Bicep Pattern Modules
Modules listed below that aren’t shown with the status ofModule Available 🟢
, are currently in development and are not yet available for use. For proposed modules, see the Proposed modules section below.
The following table shows the number of all available, orphaned and proposed Bicep Pattern Modules.
➕ All Modules - Module names, status and owners
No. | Module Name | Display Name | Status & Versions | Owner(s) |
01 | avm/ptn/aca-lza/hosting-environment | Azure Container Apps (ACA) LZA - Hosting Environment | kpantos (Konstantinos Pantos) | |
02 | avm/ptn/ai-platform/baseline | AI Platform - Baseline | cecheta (Chinedum Echeta) ross-p-smith (Ross Smith) | |
03 | avm/ptn/ai/chat-with-your-data | AI - Chat With Your Data | aldunson (Almicia Dunson) | |
04 | avm/ptn/app-service-lza/hosting-environment | App Service LZA - Hosting Environment | ibersanoMS (Isabelle Bersano) | |
05 | avm/ptn/app/container-job-toolkit | Container Job Toolkit | ReneHezser (Rene Hezser) | |
06 | avm/ptn/authorization/management-group-role-assignment | Authorization - Management Group Role Assignment | arnoldna (Nate Arnold) | |
07 | avm/ptn/authorization/pim-role-assignment | Authorization - PIM Role Assignment | ||
08 | avm/ptn/authorization/policy-assignment | Authorization - Policy Assignment | arnoldna (Nate Arnold) | |
09 | avm/ptn/authorization/policy-exemption | Authorization - Policy Exemption | oZakari (Zach Trocinski) | |
10 | avm/ptn/authorization/resource-group-role-assignment | Authorization - Resource Group Role Assignment | arnoldna (Nate Arnold) | |
11 | avm/ptn/authorization/resource-role-assignment | Authorization - Resource Role Assignment | peterbud (Peter Budai) | |
12 | avm/ptn/authorization/role-assignment | Authorization - Role Assignment | arnoldna (Nate Arnold) | |
13 | avm/ptn/authorization/role-definition | Authorization - Role Definition | jtracey93 (Jack Tracey) | |
14 | avm/ptn/authorization/subscription-role-assignment | Authorization - Subscription Role Assignment | arnoldna (Nate Arnold) | |
15 | avm/ptn/avd-lza/insights | Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) LZA - Insights | danycontre (Dany Contreras) danycontre (Dany Contreras) | |
16 | avm/ptn/avd-lza/management-plane | Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) LZA - Management Plane | danycontre (Dany Contreras) moisesjgomez (Moises Gomez Cortez) | |
17 | avm/ptn/avd-lza/networking | Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) LZA - Networking | moisesjgomez (Moises Gomez Cortez) danycontre (Dany Contreras) | |
18 | avm/ptn/avd-lza/session-hosts | Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) LZA - Session Hosts | danycontre (Dany Contreras) danycontre (Dany Contreras) | |
19 | avm/ptn/azd/acr-container-app | AZD - ACR Container App Azure Developer CLI - ACR Container App | jongio (Jon Gallant) | |
20 | avm/ptn/azd/aks | AZD - AKS Azure Developer CLI - Azure Kubernetes Services | jongio (Jon Gallant) | |
21 | avm/ptn/azd/aks-automatic-cluster | AZD - AKS Automatic Cluster Azure Developer CLI - Azure Kubernetes Services Automatic Cluster | jongio (Jon Gallant) | |
22 | avm/ptn/azd/apim-api | AZD - APIM API Azure Developer CLI - API Management | jongio (Jon Gallant) | |
23 | avm/ptn/azd/container-app-upsert | AZD - Container App Upsert Azure Developer CLI - Container Apps Upsert | jongio (Jon Gallant) | |
24 | avm/ptn/azd/container-apps-stack | AZD - Container Apps Stack Azure Developer CLI - Container Apps Stack | jongio (Jon Gallant) | |
