Bicep Pattern Modules
Module catalog
Language | Classification | Published 🟢 & 👀 | Proposed 🆕 | SUM 📇 |
Bicep | Pattern | 29 | 33 | 62 |
➕ Additional information
Modules listed below that aren’t shown with the status of Module Available 🟢
, are currently in development and are not yet available for use. For proposed modules, see the Proposed modules section below.
Published modules - 🟢 & 👀
➕ Published Modules - Module names, status and owners
No. | Module Name | Display Name | Status & Versions | Owner(s) |
01 | avm/ptn/aca-lza/hosting-environment | Azure Container Apps (ACA) LZA - Hosting Environment | kpantos Konstantinos Pantos | |
02 | avm/ptn/ai-platform/baseline | AI Platform - Baseline | cecheta Chinedum Echeta ross-p-smith Ross Smith | |
03 | avm/ptn/app/container-job-toolkit | Container Job Toolkit | ReneHezser Rene Hezser | |
04 | avm/ptn/authorization/policy-assignment | Authorization - Policy Assignment | arnoldna Nate Arnold | |
05 | avm/ptn/authorization/policy-exemption | Authorization - Policy Exemption | oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
06 | avm/ptn/authorization/resource-role-assignment | Authorization - Resource Role Assignment | peterbud Peter Budai | |
07 | avm/ptn/authorization/role-assignment | Authorization - Role Assignment | arnoldna Nate Arnold | |
08 | avm/ptn/authorization/role-definition | Authorization - Role Definition | jtracey93 Jack Tracey | |
09 | avm/ptn/azd/acr-container-app | AZD - ACR Container App Azure Developer CLI - ACR Container App | jongio Jon Gallant | |
10 | avm/ptn/azd/aks | AZD - AKS Azure Developer CLI - Azure Kubernetes Services | jongio Jon Gallant | |
11 | avm/ptn/azd/aks-automatic-cluster | AZD - AKS Automatic Cluster Azure Developer CLI - Azure Kubernetes Services Automatic Cluster | jongio Jon Gallant | |
12 | avm/ptn/azd/apim-api | AZD - APIM API Azure Developer CLI - API Management | jongio Jon Gallant | |
13 | avm/ptn/azd/container-app-upsert | AZD - Container App Upsert Azure Developer CLI - Container Apps Upsert | jongio Jon Gallant | |
14 | avm/ptn/azd/container-apps-stack | AZD - Container Apps Stack Azure Developer CLI - Container Apps Stack | jongio Jon Gallant | |
15 | avm/ptn/azd/insights-dashboard | AZD - Insights Dashboard Azure Developer CLI - Inishgts Dashboard | jongio Jon Gallant | |
16 | avm/ptn/azd/ml-ai-environment | AZD - ML AI Environment Azure Developer CLI - Machine Learning AI Environment | jongio Jon Gallant | |
17 | avm/ptn/azd/ml-hub-dependencies | AZD - ML Hub Dependencies Azure Developer CLI - Machine Learning Hub Dependencies | jongio Jon Gallant | |
18 | avm/ptn/azd/ml-project | AZD - ML Project Azure Developer CLI - Machine Learning Project | jongio Jon Gallant | |
19 | avm/ptn/azd/monitoring | AZD - Monitoring Azure Developer CLI - Monitoring | jongio Jon Gallant | |
20 | avm/ptn/data/private-analytical-workspace | Private Analytical Workspace Data Analytics, Data Lake, Databricks, Database | jbinko Jiri Binko | |
21 | avm/ptn/deployment-script/import-image-to-acr | Deployment Script - Import Container Image to ACR | ReneHezser Rene Hezser | |
22 | avm/ptn/dev-ops/cicd-agents-and-runners | Azure DevOps and GitHub CI/CD Agents and Runners | sebassem Seif Bassem | |
23 | avm/ptn/finops-toolkit/finops-hub | FinOps Toolkit - FinOps Hub | arthurclares Arthur Clares | |
24 | avm/ptn/lz/sub-vending | Landing Zone Subscription Vending | jtracey93 Jack Tracey sebassem Seif Bassem | |
25 | avm/ptn/network/hub-networking | Hub Networking | hundredacres Matt Schmitt | |
26 | avm/ptn/network/private-link-private-dns-zones | Private Link Private DNS Zones | jtracey93 Jack Tracey | |
27 | avm/ptn/policy-insights/remediation | Policy Insights Remediation | donk-msft Don Koning | |
28 | avm/ptn/security/security-center | Azure Security Center (Defender for Cloud) | tony-box Tony Box | |
