Api Management

The presented resiliency recommendations in this guidance include Api Management and associated resources and settings.

Summary of Recommendations

Recommendations Details

APIM-1 - Migrate API Management services to Premium SKU to support Availability Zones

Category: Availability

Impact: High


Upgrade the API Management instance to the Premium SKU to add support for Availability Zones.


Resource Graph Query

// Azure Resource Graph Query
// Find all API Management instances that aren't Premium
| where type =~ 'Microsoft.ApiManagement/service'
| extend skuName = sku.name
| where tolower(skuName) != tolower('premium')
| project recommendationId = "apim-1", name, id, tags, param1=strcat("SKU: ", skuName)

APIM-2 - Enable Availability Zones on Premium API Management instances

Category: Availability

Impact: High


Enable zone redundancy for APIM instances. With zone redundancy, the gateway and the control plane of your API Management instance (Management API, developer portal, Git configuration) are replicated across datacenters in physically separated zones, making it resilient to a zone failure.


Resource Graph Query

// Azure Resource Graph Query
// Find all Premium API Management instances that aren't zone redundant
| where type =~ 'Microsoft.ApiManagement/service'
| extend skuName = sku.name
| where tolower(skuName) == tolower('premium')
| where isnull(zones) or array_length(zones) < 2
| extend zoneValue = iff((isnull(zones)), "null", zones)
| project recommendationId = "apim-2", name, id, tags, param1="Zones: No Zone or Zonal", param2=strcat("Zones value: ", zoneValue )

APIM-3 - Upgrade to platform version stv2

Category: Availability

Impact: High


Upgrade to platform version stv2. The infrastructure associated with the API Management stv1 compute platform version will be retired effective 31 August 2024. A more current compute platform version (stv2) is already available and provides enhanced service capabilities.


Resource Graph Query/Scripts

// Azure Resource Graph Query
// Find all API Management instances that aren't upgraded to platform version stv2
| where type =~ 'Microsoft.ApiManagement/service'
| extend plat_version = properties.platformVersion
| extend skuName = sku.name
| where tolower(plat_version) != tolower('stv2')
| project recommendationId = "apim-3", name, id, tags, param1=strcat("Platform Version: ", plat_version) , param2=strcat("SKU: ", skuName)