Private Endpoints

The presented resiliency recommendations in this guidance include Private Endpoints and associated resources and settings.

Summary of Recommendations

Recommendations Details

PEP-1 - Resolve issues with Private Endpoints in non Succeeded connection state

Category: Networking

Impact: Medium


A private endpoint has two custom properties, static IP address and the network interface name. These properties must be set when the private endpoint is created. I the state is not in Succeeded state, there might be a problem with the private endpoint or with the associated resource.


Resource Graph Query

// Azure Resource Graph Query
// This query will return all Private Endpoints that are not in a Succeeded state
| where type =~ ""
| where properties.provisioningState != "Succeeded" or properties.privateLinkServiceConnections[0].properties.provisioningState != "Succeeded"
| project recommendationId = "pep-1", name, id, tags, param1 = strcat("provisioningState: ", tostring(properties.provisioningState)), param2 = strcat("provisioningState: ", tostring(properties.privateLinkServiceConnections[0].properties.provisioningState))