29 | avm/ptn/virtual-machine-images/azure-image-builder | Custom Images using Azure Image Builder | AlexanderSehr Alexander Sehr |
Proposed modules - 🆕
➕ Proposed Modules - Module names, status and owners
No. | Module Name | Display Name | Status & Versions | Owner(s) |
01 | avm/ptn/ai/chat-with-your-data | AI - Chat With Your Data | aldunson Almicia Dunson | |
02 | avm/ptn/alz/decommissioned | Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Decommissioned | jtracey93 Jack Tracey oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
03 | avm/ptn/alz/empty | Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Empty | jtracey93 Jack Tracey oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
04 | avm/ptn/alz/int-root | Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Intermediate Root | jtracey93 Jack Tracey oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
05 | avm/ptn/alz/landing-zones | Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Landing Zones | jtracey93 Jack Tracey oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
06 | avm/ptn/alz/landing-zones-corp | Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Landing Zones Corp | jtracey93 Jack Tracey oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
07 | avm/ptn/alz/landing-zones-online | Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Landing Zones Online | jtracey93 Jack Tracey oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
08 | avm/ptn/alz/platform | Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Platform | jtracey93 Jack Tracey oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
09 | avm/ptn/alz/platform-connectivity | Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Platform Connectivity | jtracey93 Jack Tracey oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
10 | avm/ptn/alz/platform-identity | Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Platform Identity | jtracey93 Jack Tracey oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
11 | avm/ptn/alz/platform-management | Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Platform Management | jtracey93 Jack Tracey oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
12 | avm/ptn/alz/sandbox | Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Sandbox | jtracey93 Jack Tracey oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
13 | avm/ptn/app-service-lza/hosting-environment | App Service LZA - Hosting Environment | ibersanoMS Isabelle Bersano | |
14 | avm/ptn/authorization/management-group-role-assignment | Authorization - Management Group Role Assignment | arnoldna Nate Arnold | |
15 | avm/ptn/authorization/pim-role-assignment | Authorization - PIM Role Assignment | sebassem Seif Bassem | |
16 | avm/ptn/authorization/resource-group-role-assignment | Authorization - Resource Group Role Assignment | arnoldna Nate Arnold | |
17 | avm/ptn/authorization/subscription-role-assignment | Authorization - Subscription Role Assignment | arnoldna Nate Arnold | |
18 | avm/ptn/avd-lza/insights | Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) LZA - Insights | danycontre Dany Contreras danycontre Dany Contreras | |
19 | avm/ptn/avd-lza/management-plane | Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) LZA - Management Plane | danycontre Dany Contreras moisesjgomez Moises Gomez Cortez | |
20 | avm/ptn/avd-lza/networking | Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) LZA - Networking | moisesjgomez Moises Gomez Cortez danycontre Dany Contreras | |
21 | avm/ptn/avd-lza/session-hosts | Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) LZA - Session Hosts | danycontre Dany Contreras danycontre Dany Contreras | |
22 | avm/ptn/deployment-script/create-kv-ssh-key-pair | Deployment Script - Create Key Vault SSH Key Pair | vlahane Vishal Lahane | |
23 | avm/ptn/deployment-script/private | Deployment Script - Private Script | sebassem Seif Bassem | |
24 | avm/ptn/dev-center/dev-box | Dev-Box | timfurnival-MSFT Tim Furnival | |