25 | avm/ptn/azd/insights-dashboard | AZD - Insights Dashboard Azure Developer CLI - Inishgts Dashboard | jongio (Jon Gallant) | |
26 | avm/ptn/azd/ml-ai-environment | AZD - ML AI Environment Azure Developer CLI - Machine Learning AI Environment | jongio (Jon Gallant) | |
27 | avm/ptn/azd/ml-hub-dependencies | AZD - ML Hub Dependencies Azure Developer CLI - Machine Learning Hub Dependencies | jongio (Jon Gallant) | |
28 | avm/ptn/azd/ml-project | AZD - ML Project Azure Developer CLI - Machine Learning Project | jongio (Jon Gallant) | |
29 | avm/ptn/azd/monitoring | AZD - Monitoring Azure Developer CLI - Monitoring | jongio (Jon Gallant) | |
30 | avm/ptn/data/private-analytical-workspace | Private Analytical Workspace Data Analytics, Data Lake, Databricks, Database | jbinko (Jiri Binko) | |
31 | avm/ptn/deployment-script/create-kv-ssh-key-pair | Deployment Script - Create Key Vault SSH Key Pair | vlahane (Vishal Lahane) | |
32 | avm/ptn/deployment-script/import-image-to-acr | Deployment Script - Import Container Image to ACR | ReneHezser (Rene Hezser) | |
33 | avm/ptn/deployment-script/private | Deployment Script - Private Script | sebassem (Seif Bassem) | |
34 | avm/ptn/dev-center/dev-box | Dev-Box | timfurnival-MSFT (Tim Furnival) | |
35 | avm/ptn/dev-ops/cicd-agents-and-runners | Azure DevOps and GitHub CI/CD Agents and Runners | sebassem (Seif Bassem) | |
36 | avm/ptn/finops-toolkit/finops-hub | FinOps Toolkit - FinOps Hub | arthurclares (Arthur Clares) | |
37 | avm/ptn/lz/sub-vending | Landing Zone Subscription Vending | jtracey93 (Jack Tracey) sebassem (Seif Bassem) | |
38 | avm/ptn/lza-shared/data-services | LZA Shared - Data Services Landing Zone Accelerators - Shared - Data Services | kpantos (Konstantinos Pantos) | |
39 | avm/ptn/maintenance/azure-update-manager | Azure Update Manager | akhilthomas011 (Akhil Thomas) | |
40 | avm/ptn/mgmt-groups/subscription-placement | Management Groups - Subscription Placement | oZakari (Zach Trocinski) | |
41 | avm/ptn/monitoring/amba | Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts (AMBA) | arjenhuitema (Arjen Huitema) | |
42 | avm/ptn/monitoring/amba-alz | Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts (AMBA) - ALZ | arjenhuitema (Arjen Huitema) | |
43 | avm/ptn/network/hub-networking | Hub Networking | hundredacres (Matt Schmitt) | |
44 | avm/ptn/network/private-link-private-dns-zones | Private Link Private DNS Zones | jtracey93 (Jack Tracey) | |
45 | avm/ptn/network/virtual-wan | Virtual WAN vWAN | ericscheffler (Eric Scheffler) juancj (Juan Jimenez) | |
46 | avm/ptn/network/vwan-connected-vnets | VNETs peered to Virtual WAN | juancj (Juan Jimenez) ericscheffler (Eric Scheffler) | |
47 | avm/ptn/openai/cognitive-search | Corporate Line of Business (LoB) ChatBot | andbron (Andrew Lambert) | |
48 | avm/ptn/openai/e2e-baseline | Azure OpenAI End-to-End Baseline Implementation | amillerb (Alexandra Miller-Browne) | |
49 | avm/ptn/policy-insights/remediation | Policy Insights Remediation | donk-msft (Don Koning) | |
50 | avm/ptn/security/security-center | Azure Security Center (Defender for Cloud) | tony-box (Tony Box) | |
51 | avm/ptn/virtual-machine-images/azure-image-builder | Custom Images using Azure Image Builder | AlexanderSehr (Alexander Sehr) |
This section is mainly intended for module owners and contributors as it contains information important for module development, such as telemetry ID prefix, and GitHub Teams for Owners & Contributors.