BCPNFR1 - User-defined types - General
To simplify the consumption experience for module consumers when interacting with complex data types input parameters, mainly objects and arrays, the Bicep feature of User-Defined Types MUST be used and declared.
User-Defined Types are GA in Bicep as of version v0.21.1, please ensure you have this version installed as a minimum.
User-Defined Types allow intellisense support in supported IDEs (e.g. Visual Studio Code) for complex input parameters using arrays and objects.
While the transition of CARML modules into AVM is complete, retrofitting User-Defined Types for all modules will take a considerable amount of time.
Therefore, the addition of User-Defined Types is currently NOT mandated/enforced. However, past their initial release, all modules MUST implement User-Defined Types prior to the release of their next version.