25 | avm/ptn/lza-shared/data-services | LZA Shared - Data Services Landing Zone Accelerators - Shared - Data Services | kpantos Konstantinos Pantos | |
26 | avm/ptn/maintenance/azure-update-manager | Azure Update Manager | akhilthomas011 Akhil Thomas | |
27 | avm/ptn/mgmt-groups/subscription-placement | Management Groups - Subscription Placement | oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
28 | avm/ptn/monitoring/amba | Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts (AMBA) | arjenhuitema Arjen Huitema | |
29 | avm/ptn/monitoring/amba-alz | Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts (AMBA) - ALZ | arjenhuitema Arjen Huitema | |
30 | avm/ptn/network/virtual-wan | Virtual WAN vWAN | ericscheffler Eric Scheffler juancj Juan Jimenez | |
31 | avm/ptn/network/vwan-connected-vnets | VNETs peered to Virtual WAN | juancj Juan Jimenez ericscheffler Eric Scheffler | |
32 | avm/ptn/openai/cognitive-search | Corporate Line of Business (LoB) ChatBot | andbron Andrew Lambert | |
33 | avm/ptn/openai/e2e-baseline | Azure OpenAI End-to-End Baseline Implementation | amillerb Alexandra Miller-Browne |
All modules - 📇
➕ All Modules - Module names, status and owners
No. | Module Name | Display Name | Status & Versions | Owner(s) |
01 | avm/ptn/aca-lza/hosting-environment | Azure Container Apps (ACA) LZA - Hosting Environment | kpantos Konstantinos Pantos | |
02 | avm/ptn/ai-platform/baseline | AI Platform - Baseline | cecheta Chinedum Echeta ross-p-smith Ross Smith | |
03 | avm/ptn/ai/chat-with-your-data | AI - Chat With Your Data | aldunson Almicia Dunson | |
04 | avm/ptn/alz/decommissioned | Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Decommissioned | jtracey93 Jack Tracey oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
05 | avm/ptn/alz/empty | Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Empty | jtracey93 Jack Tracey oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
06 | avm/ptn/alz/int-root | Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Intermediate Root | jtracey93 Jack Tracey oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
07 | avm/ptn/alz/landing-zones | Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Landing Zones | jtracey93 Jack Tracey oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
08 | avm/ptn/alz/landing-zones-corp | Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Landing Zones Corp | jtracey93 Jack Tracey oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
09 | avm/ptn/alz/landing-zones-online | Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Landing Zones Online | jtracey93 Jack Tracey oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
10 | avm/ptn/alz/platform | Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Platform | jtracey93 Jack Tracey oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
11 | avm/ptn/alz/platform-connectivity | Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Platform Connectivity | jtracey93 Jack Tracey oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
12 | avm/ptn/alz/platform-identity | Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Platform Identity | jtracey93 Jack Tracey oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
13 | avm/ptn/alz/platform-management | Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Platform Management | jtracey93 Jack Tracey oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
14 | avm/ptn/alz/sandbox | Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Sandbox | jtracey93 Jack Tracey oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
15 | avm/ptn/app-service-lza/hosting-environment | App Service LZA - Hosting Environment | ibersanoMS Isabelle Bersano | |
16 | avm/ptn/app/container-job-toolkit | Container Job Toolkit | ReneHezser Rene Hezser | |
17 | avm/ptn/authorization/management-group-role-assignment | Authorization - Management Group Role Assignment | arnoldna Nate Arnold | |
