This page holds a table of all the terms, abbreviations, and acronyms that are used across this site.
Term/Abbreviation/Acronym | Definition |
AVM | Azure Verified Modules |
IaC | Infrastructure-as-Code |
CARML | Common Azure Resource Modules Library -
Azure/ResourceModules |
TFVM | Terraform Verified Modules -
Azure/terrafrom-azure-mdoules |
FY | Microsoft Fiscal Year (July to June) |
CY | Calendar Year (January to December) |
CSU | Microsoft Customer Success Unit |
ISD | Microsoft Industry Solution Delivery |
CSS | Microsoft Customer Services & Support |
LZA | Landing Zone Accelerators - e.g., Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD), Azure VMware Solution (AVS), etc. |
RP/RPs | Azure Resource Providers |
PG/PGs | Microsoft Product Group(s) |
AAC | Azure Architecture Center |
WAF | Well-Architected Framework |
One Microsoft | “We are a family of individuals united by a single, shared mission. It’s our ability to work together that makes our dreams believable and, ultimately, achievable. We will build on the ideas of others and collaborate across boundaries to bring the best of Microsoft to our customers as one. We are proud to be part of team Microsoft.” See Microsoft cultural attributes |
FTE/FTEs | Full Time Employee(s) |
GA | Generally Available |
MDFC | Microsoft Defender for Cloud |
MCSB | Microsoft Cloud Security Benchmark |
MCR | Microsoft Container Registry . Which is what the Bicep Public Registry uses to publish it’s modules via. |
PR | Pull Request |
Primary Resource | A primary resource is the main Azure service/product a Resource Module provides / is built around. |