Web App

The presented resiliency recommendations in this guidance include Web App and associated settings.

Summary of Recommendations

Recommendations Details

App-1 - Enable diagnostics logging

Category: Monitoring

Impact: Low


Enabling diagnostics logging for your Azure App Service is important for monitoring and diagnostics purposes. It includes application logging and web server logging.


// under development

App-2 - Monitor Performance

Category: Monitoring

Impact: Medium


Use a performance monitoring service such Application Insights to monitor application performance and behavior under load. Performance monitoring gives you real-time insight into the application. It enables you to diagnose issues and perform root-cause analysis of failures.

Enable monitoring on your web applications based on ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, Java, and Node.js running on Azure App Service. Previously, you needed to manually instrument your app, but the latest extension/agent is now built into the App Service image by default.


Resource Graph Query

// under-development

App-3 - Separate web apps from web APIs

Category: System Efficiency

Impact: Low


If your solution has both a web front end and a web API, consider decomposing them into separate App Service apps. This design makes it easier to decompose the solution by workload. You can run the web app and the API in separate App Service plans, so they can be scaled independently. If you don’t need that level of scalability at first, you can deploy the apps into the same plan, and move them into separate plans later, if needed.


// cannot-be-validated-with-arg

App-4 - Create a separate storage account for logs

Category: System Efficiency

Impact: Medium


Create a separate storage account for logs. Don’t use the same storage account for logs and application data. This helps to prevent logging from reducing application performance.


// cannot-be-validated-with-arg

App-5 - Deploy to a staging slot

Category: Governance

Impact: Medium


Create a deployment slot for staging. Deploy application updates to the staging slot, and verify the deployment before swapping it into production. This reduces the chance of a bad update in production. It also ensures that all instances are warmed up before being swapped into production. Many applications have a significant warmup and cold-start time. For more information

Consider creating a deployment slot to hold the last-known-good (LKG) deployment. When you deploy an update to production, move the previous production deployment into the LKG slot. This makes it easier to roll back a bad deployment. If you discover a problem later, you can quickly revert to the LKG version. Resources

Resource Graph Query

// Azure Resource Graph Query
// Display App Service with the count of deployment slots for Apps under eligible App service plans and it shows if deployment slot is enabled or not

| where type =~ 'microsoft.web/sites' or type =~ 'microsoft.web/sites/slots'
| extend isSlot = iff(type =~ 'microsoft.web/sites/slots', 1, 0)
| extend AspName = iff(isSlot == 1, split(name, '/')[0], name)
| extend Sku = tostring(properties.sku)
| where tolower(Sku) contains "standard" or tolower(Sku) contains "premium" or tolower(Sku) contains "isolatedv2"
| project id, name, AspName, isSlot, Sku
| summarize Slots = countif(isSlot == 1) by id, name, AspName, Sku
| extend DeploymentSlotEnabled = iff(Slots > 1, true, false)
| where DeploymentSlotEnabled = false
| project recommendationId="app-5", name, id, tags="", param1=Sku, param2=Slots, param3="DeploymentSlotEnabled=false"

App-6 - Store configuration as app settings

Category: Application Resilience

Impact: Medium


Use app settings to hold configuration settings as app settings. Define the settings in your Resource Manager templates, or using PowerShell, so that you can apply them as part of an automated deployment / update process, which is more reliable.


// Azure Resource Graph Query
//Provides a list of Azure App Service resources that don't have App Settings configured

| where type == "microsoft.web/sites/config"
| extend AppSettings = iif(isempty(properties.AppSettings), true, false)
| where AppSettings == false
| project  recommendationId="app-6", id, name, tags="", param1="AppSettings is not configured"