18 | avm/ptn/authorization/pim-role-assignment | Authorization - PIM Role Assignment | sebassem Seif Bassem | |
19 | avm/ptn/authorization/policy-assignment | Authorization - Policy Assignment | arnoldna Nate Arnold | |
20 | avm/ptn/authorization/policy-exemption | Authorization - Policy Exemption | oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
21 | avm/ptn/authorization/resource-group-role-assignment | Authorization - Resource Group Role Assignment | arnoldna Nate Arnold | |
22 | avm/ptn/authorization/resource-role-assignment | Authorization - Resource Role Assignment | peterbud Peter Budai | |
23 | avm/ptn/authorization/role-assignment | Authorization - Role Assignment | arnoldna Nate Arnold | |
24 | avm/ptn/authorization/role-definition | Authorization - Role Definition | jtracey93 Jack Tracey | |
25 | avm/ptn/authorization/subscription-role-assignment | Authorization - Subscription Role Assignment | arnoldna Nate Arnold | |
26 | avm/ptn/avd-lza/insights | Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) LZA - Insights | danycontre Dany Contreras danycontre Dany Contreras | |
27 | avm/ptn/avd-lza/management-plane | Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) LZA - Management Plane | danycontre Dany Contreras moisesjgomez Moises Gomez Cortez | |
28 | avm/ptn/avd-lza/networking | Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) LZA - Networking | moisesjgomez Moises Gomez Cortez danycontre Dany Contreras | |
29 | avm/ptn/avd-lza/session-hosts | Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) LZA - Session Hosts | danycontre Dany Contreras danycontre Dany Contreras | |
30 | avm/ptn/azd/acr-container-app | AZD - ACR Container App Azure Developer CLI - ACR Container App | jongio Jon Gallant | |
31 | avm/ptn/azd/aks | AZD - AKS Azure Developer CLI - Azure Kubernetes Services | jongio Jon Gallant | |
32 | avm/ptn/azd/aks-automatic-cluster | AZD - AKS Automatic Cluster Azure Developer CLI - Azure Kubernetes Services Automatic Cluster | jongio Jon Gallant | |
33 | avm/ptn/azd/apim-api | AZD - APIM API Azure Developer CLI - API Management | jongio Jon Gallant | |
34 | avm/ptn/azd/container-app-upsert | AZD - Container App Upsert Azure Developer CLI - Container Apps Upsert | jongio Jon Gallant | |
35 | avm/ptn/azd/container-apps-stack | AZD - Container Apps Stack Azure Developer CLI - Container Apps Stack | jongio Jon Gallant | |
36 | avm/ptn/azd/insights-dashboard | AZD - Insights Dashboard Azure Developer CLI - Inishgts Dashboard | jongio Jon Gallant | |
37 | avm/ptn/azd/ml-ai-environment | AZD - ML AI Environment Azure Developer CLI - Machine Learning AI Environment | jongio Jon Gallant | |
38 | avm/ptn/azd/ml-hub-dependencies | AZD - ML Hub Dependencies Azure Developer CLI - Machine Learning Hub Dependencies | jongio Jon Gallant | |
39 | avm/ptn/azd/ml-project | AZD - ML Project Azure Developer CLI - Machine Learning Project | jongio Jon Gallant | |
40 | avm/ptn/azd/monitoring | AZD - Monitoring Azure Developer CLI - Monitoring | jongio Jon Gallant | |
41 | avm/ptn/data/private-analytical-workspace | Private Analytical Workspace Data Analytics, Data Lake, Databricks, Database | jbinko Jiri Binko | |
42 | avm/ptn/deployment-script/create-kv-ssh-key-pair | Deployment Script - Create Key Vault SSH Key Pair | vlahane Vishal Lahane | |
43 | avm/ptn/deployment-script/import-image-to-acr | Deployment Script - Import Container Image to ACR | ReneHezser Rene Hezser | |
44 | avm/ptn/deployment-script/private | Deployment Script - Private Script | sebassem Seif Bassem | |
45 | avm/ptn/dev-center/dev-box | Dev-Box | timfurnival-MSFT Tim Furnival | |
46 | avm/ptn/dev-ops/cicd-agents-and-runners | Azure DevOps and GitHub CI/CD Agents and Runners | sebassem Seif Bassem | |
47 | avm/ptn/finops-toolkit/finops-hub | FinOps Toolkit - FinOps Hub | arthurclares Arthur Clares | |
