Azure Site Recovery

The presented resiliency recommendations in this guidance include Azure Site Recovery and dependent resources and settings.

Summary of Recommendations

Recommendations Details

ASR-1 - Ensure static IP addresses configured in VM failover settings are available in the failover subnet

Category: Disaster Recovery

Impact: High


Ensure static IP addresses configured in VM failover settings are available in the failover subnet. During failover if the target subnet has the same address space as source then the same static ip address is assigned to target VM provided it is available, otherwise the next available IP address in the target subnet is set as the target VM NIC address. You can modify the target IP address in the Network settings of the VM.


Resource Graph Query

// cannot-be-validated-with-arg

ASR-2 - Perform a test failover to validate the functionality and performance of the VMs in the target location

Category: Disaster Recovery

Impact: High


Perform a test failover to validate your BCDR strategy and ensure that your applications are functioning correctly in the target region. This can be done without impacting your production environment. Test your Disaster Recovery plan periodically without any data loss or downtime, using test failovers.


Resource Graph Query

// Azure Resource Graph Query
// Find all VMs where replication has been enabled but Test Failover was never performed
| where type == "microsoft.recoveryservices/vaults/replicationfabrics/replicationprotectioncontainers/replicationprotecteditems"
| where properties.providerSpecificDetails.dataSourceInfo.datasourceType == 'AzureVm' and isnull(properties.lastSuccessfulTestFailoverTime)
| project recommendationId="asr-2" , name = properties.providerSpecificDetails.recoveryAzureVMName, id=properties.providerSpecificDetails.dataSourceInfo.resourceId