BCPNFR13 - Test file metadata

ID: BCPNFR13 - Category: Testing - Test file metadata

By default, the ReadMe-generating utility will create usage examples headers based on each e2e folder’s name.
Module owners MAY provide a custom name & description by specifying the metadata blocks name & description in their main.test.bicep test files.

For example:

metadata name = 'Using Customer-Managed-Keys with System-Assigned identity'
metadata description = 'This instance deploys the module using Customer-Managed-Keys using a System-Assigned Identity. This required the service to be deployed twice, once as a pre-requisite to create the System-Assigned Identity, and once to use it for accessing the Customer-Managed-Key secret.'

would lead to a header in the module’s readme.md file along the lines of

### Example 1: _Using Customer-Managed-Keys with System-Assigned identity_

This instance deploys the module using Customer-Managed-Keys using a System-Assigned Identity. This required the service to be deployed twice, once as a pre-requisite to create the System-Assigned Identity, and once to use it for accessing the Customer-Managed-Key secret.