48 | avm/ptn/lz/sub-vending | Landing Zone Subscription Vending | jtracey93 Jack Tracey sebassem Seif Bassem | |
49 | avm/ptn/lza-shared/data-services | LZA Shared - Data Services Landing Zone Accelerators - Shared - Data Services | kpantos Konstantinos Pantos | |
50 | avm/ptn/maintenance/azure-update-manager | Azure Update Manager | akhilthomas011 Akhil Thomas | |
51 | avm/ptn/mgmt-groups/subscription-placement | Management Groups - Subscription Placement | oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
52 | avm/ptn/monitoring/amba | Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts (AMBA) | arjenhuitema Arjen Huitema | |
53 | avm/ptn/monitoring/amba-alz | Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts (AMBA) - ALZ | arjenhuitema Arjen Huitema | |
54 | avm/ptn/network/hub-networking | Hub Networking | hundredacres Matt Schmitt | |
55 | avm/ptn/network/private-link-private-dns-zones | Private Link Private DNS Zones | jtracey93 Jack Tracey | |
56 | avm/ptn/network/virtual-wan | Virtual WAN vWAN | ericscheffler Eric Scheffler juancj Juan Jimenez | |
57 | avm/ptn/network/vwan-connected-vnets | VNETs peered to Virtual WAN | juancj Juan Jimenez ericscheffler Eric Scheffler | |
58 | avm/ptn/openai/cognitive-search | Corporate Line of Business (LoB) ChatBot | andbron Andrew Lambert | |
59 | avm/ptn/openai/e2e-baseline | Azure OpenAI End-to-End Baseline Implementation | amillerb Alexandra Miller-Browne | |
60 | avm/ptn/policy-insights/remediation | Policy Insights Remediation | donk-msft Don Koning | |
61 | avm/ptn/security/security-center | Azure Security Center (Defender for Cloud) | tony-box Tony Box | |
62 | avm/ptn/virtual-machine-images/azure-image-builder | Custom Images using Azure Image Builder | AlexanderSehr Alexander Sehr |
Module Publication History - 📅
➕ Module Publication History - Module names, status and owners
Modules published in December 2024
No. | Module Name | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm/ptn/app/container-job-toolkit | Container Job Toolkit (Child of <nil>) | ReneHezser Rene Hezser | |
02 | avm/ptn/authorization/policy-exemption | Authorization - Policy Exemption (Child of <nil>) | oZakari Zach Trocinski | |
03 | avm/ptn/authorization/role-definition | Authorization - Role Definition (Child of <nil>) | jtracey93 Jack Tracey | |
04 | avm/ptn/azd/aks-automatic-cluster | AZD - AKS Automatic Cluster (Child of <nil>) Azure Developer CLI - Azure Kubernetes Services Automatic Cluster | jongio Jon Gallant |
Modules published in October 2024
No. | Module Name | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm/ptn/azd/acr-container-app | AZD - ACR Container App (Child of <nil>) Azure Developer CLI - ACR Container App | jongio Jon Gallant | |
02 | avm/ptn/azd/aks | AZD - AKS (Child of <nil>) Azure Developer CLI - Azure Kubernetes Services | jongio Jon Gallant | |
03 | avm/ptn/azd/container-app-upsert | AZD - Container App Upsert (Child of <nil>) Azure Developer CLI - Container Apps Upsert | jongio Jon Gallant | |
04 | avm/ptn/azd/container-apps-stack | AZD - Container Apps Stack (Child of <nil>) Azure Developer CLI - Container Apps Stack | jongio Jon Gallant | |
05 | avm/ptn/azd/ml-ai-environment | AZD - ML AI Environment (Child of <nil>) Azure Developer CLI - Machine Learning AI Environment | jongio Jon Gallant | |
06 | avm/ptn/azd/ml-hub-dependencies | AZD - ML Hub Dependencies (Child of <nil>) Azure Developer CLI - Machine Learning Hub Dependencies | jongio Jon Gallant | |
07 | avm/ptn/azd/ml-project | AZD - ML Project (Child of <nil>) Azure Developer CLI - Machine Learning Project | jongio Jon Gallant | |
08 | avm/ptn/azd/monitoring | AZD - Monitoring (Child of <nil>) Azure Developer CLI - Monitoring | jongio Jon Gallant | |
09 | avm/ptn/data/private-analytical-workspace | Private Analytical Workspace (Child of <nil>) Data Analytics, Data Lake, Databricks, Database | jbinko Jiri Binko |
