors-tf |
120 | avm-res-recoveryservices-vault | 46d3xgtf.res.recoveryservices-vault | @Azure/avm-res-recoveryservices-vault-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-recoveryservices-vault-module-contributors-tf |
121 | avm-res-redhatopenShift-openshiftcluster | 46d3xgtf.res.redhat-openshiftcluster | @Azure/avm-res-redhatopenShift-openshiftcluster-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-redhatopenShift-openshiftcluster-module-contributors-tf |
122 | avm-res-relay-namespace | 46d3xgtf.res.relay-namespace | @Azure/avm-res-relay-namespace-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-relay-namespace-module-contributors-tf |
123 | avm-res-resourcegraph-query | 46d3xgtf.res.resourcegraph-query | @Azure/avm-res-resourcegraph-query-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-resourcegraph-query-module-contributors-tf |
124 | avm-res-resources-resourcegroup | 46d3xgtf.res.resources-resourcegroup | @Azure/avm-res-resources-resourcegroup-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-resources-resourcegroup-module-contributors-tf |
125 | avm-res-search-searchservice | 46d3xgtf.res.search-searchservice | @Azure/avm-res-search-searchservice-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-search-searchservice-module-contributors-tf |
126 | avm-res-security-pricing | 46d3xgtf.res.security-pricing | @Azure/avm-res-security-pricing-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-security-pricing-module-contributors-tf |
127 | avm-res-servicebus-namespace | 46d3xgtf.res.servicebus-namespace | @Azure/avm-res-servicebus-namespace-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-servicebus-namespace-module-contributors-tf |
128 | avm-res-servicefabric-cluster | 46d3xgtf.res.servicefabric-cluster | @Azure/avm-res-servicefabric-cluster-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-servicefabric-cluster-module-contributors-tf |
129 | avm-res-servicenetworking-trafficcontroller | 46d3xgtf.res.trafficcontroller | @Azure/avm-res-servicenetworking-trafficcontroller-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-servicenetworking-trafficcontroller-module-contributors-tf |
130 | avm-res-signalrservice-signalr | 46d3xgtf.res.signalrservice-signalr | @Azure/avm-res-signalrservice-signalr-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-signalrservice-signalr-module-contributors-tf |
131 | avm-res-sql-instancepool | 46d3xgtf.res.sql-instancepool | @Azure/avm-res-sql-instancepool-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-sql-instancepool-module-contributors-tf |
132 | avm-res-sql-managedinstance | 46d3xgtf.res.sql-managedinstance | @Azure/avm-res-sql-managedinstance-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-sql-managedinstance-module-contributors-tf |
133 | avm-res-sql-server | 46d3xgtf.res.sql-server | @Azure/avm-res-sql-server-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-sql-server-module-contributors-tf |
134 | avm-res-sqlvirtualmachine-sqlvirtualmachine | 46d3xgtf.res.sqlvirtualmachine-sqlvirtualmachine | @Azure/avm-res-sqlvirtualmachine-sqlvirtualmachine-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-sqlvirtualmachine-sqlvirtualmachine-module-contributors-tf |
135 | avm-res-storage-storageaccount | 46d3xgtf.res.storage-storageaccount | @Azure/avm-res-storage-storageaccount-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-storage-storageaccount-module-contributors-tf |
136 | avm-res-synapse-workspace | 46d3xgtf.res.synapse-workspace | @Azure/avm-res-synapse-workspace-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-synapse-workspace-module-contributors-tf |
137 | avm-res-virtualmachineimages-imagetemplate | 46d3xgtf.res.virtualmachineimages-imagetemplate | @Azure/avm-res-virtualmachineimages-imagetemplate-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-virtualmachineimages-imagetemplate-module-contributors-tf |
138 | avm-res-web-connection | 46d3xgtf.res.web-connection | @Azure/avm-res-web-connection-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-web-connection-module-contributors-tf |
139 | avm-res-web-hostingenvironment | 46d3xgtf.res.web-hostingenvironment | @Azure/avm-res-web-hostingenvironment-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-web-hostingenvironment-module-contributors-tf |
140 | avm-res-web-serverfarm | 46d3xgtf.res.web-serverfarm | @Azure/avm-res-web-serverfarm-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-web-serverfarm-module-contributors-tf |
141 | avm-res-web-site | 46d3xgtf.res.web-site | @Azure/avm-res-web-site-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-web-site-module-contributors-tf |
142 | avm-res-web-staticsite | 46d3xgtf.res.web-staticsite | @Azure/avm-res-web-staticsite-module-owners-tf @Azure/avm-res-web-staticsite-module-contributors-tf |