PMNFR1 - Module Naming

ID: PMNFR1 - Category: Naming - Module Naming

Pattern Modules MUST follow the below naming conventions (all lower case):

Bicep Pattern Module Naming

  • Naming convention: avm/ptn/<hyphenated grouping/category name>/<hyphenated pattern module name>
  • Example: avm/ptn/compute/app-tier-vmss or avm/ptn/avd-lza/management-plane or avm/ptn/3-tier/web-app
  • Segments:
    • ptn defines this as a pattern module
    • <hyphenated grouping/category name> is a hierarchical grouping of pattern modules by category, with each word separated by dashes, such as:
      • project name, e.g., avd-lza,
      • primary resource provider, e.g., compute or network, or
      • architecture, e.g., 3-tier
    • <hyphenated pattern module name> is a term describing the module’s function, with each word separated by dashes, e.g., app-tier-vmss = Application Tier VMSS; management-plane = Azure Virtual Desktop Landing Zone Accelerator Management Plane

Terraform Pattern Module Naming

  • Naming convention:
    • avm-ptn-<pattern module name> (Module name for registry)
    • terraform-<provider>-avm-ptn-<pattern module name> (GitHub repository name to meet registry naming requirements)
  • Example: avm-ptn-apptiervmss or avm-ptn-avd-lza-managementplane
  • Segments:
    • <provider> is the logical abstraction of various APIs used by Terraform. In most cases, this is going to be azurerm or azuread for resource modules.
    • ptn defines this as a pattern module
    • <pattern module name> is a term describing the module’s function, e.g., apptiervmss = Application Tier VMSS; avd-lza-managementplane = Azure Virtual Desktop Landing Zone Accelerator Management Plane