Modules published in September 2024
No. | Module Name | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm/ptn/azd/apim-api | AZD - APIM API (Child of <nil>) Azure Developer CLI - API Management | jongio Jon Gallant | |
02 | avm/ptn/azd/insights-dashboard | AZD - Insights Dashboard (Child of <nil>) Azure Developer CLI - Inishgts Dashboard | jongio Jon Gallant | |
03 | avm/ptn/dev-ops/cicd-agents-and-runners | Azure DevOps and GitHub CI/CD Agents and Runners (Child of <nil>) | sebassem Seif Bassem | |
04 | avm/ptn/network/hub-networking | Hub Networking (Child of <nil>) | hundredacres Matt Schmitt | |
05 | avm/ptn/virtual-machine-images/azure-image-builder | Custom Images using Azure Image Builder (Child of <nil>) | AlexanderSehr Alexander Sehr |
Modules published in August 2024
No. | Module Name | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm/ptn/aca-lza/hosting-environment | Azure Container Apps (ACA) LZA - Hosting Environment (Child of <nil>) | kpantos Konstantinos Pantos |
Modules published in July 2024
No. | Module Name | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm/ptn/ai-platform/baseline | AI Platform - Baseline (Child of <nil>) | cecheta Chinedum Echeta | |
02 | avm/ptn/deployment-script/import-image-to-acr | Deployment Script - Import Container Image to ACR (Child of <nil>) | ReneHezser Rene Hezser | |
03 | avm/ptn/network/private-link-private-dns-zones | Private Link Private DNS Zones (Child of <nil>) | jtracey93 Jack Tracey |
Modules published in June 2024
No. | Module Name | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm/ptn/lz/sub-vending | Landing Zone Subscription Vending (Child of <nil>) | jtracey93 Jack Tracey |
Modules published in May 2024
No. | Module Name | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm/ptn/authorization/resource-role-assignment | Authorization - Resource Role Assignment (Child of <nil>) | peterbud Peter Budai | |
02 | avm/ptn/finops-toolkit/finops-hub | FinOps Toolkit - FinOps Hub (Child of <nil>) | arthurclares Arthur Clares |
Modules published in April 2024
No. | Module Name | Display Name | Status & Versions | Primary Owner |
01 | avm/ptn/authorization/policy-assignment | Authorization - Policy Assignment (Child of <nil>) | arnoldna Nate Arnold | |
02 | avm/ptn/authorization/role-assignment | Authorization - Role Assignment (Child of <nil>) | arnoldna Nate Arnold | |
03 | avm/ptn/policy-insights/remediation | Policy Insights Remediation (Child of <nil>) | donk-msft Don Koning | |
04 | avm/ptn/security/security-center | Azure Security Center (Defender for Cloud) (Child of <nil>) | tony-box Tony Box |
For Module Owners & Contributors
This section is mainly intended for module owners and contributors as it contains information important for module development, such as telemetry ID prefix, and GitHub Teams for Owners & Contributors.
Module name, Telemetry ID prefix, GitHub Teams for Owners & Contributors
➕ All Modules - Module name, Telemetry ID prefix, GitHub Teams for Owners & Contributors
No. | Module Name | Telemetry ID prefix | GitHub Teams for Module Owners and Contributors |
01 | avm/ptn/aca-lza/hosting-environment | 46d3xbcp.ptn.acalza-hostingenvironment | |
02 | avm/ptn/ai-platform/baseline | 46d3xbcp.ptn.aiplatform-baseline | |
03 | avm/ptn/ai/chat-with-your-data | | |
04 | avm/ptn/alz/decommissioned | 46d3xbcp.ptn.alz-decommissioned | |
05 | avm/ptn/alz/empty | 46d3xbcp.ptn.alz-empty | |
06 | avm/ptn/alz/int-root | | |
07 | avm/ptn/alz/landing-zones | 46d3xbcp.ptn.alz-landingzones | |
08 | avm/ptn/alz/landing-zones-corp | 46d3xbcp.ptn.alz-landingzonescorp | |
09 | avm/ptn/alz/landing-zones-online | 46d3xbcp.ptn.alz-landingzonesonline | |
10 | avm/ptn/alz/platform | 46d3xbcp.ptn.alz-platform | |
11 | avm/ptn/alz/platform-connectivity | 46d3xbcp.ptn.alz-platformconnectivity | |
12 | avm/ptn/alz/platform-identity | 46d3xbcp.ptn.alz-platformidentity | |
13 | avm/ptn/alz/platform-management | 46d3xbcp.ptn.alz-platformmanagement | |
14 | avm/ptn/alz/sandbox | 46d3xbcp.ptn.alz-sandbox | |
15 | avm/ptn/app-service-lza/hosting-environment | 46d3xbcp.ptn.appsvclza-hostingenvironment | |
16 | avm/ptn/app/container-job-toolkit | | |
17 | avm/ptn/authorization/management-group-role-assignment | 46d3xbcp.ptn.authorization-mgroleassignment | |
18 | avm/ptn/authorization/pim-role-assignment | 46d3xbcp.ptn.authorization-pimroleassignment | |
19 | avm/ptn/authorization/policy-assignment | 46d3xbcp.ptn.authorization-policyassignment | |
20 | avm/ptn/authorization/policy-exemption | 46d3xbcp.ptn.authorization-policyexemption | |
21 | avm/ptn/authorization/resource-group-role-assignment | 46d3xbcp.ptn.authorization-rgroleassignment | |
22 | avm/ptn/authorization/resource-role-assignment | 46d3xbcp.ptn.authorization-resourceroleassignment | |
23 | avm/ptn/authorization/role-assignment | 46d3xbcp.ptn.authorization-roleassignment | |
24 | avm/ptn/authorization/role-definition | 46d3xbcp.ptn.authorization-roledefinition | |
25 | avm/ptn/authorization/subscription-role-assignment | 46d3xbcp.ptn.authorization-subscriptionroleassignment | |
26 | avm/ptn/avd-lza/insights | 46d3xbcp.ptn.avdlza-insights | |
27 | avm/ptn/avd-lza/management-plane | 46d3xbcp.ptn.avdlza-managementplane | |
28 | avm/ptn/avd-lza/networking | 46d3xbcp.ptn.avdlza-networking | |
29 | avm/ptn/avd-lza/session-hosts | 46d3xbcp.ptn.avdlza-sessionhosts | |
30 | avm/ptn/azd/acr-container-app | 46d3xbcp.ptn.azd-acrcontainerapp | |
31 | avm/ptn/azd/aks | 46d3xbcp.ptn.azd-aks | |
32 | avm/ptn/azd/aks-automatic-cluster | 46d3xbcp.ptn.azd-aksautomaticcluster | |
33 | avm/ptn/azd/apim-api | 46d3xbcp.ptn.azd-apimapi | |
34 | avm/ptn/azd/container-app-upsert | 46d3xbcp.ptn.azd-containerappupsert | |
35 | avm/ptn/azd/container-apps-stack | 46d3xbcp.ptn.azd-containerappsstack | |
36 | avm/ptn/azd/insights-dashboard | 46d3xbcp.ptn.azd-insightsdashboard | |
37 | avm/ptn/azd/ml-ai-environment | 46d3xbcp.ptn.azd-mlaienvironment | |
38 | avm/ptn/azd/ml-hub-dependencies | 46d3xbcp.ptn.azd-mlhubdependencies | |
39 | avm/ptn/azd/ml-project | 46d3xbcp.ptn.azd-mlproject | |
40 | avm/ptn/azd/monitoring | 46d3xbcp.ptn.azd-monitoring | |
41 | avm/ptn/data/private-analytical-workspace | | |
42 | avm/ptn/deployment-script/create-kv-ssh-key-pair | 46d3xbcp.ptn.deploymentscript-createkvsshkeypair | |
43 | avm/ptn/deployment-script/import-image-to-acr | 46d3xbcp.ptn.deploymentscript-importimagetoacr | |
44 | avm/ptn/deployment-script/private | 46d3xbcp.ptn.deploymentscript-private | |
45 | avm/ptn/dev-center/dev-box | 46d3xbcp.ptn.devcenter-devbox | |
46 | avm/ptn/dev-ops/cicd-agents-and-runners | 46d3xbcp.ptn.devops-cicdagentsandrunners | |
47 | avm/ptn/finops-toolkit/finops-hub | 46d3xbcp.ptn.finopstoolkit-finopshub | |
48 | avm/ptn/lz/sub-vending | 46d3xbcp.ptn.lz-subvending | |
49 | avm/ptn/lza-shared/data-services | 46d3xbcp.ptn.lzashared-dataservices | |
50 | avm/ptn/maintenance/azure-update-manager | 46d3xbcp.ptn.maintenance-azureupdatemanager | |
51 | avm/ptn/mgmt-groups/subscription-placement | 46d3xbcp.ptn.mgmtgroup-subplacement | |
52 | avm/ptn/monitoring/amba | 46d3xbcp.ptn.monitoring-amba | |
53 | avm/ptn/monitoring/amba-alz | 46d3xbcp.ptn.monitoring-ambaalz | |
54 | avm/ptn/network/hub-networking | | |
55 | avm/ptn/network/private-link-private-dns-zones | | |
56 | avm/ptn/network/virtual-wan | | |
57 | avm/ptn/network/vwan-connected-vnets | | |
58 | avm/ptn/openai/cognitive-search | 46d3xbcp.ptn.openai-cognitivesearch | |
59 | avm/ptn/openai/e2e-baseline | 46d3xbcp.ptn.openai-e2ebaseline | |
60 | avm/ptn/policy-insights/remediation | 46d3xbcp.ptn.policyinsights-remediation | |
61 | avm/ptn/security/security-center | | |
62 | avm/ptn/virtual-machine-images/azure-image-builder | 46d3xbcp.ptn.vmimages-azureimagebuilder |